a busy day, up early, I clean the room where I am staying, leave a note for Jukka as he was up late and is still sleeping, he flies to Copenhagen this afternoon on the way back to Helsinki. I wander a bit, like old times of being the traveler, wander the streets with no particular goal. drop by C3 to get directions to the Academy of Fine Arts where Miklos is to meet me at noon. absorbing the ambiance of the place. moving around. the town becomes smaller in my mind than originally I had apprehended. I find Miklos at noon to discuss the situation of the Intermedia Department at the Academy of Fine Arts. I also meet another Miklos there, one who has been living in New York for some time and is now teaching web things to the students. shuffling feet, taking the pressure off them one-by-one. shoes sweaty and not so comfortable. I am fascinated by my own movement, the actuality of it, the being-ness of it (the train called Lehar rocks and vibrates and shakes). my hands are dirty, my asshole smells. I am sitting backwards, Lights converge to a point between my eyes if I stare in the direction exactly opposite to my movement relative to the earth. what more movement is there?