Back from a whirlwind trip to Colorado. No personal entries here on the blog for a long time. Sketching an assignment for the Survey job — got until 28 April 2016 to execute the following:
Enclosed is a newsletter [RockTalk Volume 4 #4] created by CGS staff in 2001. The main purpose of the newsletter was educational with a target audience of K-12 teachers, local government planners and elected officials, and the general public. The goal of the newsletter was to educate the public about soil and subsidence hazards and the role of geosciences in their lives.
Your assignment is to take one of the articles in the newsletter: subsidence above inactive coal mines, evaporite karst subsidence, or collapsible soils and develop at least one of the products listed below. You may elect to focus on a subset of the original target audience (if so, please identify the target audience) or target a broad audience. You may use photos or graphics from the original files, modify original files, or create new graphics or photos. If you use graphics or photos created by others, please credit the original source.
— Create a web page about the subject or;
— Create a new newsletter based on the subject, or;
— Create a blog based on the subject [ed: my choice – but the blog since taken down for getting too many hits — I was uncomfortable hosting the site as it had the CGS logo on it and as it proffered critical information].
In addition, to create interest and market your product, please create all of the following:
A social media plan to market your work. You have a budget of $500 to help implement the plan; and an example social media “post” that is primarily text based; and an example social media “post” that is primarily image based.
Deliverables can be links to your work product or pdf documents. The social media marketing plan should be no longer than two pages. The assignment is due by 5 pm MDT, April 28, 2016.
I’ll be fleshing out the blog with media content, so if you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know!