
A quick visit with Nils at the Media Academy in Köln yesterday, and happen to run into Irit Batsry who is running a video course there. I gush a little about the work of hers that I saw back in Montreal in 1995 — one of the single most powerful videos that I have ever seen. Walking between buildings, across Walter Peltzer Platz, Nils points out the two Golden Nica Award statues sitting in the window of the Knowbotic Research offices. later Volker and I go to a Kölsch brauerei for a bit of dinner.

She is Light itself and transcendent Emanating from Her body are rays in thousands — two thousand, a hundred thousand, tens of millions, a hundred million — there is no counting their numbers. It is by and through Her that all things are moving and motionless shine. It is by the Light of this goddess, this Devi, that all things become manifest. — Bhairava Yamala

Meet with Udo at to check into what he has been doing in the last three years. His current work explores relational data bases and how to construct complex navigational interfaces for interacting with the database — using it to construct a hyper-spatial narratives collaboratively. That is the key word — collaboratively — where the work evolves from a collective inter-dialogue which covers many aspects of everyone’s lives. A network constructed by a network! Along with some older experiments in data-basing of chats that are then reconfigured on the fly in further chat conversations between bots and humans. Very interesting stuff. The work produced for the equator project was one of the first tests. I hope to get him to provide such a space for neoscene occupation people to work in.