the weekend flies past. Sunday evening. Thanksgiving holiday weekend now in to its end. the rage of shopping has begun in Amurika, no doubt. where the signifier, money, begins to move at a speed precisely resonant with Buddhist prayer wheels, somewhere in Kathmandu. and the dying winter spirit year begins to shudder, pockets empty of change, debit cards shift magnetic charge, e-cash re-arranges binary form, and we all move one more shuffle, one more tank of gas, one more hamburger closer to an imagined End. end of digestion, end of palpitation, end of mastication, of flagellation, of invocation, of alienation, of sensation. no more hanging out watching this torso or that thigh. time to get tough, do basic things. learn to prepare bodies, prepare minds, prepare spirits. else be unprepared for the tests coming just over the immediate horizon.