looking out from. maybe not from the depths of soul, but looking out from this meaty incarnation, are eyes hungry by nature, are they only looking for, see-ing, food, reproductive potential, danger? can we see anything beyond this, beyond the carnal? do we have, at all, a spirit other than the spirit of any and all lives, Life on the planet?
Whatever the case, plans begin to form for a return to Europe in some few weeks. Starting off with the bricolabs/Pixelache project in Helsinki and then over to Tallinn and a small island off the Baltic coast of Estonia. Then back to Kiel via Vantaa. Hang there a bit, then on to Bremen, Frieder is looking into funding for a workshop in late June of early July. That would be nice to do one of those again — the German universities still seem to have that atmosphere of rigor that other places (the US!) seem to lack or have lost. Then to Köln, Berlin, and so on. Movement.
and then all the new encounters at CU. between students and faculty. but I cannot seem to further the idea of making this home.