M of IT – Day 4 – 10 September

week 3:

10 september – day 4 – locating technology: where is it? what does it do?
link to collective class notes
link to quiz notes

assignment: paired off with designated partner, answer 3 of the questions they (your partner) posed on their blog so far (groupwork – dedicate 2 hours for engagement) post both questions and answers to your blog (due 17 September).

asides (extra credit – 3-400 word blog entry on one of these):

Newspapers getting outsmarted on mobile
infotention (w/ Howard Rheingold) and an interview with Henry Jenkins (Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3)
Roxon edges towards keeping online data for two years
A new social media app: Cyberterrorism
The axe murderer who became a Facebook hero

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