Col. Bavaro was asked for a recommendation as to what has been done by Aeronutronics on their contract: does it meet the format set forth in the SC paper cited on 13 April: how does it compare with the C&GSC paper worked up for Aeronutronics guidance? Aeronutronics has developed hardware and has not (by contract interpretation) carried out their proposed “Information Development Plan,” Vol. VI of Aeronutronics Document C324.
JLV can’t find the large sheet containing the Research Program that we made up at FAA. I’ll have to get my film developed that I exposed before leaving FAA. I want to send this proposed plan to FAA.
Lt. Col. Adams at CONARC called Col. Bavaro for his opinions on Aeronutronics and JLV & I were asked to give ours, which is that they have built hardware to answer the display problem; they were not allowed to carry out their proposal for design of the info flow system.
JLV had a disc. with JFN, but Jim said he didn’t concur.
Mary, John, & May came out to spend the night, much to the delight of the children.
Went to a Boy Scout Committee meeting at the Acton Center Fire House. Three new men were present. At the instance of Col. Hale, a number of items were decided.