Sat in mtg all day with Cols. Darnell & Edwards, JFN, JLV, AA, RJB, EK & Col. Bavarro to try and answer Darnell’s questions. He finally decided to have Bavarro make a chart to show him who would do what & when. His questions were:
1) method of Simplex phase-in.
2) Time-table for Phase II Simplex (AEPG /LL)
3) Creation of a Project Management Office
4) What Army should do in ADP field?
5) Questions on briefings for Army’s top management.
At 4 PM he decided that the first 4 had been answered. I have a feeling that we have been working on the wrong problem, particularly when Darnell said that the only thing new in the Phase I Report is the material in Appendix A on Theory of Command; he wants it bound separately so it can get greater distribution. He kept pointing out that he has to have examples of concrete gain by automation. He thinks he can get AEPG strengthened to set up 2 centers.
Darnell also made the comment that it has req’d a cost of $10/instruction to reprogram MASS for MOBIDIC.
Snow in PM.
Took DCH to Scout mtg.; the Committee passed Bill Klaus on his First Class tests. Went to the Hosea’s to see a set of pictures on Russia by a chap who had been to the international conference in Moscow on automatic control last summer.