At the airport, seems I missed Mari, but the security line got too long and the time to boarding got short. goodbyes stack up: spent language, brief embraces, and what is felt? leave-taking, wet tarmac. quiet hollow winds scoop up surface moisture and make prolapsed thunderheads that range to the east. offshore is clear. aching jaw. writing of future is fiction, drawing on the past only sustains the image of actuality. writing the present kills precisely what needs to be written about. no substance. I don’t recall the instance: the first time viewing a perspectival convergence to see what coming, what is growing larger. at least understand that inside the motive drift is a tidal current pulling on all bodies. keeps them orbiting. and crashing together at various speeds. escaping those instances leads to interstellar space. cold, dark, entropic feeding on any warmth and life. (recall or even behold The Steppenwulf).
airport. Friday afternoon, flight to Brussels will be full of EU VIPs returning from the hinterlands. at least the roving middle-class managers: small vips.
while the news from the US becomes more and more grim. the Steve Kurtz case would be laughable except that it is only the beginning, and it is nothing to the FBI and CIA. it appears there has been a deep culture shift in the mentality of Amurikans. bunker-mode hardly explains it. it smells like fear of living. and the need to brand every small gesture as ‘with us or against us’.
another airport. looking at things in that critical view. looking at the Other passengers with kindness and empathy. why are we all here?