Sydney Non-Objective Gallery exhibition

[ed: An excerpt of neoscenes::drift was recently included in the Sydney Non-Objective Catalogue and CD 2005-2010, SNO Gallery, Sydney, AU, 2010 (gallery catalog and audio CD) ISBN 978-0-9805877-3-9, Mar 2010]

reflections on neoscenes :: drift

lost in a maelstrom of sonic simulations and stimulations, re-collected, re-presented, via various creato-destructive algorithmic methodologies, drift moves through many post-cartesian spaces and through several parallel universes. depending on your frame of reference you may follow a similar path. or you may not. drift demands relativity and provides quantum realism.

(01:00:00, stereo audio, 115 mb)

blurb for SNO gallery exhibition web site, November 2009, NSW, Australia:

drift arises from an ordered archive of ambient phonographic fragments recorded over the past twenty years or so. From this archive improvisational works are assembled: indeterminate and reductive modulations that critically sample the flow of embodied be-ing. Known objects and discrete events populate our world only because we are social animals who have learned the dominant protocols of the techno-social system that we inhabit. This condition is especially onerous with the protocols circumscribing the failed (object-oriented) materialist worldview. drift consciously moves algorithmically with-in and with-out of recognizable protocols, acknowledging that without these memory-impressed protocols, all immediate experience becomes an incomprehensible flow. However, the cosmos we participate in, and indeed, are part of, is composed of these flows and comprehension is an illusion. What we know is only the temporal persistence of patterns in our embodied consciousness which resonate with an attenuated selection of those flows. drift simulates the full signal width of the flows, recognizable or not, and simply transits the field which is the present.

blurb for SNO gallery wall, December 2009, NSW, Australia:

reflections on neoscenes :: drift

drift is an approach to the task of comprehending the flow of life around and through the energized body. In particular, sonic energy flows may be used as an indication of the order of the localized universe. In some worldviews, all points in a energy field are thought to contain the full (yet indeterminate) information set necessary to reconstruct the entire implicate order of the universe.


drift arises in habitually restless nomadic sampling of sonic energies.

drift depends on a somewhat fluid, though discontinuous, processing of those mediated samples.

drift retrospectively charts a pathway taken.

drift follows that pathway as defined by the energy constraints of that path.

drift reflects the trace of an indeterminate trajectory.

drift moves through numerically limited post-Cartesian dimensions and through several discrete parallel universes.

drift should be of infinite length to adequately circumscribe the unknowable Void.

drift demands an assumption of relativity and provides quantized realism.

drift is a simulation of energized be-ing.

drift is made available by the relentless domination of the machinic over the humane.

drift is a simulation of apprehending the storehouses of knowledge that culture tend to build: a consuming of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

drift is be-ing lost.


Energized expressions that are the essence of life arise when beings-of-energy frame and re-direct small samples of the impressing flows that they are immersed within. This sixty minute piece is a spontaneous low-resolution sonographic drift approximating the extent of the universe.


Depending on your frame of reference — concatenated with the dynamic range of your point-of-view — you may resonate as you follow this drift, or you may not. And, as you go, it is good to recall that the simulation is not the thing itself: the map is not the territory.

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