30 June 1978 — Uh-oh, another age away. again, much has transpired ≈ 12,000 miles and many people later. I’m lying in my bunk now on Marlin Drilling Co. Rig #3 ≈ 150 miles due south of New Orleans. Today I slept in the car after arriving late in the evening (last) on a cruise from Colorado (only 1300 mi.). Awoke with the sun & proceeded to organize the car (& examine what damage my dropped muffler did to the car — messed up some frame molding on the bottom rear): drag — will have to get a new muffer (muffler!) next week on my first day off before I head to Anderson, SC & Richard’s place for our annual Chattooga River outing. The chopper left ≈ 0900 — I took a few photos (color). finally got to the rig & got started w/ work around 1030 — had to unload that 8″ casing since they’ve almost finished the latest hole. It was fairly easy — Albert & I upstairs & Robert & Jim on the boat w/ Peewee in the crane. Val was up rough-necking for the week, so he was unavailable.
The trip to Colorado was more or less unpremeditated — was going to spend the week at the beach!
Went straight to Mike, Phil & Nat’s apartment up at Golden Ridge (arrived Saturday June 24th in the morning). pretty much surprised everyone. Spent the evening catching up. Got hold of my room-mate, Charlie, finally after getting myself evicted from my own apartment for having hair that was too long (the Landlady says, we don’t like yer kind).
I don’t feel like writing, if you know what I mean.
But let me summarize what I’ve got to cover before I split ↓ (over)