Café Succès

A slow day, although I had thought it would be faster. Steve and Genie arrived after small complications yesterday afternoon. We took a short tour of Suomenlinna in the afternoon. Finally, a truly glorious summer day. Probably in the 60s F at least out of the wind, maybe 16C. Not bad for a day outside. I can see in all the faces of the locals that there is a sense of absolute joy at this arrival of the warm weather. This morning I meet Visa at my all-time favorite caf&eacute—in Europe (I think)—Café Succès that is below and around the corner from Visa’s studio, at Albertinkatu 17. When I used to sleep on a mattress on his studio floor, back in 1995, when I was here teaching at Media Lab, I would start out the day there with a cup of tea and a danish roll (a pulla), leisurely sitting and writing for a bit until I had to walk to the bus to the University. It was my only luxury. Since then, on subsequent trips, it is always a pleasure to meet Visa there. After tea this morning, we went up to his studio to see some of his new mono-type prints that he has been working on this winter and spring. He got a one-year artist’s stipend for 1997, and so has been able to work without too much stress about making a living. A somewhat typical situation in Scandinavia, although these stipends are not so easy to get—but if one sticks it out as an artist, it is possible. His new work is Light, tonal, vigorous, and relaxed. I am happy to get a private view to see and talk about it.