year six

about to turn another corner with this document. moving into it’s sixth year, already (it seems) that there is a deep past. But the interface, well, as I see examples around of the possibilities of .php and other forms of SQL database management, maybe I will have the opportunity to migrate the data to a different form in the future. quite tired of the present form. tedious at best. should it matter? implementation of other scales, levels of interface. what is the point of all the contemporary race towards a significant new way for the human body to interact with the digital dataspace. if it is to come, it will come.

on the poverty line that, at least relatively, strikes across my reality. realizing that though life is tenuous. Not enough money to live by, and the heartache worry paralysis stuck to this life-position drains me. this whole academic year — a year that starts when crops have been brought in from the fields, and ends with the spring planting time — has been a drain in that respect. and the upcoming preparations to leave this place permanently. recalls the final exodus from eLAy. poor planning, like a night flight into the wilderness, with wolves following, coyotes howling, but strangely no tangible fears except for the rooted one of home-less-ness. did the nomad ever fear that? doubtful. the nomad fears only the city and immobility! the howl of the coyote, who laughs anyway at most of the world, is not a chilling energy, but a firing, stirring, generating source. and watching the stars is a source of wisdom.

a long discussion with Akeno yesterday evening. synchronization within spheres of thinking that are surficially (in the abstracted levels of cultural meme) disparate, but in depth, in root, in fabric, warp and woof, threaded by the energy that carries that same social abstraction.

but now, on to the NEXT year of this bundle of words.