
writing the wrong dates, and so on. things shift from particular to general and back again with a clarity that threatens to consume any parts of social habit previously recognized as (unbreak my heart is sung) acceptable. shifting, shape-shifter, desirer, one who desires. needing, providing, giving. 2100, looking out on the harbor which is haven to submarines, ferries, sculls, yachts, destroyers, tankers, container ships, research vessels, kayaks, and so on. it is still gray-blue sky. on the fringe of entering the Nordic gateways. a few days more and into the realm of Light. alles ist in. fragments, telling, speaking, MEDIATING. interview with a free-lance writer for the local newspaper, tomorrow. where is the most powerful connection of the body to the spirit? it is not necessary to identify this particular interface, but many are concerned about this. images can be shed like skin.

today is the last day I am using words, they’ve gone out, they’ve lost their meaning, they’ve gone out … let’s get unconscious, let’s get unconscious, let’s get unconscious… — Madonna

huh? Jörg, a writer from the local Kieler Nachtrichten, comes to interview me in the morning, we talk at the computer for a couple hours, looking at some of the website. wonder what he will write? he was at the public lecture on Tuesday.