A conclusion that is, as sometimes said, a long stretch in coming: a mental model, compiled over this writer’s lifetime, long in developing: it arrives to confront my understanding of the nature of reality. That is, to emphasize, *my* understanding, of whatever I have done whilst on the planet, there will be no trace in one hundred years. With resource capacities stretched by too many bodies on the planet, many using too much, there simply isn’t enough to maintain any of what we have here, now.
Mangled language cannot substitute for the actions necessary to cause change. Change in human behavior will not happen, except when forced by changes in resource scarcity (or abundance), or environmental extremity.
Ça suffit! It’s all too much. But still, to speak, to write, to express. The mad tension between the two: to relinquish, to give up (að gefast upp), to capitulate, surrender :: to continue, to strive, to push forward, upward, exert, to fight. To use life-limited energy or not. To be alive is to use energy, to use energy is to re-express life.
The silences — the un-expressed dark energies of living, the inversions of life — they re-arrive now, replete and unheard.