… house. good lord, what does this mean, how does this affect the trajectory of the future path? Thank god for breakfast yesterday with Todd and Amy to keep some semblance of perspective on a thoroughly normal process (replete with a thousand hitches) that can be a big positive adventure.
Start cleaning right off. The seller left a full dumpster that I dove deeply into last evening and this morning; pity I didn’t get to dive the previous one from last weekend, lotsa good stuff in this one! She also (thoughtfully) arranged to have an other empty one delivered as there was some stuff left that she figured I might need to get rid of. This is a good deal as I will be able to get rid of a bunch of the more obvious branches and detritus in the yard. They left some very usable items, a small dining room table, several single beds, many square feet of cheapish flooring with backing, several terrariums, a storm door, some yard implements, shelving in the garage, quite a bit of tiling, and so on.
I filled half the back of my truck with clothing they had discarded along with a few other items to take to Goodwill this afternoon when I go out to pick up the Title and Closing paperwork.
(on ma knees, what have ah dun?)
Now to get back to the TO Do list that is expanding by the minute…