ThirdWorld Internet Express

Prescott, Arizona 13 April 2001-04-13

ThirdWorld Internet Express
Dept 255
Denver, Colorado 80271-0255

To whom it may concern:

Enclosed is a final payment for service on the account that I cancelled as of 31 March 2001. The statement I received for 01 Jan – 31 March was incorrect in that it had the amount of 19.95 for March which I was not apprised of before 10 March. I have enclosed a check for USD 15 to cover January – March at the rate of USD 5/month that I was on for the preceeding five years.

I cancelled the account 1) you unilaterally raised my rates by 400% for the month of March (something you happened to mention in an email dated 10 March), and 2) you seemed unable since the middle of last year to deal with the direct debit billing procedure that we used for the preceeding 6 years of service.

Sorry to say it, but I think your customer relations have gone to hell, and I understand it is a result of take-overs and employees not being treated well. And when that happens, the customer gets treated poorly, and in my case, after being a customer all this time, I had to say forget it!

John Hopkins

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