bombs feed news

no bombs yet — EuroNews waits expectantly for something to happen. something to happen on teevee. why I am totally distracted by media, I just don’t know. but now, they say the bombing has begun — Amurikan bombs falling on European soil. sick and tired of the whole sham — European inaction, criticism of US bullying, Amurikan stupidity to get involved as the international moral Police, and the general stupidity of humans. nobody learns anything. where is transcendence? how is it possible to be optimistic when nuclear warheads are seen being wheeled out in the Ukraine, B1 bombers taking off, tanks firing on farmhouses, police actions everywhere, senseless brutality, and on and on in the the night. I suck down a Guinness. earlier in the evening I walk down the quay to the north, immediately across from the half-destroyed submarine bunkers from the war.