the neoscenes occupation project for Ars Electronica (which approaches in days) begins to take some form, at least as an idea:
the educational process in the developed world is dead or dying. neoscenes wants to re-create and renew education, making it an omnidirectional flow of energies with a force multiplied far beyond the meat count and with a reach that is far ahead of the game. join neoscenes, speak, act, make a difference in your own head and body and soul. the occupation is of the network, is of each others lives, is of being, is of body, it is of it all.
neoscenes is about the creation of personal spaces wherein the individual realizes the potential of individual and collaborative creativity. it is about seizing the opportunity presented by the Internet and contemporary telecommunications to create active spaces that are autonomous of the traditional “institutions of higher learning”. it is about sharing neoscenes has established a primary level of mechanisms for this engagement in the basic technologies of the web, IRC (Internet relay chat), and the neoscene listserv. IRC, a live text-based communications medium is widely available on any networked PC; the neoscene listserv allows distribution of information via email, and this website will become a central point networking neoscenes participants and their relevant web-based information. other means of collaboration will be employed as participants decide to utilize including iVisit, CUSeeMe, FTP, VRML, and other technologies as they become available.
so it goes. now to make it happen!