Again, a brilliant day. I was up before sunrise with these loud birds. Recording them for a few moments before going back to sleep for an hour. Spring will not turn back now. It can’t. The momentum of this brilliance cannot be opposed even by the most virulent winter. Of this I am sure. I work in the flat for the morning, updating the Web site (I fixed the backgrounds for the postcard page, added a few new cards, and fixed a few other details…) Waiting to get a hold of Heidi again to get access to the Mac in her office, as she offered to me … I would also like to hear today’s Kunstradio broadcast “live,” as it were, from the studios, but that maybe is not possible. We’ll see.
Networking invites personal disclosure. — Roy Ascott
I was able to use the Mac at Kunstradio, meanwhile talking with Elisabeth and August. Afterwards I went searching for street musicians to record, finding a happy trio in the Karlsplatz U-bahn station. I recorded three songs while sitting in the sunshine. Later in the afternoon I met with Mathias at the Kunsthalle café where we had a beer and then walked over to the MuseumQuartier where the Internet provider Public Netbase maintain their offices, library, and meeting room. I had been in contact with Konrad Becker, the director of Netbase through the superb web site that they maintain, so I had wanted to meet him along with Marie Ringler. Mathias and Konrad together teach occasionally in Linz, Austria. Later, Mathias and I met Sylvia and a Spanish friend of theirs, an artist from Malaga who has been living in Vienna for five years and works in electronic media.