Zorka, from way back in the Muthesius times and IFKIK, comes by for brunch.

finally meeting the RAUM crew: Karsten, Matze, Jork, and some others. dinner, some openings, and a party at the Humboldt University. hard to imagine being there after walking through that neighborhood before the wall came down — the party was around the corner from the Pergammon Museum. Berlin. spread out. not so densely populated. 1.5 million people shy of it’s pre-WWII population. rents are low, but everybody complains about a lack of jobs, funding, and money in general.

exhibition by Diana Moro — who says about her paintings: as we move towards a new world order — spread your love like a fever and before that, another opening — pixel paintings by Enda O’Donoghue at Gallery Hunchentoot, not particularly interesting.

a skewed palette, perhaps with the idea to match interior design colors. galleries and art events fight for an audience not for the reason of lack of audience, but for the plethora of events and openings. too much going on and not enough people to actually be the audience.

and this

sotto voce: A thought voice-spoken into the ear is released only for a moment from embodied presence as the sonic energy passes from the Self to the Other. In the Other it manifests for ever as a changed energy state of be-ing.