
I sit and read a special Forbes supplement on the impact of technology on business and society. Most of the essays graze the mark, but none really dig into the root causes of the vague-and-growing discomfort that most people are feeling about the encroachment of technology into all aspects of contemporary being. Technology is merely another predestined manifestation of material life, or is it? There’s no proof of the pre-destination, the inevitability of development, nor the neutrality of it. The logical product of the development and ascension of the human intellect, ha. I talk to Adrianne today, and begin to make final arrangements about the Dinner series which begins on Sunday evening in and out of the Sandra Gering Gallery in Soho. I am relying on wit and presence to carry me through this series of performances … And trust that simply by doing this action will add a bit to the definition of what performance is (or, perhaps subtract from that same definition…). I rather dislike the word performance anyway. It seems to be more about theater than about real life, and I would seek to wrest those collective and hierarchical actions from the sphere of the spectacle and posit them back in the personal space.