The rich man’s way is in the City;
The righteous man’s way is in this Holy place;
Take Jah sun, and Jah moon, Jah rain, and Jah star, and forever erase your fantasy.
Destruction of the poor is in the poverty;
Destruction of the soul is vanity, yah.
Bob Marley, from Confrontation. I wake up with this song in my head. As well as a start on a new video. We were all working until after 0300 last night, and there was the beginnings of a synergy coming from the situation. This weekend will see the arrival of several new people, and the next week will bring 20 or so new faces which will heighten the electricity. I think about works for future reference, and in collaboration with others, I see two trends in my production as an artist/educator — those which involve formalist tendencies of attention to the characteristics of surface visual appearance and those that involve explorations of personal relations and interactions as grounded in dialogue. clear. but what of it now? it has been this way for a long time, but what to now do about it except continue?