nula 56232 distant land

Lloyd continues the remarkably moving nula filecast audio and video series with the latest:

56232 distant land

foreboding hung as the struggling train juddered and screed on the distorted rails, first this side of the mountain stream, then that, being forced at intervals to cross on worrisome bridges. a wan gibbous moon shone in the mist, evading the black graspless arms of trees. when they finally reached the city, night had fallen. [9 minutes]

nula is the source of a ser­ies of file­casts, each con­sist­ing of an as­semb­lage of sounds, im­ages, or words, made avail­ab­le for down­load, shar­ing, com­men­tary, and fur­ther man­i­pu­la­tion.

file­casts are gen­er­al­ly, tho not ex­clus­ive­ly, cre­ated from found ma­ter­ial. it would per­haps be coun­ter­pro­duc­tive to de­lim­it what this ma­ter­ial may con­sist of, or what trans­for­ma­tions it may un­der­go. the ten­den­cy here will simp­ly be to let the work speak for it­self as much as it can.

the nula pro­ject off­ers more or less de­tailed clues as to the sig­ni­fi­cance, con­text, or in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the works off­ered. it is up to you to put it to­ge­ther and make up your mind. be­sides, we make it up as we go a­long. there is an ini­ti­al grand de­sign, but it has no ir­on fist.

com­mu­ni­ca­tion is wel­come and en­cour­aged. send­ing an email to is a good place to start. other chan­nels of in­ter­ac­tion and sup­port are lis­ted in the “func­tions” menu.

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