Up at 0630. The Charge of Qtrs. took us over to the Snack Bar near the Theater for bkfst. We met with Col. Halper at 0815. He & most of his staff were late due to the snow which fell all night — 3″. He gave us an hour’s briefing wherein he defined the mission of the TAG Brd. to be the delineation of Personnel Management, directly and indirectly for the Field Army. JH & I then gave our talks, mine consisting of a description of the system, with Joe covering the four areas of FS, Int., Admin Supt & Tactical Operations as well as the Engineering Design problems.
In the afternoon we answered questions; they wanted RJB’s Theory of Command. Mr. Springer gave us a sketch of their effort; they think it will be about finished in 1-1/2 or so years. They have followed what might be called the “Single Thread” approach in that they, of course, find that this had led them to the point of view that system integration is essential.
Snow; cold.
At Ft. Ben Harrison.