field work

Invasive burros, Equua asinus, yet another manifestation of human ignorance and negligence related to wider ecosystem of Saline Valley, Death Valley National Park, California, January ©1983 hopkins/neoscenes.
Invasive burros, Equua asinus, yet another manifestation of negligent (asinine! human) ignorance relative to the wider ecosystem of Saline Valley, Death Valley National Park, California, January ©1983 hopkins/neoscenes.

If you’re not familiar with the existence of feral horses and burros in the US west, it’s the usual problem of humans loosing their domesticated animals into a new environment, thinking it’s a wonderful addition to the established ecosystem. It’s not! I’ll see if I can rustle up some references on the problem. And, to restate, it *is* a problem, perhaps with no solution as manifest with the expanding shit-storm of problems that a small minority of the 8+ billion people on the planet have fostered and are fostering. I have little hope for the future of what is: and for the future of what we haven’t the maturity to foresee? It is coming, barreling down the tracks, Gaia’s reset. We are transitory.