eLAy Basin

long haul from Santa Barbara, down PCH through Malibu, up to I-10 at Santa Monica, retracing my morning commute from the apartment I had at the beach to downtown eLAy back in the dark ages. so long ago. traffic was intense for a Saturday afternoon across eLAy, down to Orange County to Pete & Susie’s place. again, the GoogleEarth preview provides an excellent visualization of where to go. brilliant. the twins are there, Colin and Devin. Colin lets me crash in his room while he sleeps on an inflatable mattress in his brother’s room. eighteen years old, I’d never met them before. and they are studying for finals the whole weekend. last time I’d seen Pete & Susie was in 1987 maybe, 1988? nineteen years. sheesh. too much time passed. catching up, seeing the way things go, the way things are. watching the football play-offs.