Letter to Dan (RIP)

Well. Dan

“Lethargy is simply frozen violence”

What else? I sit in the middle of the Arctic Night (The middle always remains the same, no matter how long the night is). Waiting for sleep to fill my head, looking at a CRT screen. Eyes are getting crippled by the stress of focusing. Goodnight.

The next day late morning. All is gray. When I develop film here I notice the lack of contrast, especially after Colorado. The Light is different. I have taken to capitalizing the first letter of Light, and I have also quit using the Lord’s name in vain you know? Two changes from my previous life. You can look forward to wonderful things like this happening when you finish graduate school.

The work you sent arrived a bit worse for wear, and surely to the perplexity of the customs/postal people. They keep a close monitor on my post here, almost all packages are checked… A bit disturbing, but also amusing…
more “Letter to Dan (RIP)”

University of Colorado – Boulder, US / Basic Photography :: Jan-May.89

Karen Burdick, Scott Emerick, Ali Figueroa, Miles Franklin, Alain Franz, Joe Garcia, Ann Gruber, Heather Hicks, Reynold Isto, Lesley Johnson, Dennis Kibler, Dan Kivelson, Steve Kosmicki, Steve Lazarus, David Marks, Kristine Pfeiffer, Barri Pitkoff, April Wedmore, Eric Witte, Carolyn Espey, Maura Barclay, Joby Bray, Ted Henwood, Charles Matthews, Lisa Childs, Amy Goldstein

portrait, Andrew

portrait, Andrew, Boulder, Colorado, May 1988

update: last trace available online, Andrew hits the road almost 9 years ago. where did he go?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004
gliches on the road

son of a bitch, when the computer goes haywire you might as well write off the day cause that’s how long it will take to fix the fucker. hotsprings is beckoning but i’m stuck in my hotel room trying to get my email fixed. i did manage to have my complimentary breakfast which might have been a mistake. i had some juices and buns and cereal and horrible coffee. i might as well have put a cup or two of sugar in my horrible coffee and called it a day. how can people eat the way they do. screw this. i’m going to the car and gorge on the rest of my miche.

posted by andrew griffiths @ 8:23 AM

Saturday, October 09, 2004
hit the weave or hit the road

the start of the big journey tomorrow, but what time to leave is the question. got to have some fresh bread for the beginning of the trip at least, but la miche doesn’t come out of the oven until almost noon. oh why, oh why didn’t i make it an overnight proof? i like to start long drives before the sun comes up, before the masses are awake, before it really registers how many miles lay ahead. i like to get a jump, on the day, of the trip. but la miche. la late miche. what do i do? isn’t it crazy how important a part of someone’s day a loaf of bread can be? not at all, the bread fanatics cry in unison. the atkins diet, now that’s crazy- crazy in a stupid kind of way. well, whenever i decide to leave it’s late now and time to rest up. goodnight chapel hill and goodbye, a tear in my eye.

posted by andrew griffiths @ 10:00 PM

University of Colorado – Boulder, US / Basic Photography :: Jan-May.88

group portrait, Basic Photo class on a field trip to Denver, Colorado, January 1988

(not in order of the photo!) Karen Porter, Melissa Wolfson, Tammy Helming, Pauli Ramm, Brad Driver, Jeanne Walsh, Anne Odell, Sylvia Walravens, Kendall Mockridge, Fontaine Taylor, Rebecca Ruocco, Chris Keller, Hilary Harris, John Hsin, David Mendenhall, Michael May, Jason McBride, Paget Reed, Cindy Downs, Burke Archibald, Lindsay Coolidge, Claiborne Gayden, Amy Neunsinger, Tim Kemp