Je suis ma propre muse

or tu ne es pas ma muse

or je suis amusé par ma propre muse étant

or ma muse précédente ne me divertit

or muse amusante, disparue

or muse amusante, parti, je m’amuse

yes, that’s it. back to the steady-state of being, for a change. At least I’ll be able to get *some* work done!

A dolorous combination of caprice along with my own inability to temper reactions to horrific stories of past abuse — perhaps the subtext of an upcoming novella or multi-media work exploring how humans can say anything and how their words needn’t be connected to actions of consequence: hardly moving the neurons necessary to produce diaphragmatic contractions and subsequent guttural exhalations. Talk is cheap. Lived life is the ultimate test of … life and, consequently of heart.

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