Well, parted ways with the old Tacoma today. Got a decent price — 50% of the original cost that I paid in 2002. Twelve years later, no expenditures for major repairs, great mileage (28-30 mpg), no accidents, 80,000 miles, and many fine road trips. An average cost-per-mile of right around $0.25/mile, and cost-per-month around $138/mo. Carbon cost totally and completely neglected along with extended costs of the extractives industries that supported it’s construction.
A bit sad to see it go, but two trucks are certainly not sustainable. The ‘new’ old truck, or ‘old’ new truck, depending on pov is quite the beast, a step up from 4- to 6-cylinders, 2.4 to 3.4 liters, 2- to 4-wheel drive, black to white color, 1995 to 2000. A modest set of potentials in all this power and such. At a cost. Twenty-two mpg on the highway, that will be determined in the next months of travel. It seems I may need a new clutch, but otherwise the engine seems okay. The body also in very good shape. I’ll put on Firestone air lifters asap, as the rear sags like the old one’s did before I happened on a pair of them and installed them one day. Incredible improvement. Add a new shell gasket and install the hardshelf that I made for the old truck’s rear. Made it possible to sleep (two people on occasion!) in the back without unloading absolutely everything and leaving it outside (in the cold/rain/solar radiation/critters, etc.). After that it’ll be ready for some western adventures. And so on.
Late, very Late Capitalism, actually, sheer bondage before total collapse.
It’s a Toyota Tacoma: it keeps on running! If you are worried about cosmetics, well, this one has a few minor scratches and dings and could use a paint job, but if you want a reliable vehicle, the Tacoma is legendary as an economical, hard-working, and long-running vehicle.
Second owner — for the last 12 years/80K miles, 90% highway miles — well taken care of, never abused, all regular maintenance, 3K oil changes; burns no oil between changes; recent front-end alignment and front brake rebuild
Brand new windshield, oil change and full check-up this week
2.4 Liter 4-cylinder engine; 5-speed manual transmission: EXCELLENT GAS MILEAGE!! — documented average over the last 12 years between 28-30 mpg on the highway.
AC is COLD, Heater is HOT!
Tires excellent: General Grabber All Terrains on rear, good spare, and matched front (Big O SXP G/T OWLs)
New shocks all around (Bilsteins in front, Gabriel Pro Guards on rear); Firestone RiteRide adjustable air lifters on rear — they level and improve handling with full loads.
Fiberglass Vista camper shell (drilled for Thule roof rack) — great for camping!
Spray-in Inyati bed liner
Car has been in Arizona/California for its whole life … no rust
Serious buyers only, please! NO TRADES!
do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers