Monday, 25 November, 1963

Laboratory closed for the funeral of the President.

Aubrey Stinnett called about 0830 to say he wanted to see me. I made an appointment to meet him at PSC at 3 PM. See other diary.

30˚F – Clear

At 0830 Aubrey Stinnett called to say he is back in Cambridge, so I arranged to meet him at PSC at 3 PM.

Watched the funeral services from 0930 until 2 PM when I left to go to PSC. On the way in it occurred to me that I didn’t have the two keys I need, one to Tom Erickson’s office, and the other to the Echo Organ loft. I went on in, finding Park Street blocked off by a public gathering at the State House, so went down & back to Washington Street in 20 minutes. Met Aubrey, and went back home after the keys but couldn’t find them! Aubrey told of his efforts to revitalize the church at Kwajalein — he apparently did it single-handed. We ret’d to PSC and AS helped me run the level again to check the floor elevations, it turned out at 7-5/16″.

The President’s funeral was astounding; TV coverage was complete. About a hundred heads of state & emissaries from foreign countries walked up to St. Michael’s Cathedral from the White House, behind Mrs. Kennedy.

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