Tuesday, 12 November, 1963

Worked up draft of chart for decoy tabulation.

46˚F – Overcast 100%

Too tired to sleep last night.

Left office about 3:30 PM and went home. Apparently I can’t breathe the vapors from the spray gun. I had a bad headache across my eyes that must have come from these vapors.

Read in the Maksutov Club notes some more; the whole activity is beginning to make sense. I hope I can afford some kind of a good lathe or multipurpose tool. Mr. Packard of the Pkd Machinery Co. at Kendall has a few used 9″ South Bend lathes — one at $350 for a 3-1/2′ bed, $450 for one with new head-and tail-stocks & a 4-1/2′ bed. The British multipurpose tool is perhaps more useful for telescope-making.

LCH talked to Miss Proctor, DCH’s guidance counselor for about 45 minutes. She thinks that he should stay after school two days/wk and study French w/ the teacher. She also does not think he should have to stop his PO job or others to study.

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