Major features:
colonization and massified reservoirs of idolatry.
Private property—-
dismemberment of earth, water, fire, and air.
These features are not necessary to life—-
they begin with Egypt and Rome……
yet without a doubt, they will persist for some
Crazy Horse:
Here the individual body and individual mind are co-extensive
with earth, and with sky…..an inter- intra- penetration,
co-radiance,……. vibratory initiation-consummation-repose……
[Not that Psyche divided, “neurotic”, which has seen the land
Earth and Sky bring contra-diction—- they are living ancestors.
Private property is sclerotic—–the legal apparatus has private
property for its base—-the economic apparatus [banks, supply
of money] has the legal apparatus for its base……
Private property necessarily entails slavery; reforms do not
“change” the basic “conceptions” (impoverishments).
Our conception (our initiation) of space as a living plenum
sustains a community of relationships.
Property eradicates community and relationship.
[Is it really “private” when it robs and impoverishes an entire
body of relationships ??]
When one opens and finds that “dusts”, stones, and earth
are alive……as is the sun, as are the suns, which no one
owns……I belong to the stone which I cut; I belong to the
tree which I cut;…… when I make a shelter (of wood and stone),
I belong to the shelter. We are related.
Tactile and vibratory energies sustain life
through certain passage-ways……
on a way
which visual figure,
which speech figure,
The stone cut
is not dead.
The wood cut
is not dead.
William Blake:
Our ancestors discovered that certain forms grow variously,
heterogeneously, when they are cut……
Roots particularly benefit from being cut.
I now think of
vapourous, atmospheric
Cone-volutions of
of spinal fluid (bath and spring-source),
of marrow and ganglion;
Strophe—-neural twist,
Pneuma—-ganglionic wind,
Chiasmus X;
Hypo-campus, irrigation;
Ceres broom—–a kind fog, a kind of clay……..
Magic pollen-cloud,
Nourishment for this bee.
Memory and imagination
grow from an omphalos
A “bone” beginning at a navel,
and stretching toward a star…..
(and in some instances, le voile lactee, Milky Way):
while we sleep.
Vapourous, evaporative
Crazy Horse……
all that one might perceive:
all that one might encounter:
living body,
vibrant body.
[“Dust to Dust” ??……..not so bad…….
these stars, this sun, are dusts…….
we are already dusts……..
This kind of cut
does not come from megalomania and subjugation.
Le Mepris.
{Megalomania and subjugation:
the reaction of those who refuse The Cut which life bestows.}
Here, I have, indeed, gone “off” in unexpected “directions”……
your Friend evaporating,
Anthony Z.