Rec’d classified documents back from Publications — these were used on making the illustrations for 22L-7095. Ret’d 6 originals, all Secret to SB for destruction; they are 4237-76, -77, -82, -83, -84, -& -86. I destroyed 3 confidential ones & two unclassified, Figures I-1, II-1, & III-1.
Joe Resnick in to discuss my paper — 22L-7095 — he found a typographical error on p. 30, and he questioned the altitudes cited on p. 19. (At least he read it!) The altitudes are probably ok if one does not specify the article or object. He said he was going out to BMD/Aerospace to hear Sperry report on their weapons system study. See entry for 03 August.
Overcast, warm
Rode in with HS today.
The accumulated deficit of sleep last week is catching up with me, and I have a bad cold.