Talked to Dan Linde in AFOOA re: N-Z etc. Larry Starkey is starting a defense study; he was in a briefing so I’ll have to return to see him. I should also see Rand & NORAD.
Spent two hours with Dr. Wm. E. Wood at 1832 Connecticut Avenue. He didn’t think it a good idea to grind down my teeth to obtain a better bite. Instead he referred me to Dr. Kurt Thoma, 1146 Beacon Street (LO 6-3324) an oral surgeon. He will send a letter to Dr. Thoma with a cc to me.
Went up to Princeton in the afternoon.
Met with Dan Linde in AFOOA to see who is doing what.
Did 2 errands in DCA — then out to see Dr. Wood, DDS, who sent me to Dr. Kurt Thooma in Boston re: my jaw.
Left DCA at 3 PM — arrived in Princeton at 8 PM.