movement brings encounter

Movement brings encounter. It is as we find our way through life that we meet the people who change us. The character of these encounters forms an armature upon which we build our internal and external social lives. Shared life-time is a profound experience which will never happen again the way it IS happening, so that every second becomes a crux, filled with intention and awareness, or not.

… snip …

Six years on from the 4th of July accident. Realized earlier this year that I will never be able to afford any private health insurance again because of ‘pre-existing conditions’ of which spinal anything is absolutely the biggest red flag for the insurance companies. gah. I hadn’t considered this situation until I was reading my OSHC (Overseas Student Health Coverage) contract in Oz where it said complications arising from any prior spinal or neuro-surgery would not be covered. So, while I have some kind of health care as long as I am a student, if anything happens to my spine, oh well. And thats in a ‘socialist’ country with universal health coverage. In Amurika, well, no chance whatsoever, especially if the ultra-right somehow once again gains control of the system, people like me are simply out of luck, if there is such a thing as being politically out of luck, more like, out of power!

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