
In response to a number of queries regarding commenting on the neoscenes/tech-no-mad blog, I have reactivated the commenting option. To do so it will require readers to subscribe to the blog via another option. “Subscribe? I thought I was.” Well, yes, you are subscribed to the announcement emailing list, *not* to the blog itself. Long technical explanation…deleted

So, if you want to comment, just go to the blog and on the right sidebar under the mean time widget there is the Register option.

Create a user name, add your email, and submit. You will receive a link to set your password. That done, you are then a “Subscriber.” To comment, you will need to be Logged in to the blog under that same mean time widget menu.

Spam still proliferates within the WordPress world, so your comment will be checked first, then cleared for posting, assuming you’re not a snark monster.

Prior to a platform rollover in 2014(??)—one of a number over the years—the blog was open for commenting, and had several hundred subscribers. For a variety of technical reasons, that subscriber base widget stopped functioning, and I later decided to shut down commenting in the face of relentless spamming.

With the latest rollover two years ago to Reclaim Hosting, the site has stabilized and is slowly regaining subscribers.

Looking forward to your comments, I will reply when appropriate! If you have any issues or questions, you can contact me directly: neo at