womb of everything?

the Abranowicz-Raisfeld clan preps to head to Costa Rica, an early departure tomorrow morning.

Marie-Hélène passes this on:

The dynamism and spontaneity of nomadism lie in its contempt of borders (state, civilization, ideological, religious) and in the real experience of the Universal . . . this is not something egoistical or self-centered but instead a surge of the spirit carrying on its way primal anthropological values and sowing a particular unease in the womb of everything that has a tendency to become firmly anchored. — Michel Maffesoli


Shifting formats from the former travelog—built in HTML 2.0 with a sprinkle of java scripting—presents, no, really forces an interesting transformation in the flow from mind to finger to server to your eyes. Spontaneity is, for some moments, shunted off into the space of “how do I execute what I want?” Reading help pages, taking some time to dig around for the principles of how it all works. Again, the most problematic area is the need to get images in reasonable form up and happening. Gotta have pictures. It is, after all, an illustrated travelog!

Also thinking of how much from the art/media related activities that I am presently involved with should I note down here. I have a history of taking copious notes at presentations and meetings, but not committing the thoughts or reflections to the travelog. Had I done this from the beginning, it would have been a much richer historical document rather than the personal meander. Oh well.

Into town for a swim. Love that pool. Pretty optimal. Only would wish to go every day. Need desperately to work on my kick strength which is almost totally atrophied.

Booooooring. Just can’t get the hang of the medium yet. Plz be patient. Or go back and peruse the eight years of previous posts and images…

pixelache over

pixelache finally finishes up with Tuomas’ and Mukul’s analog vs digital dual in the Kiasma Theater. enjoying a quiet morning without a particular agenda except for catching up with communications, especially answering Frieder’s pro-vocative recent email that is inspiring me to think and write toward my doctoral studies. heavy work, but ultimately feeling quite good to commit to paper (well, hard-drive) a concise framework for the explorations that may ultimately become the thesis. even if not, the exercise is extremely valuable.

ambienttv also performed their work TRiPTyCHoN, a complicated work-in-progress that is rooted in mapping human experience across a physical space. in this case, messages sent in from participants who were invited to make a walk between the Parliament steps and the steps of the cathedral, about a kilometer. along the walk, using a gps unit connected to a gprs-enabled palm with a custom interface, they were to write text messages. these messages were then sent to a server which recorded the location and the text into a database. I did a walk on Friday afternoon, slowly making my way, avoiding satellite shadows, and drifting through a space of emotional history. spontaneity was somewhat inhibited by the Lightweight but cumbersome physical interface. cold fingers. despite, I ended up drifting through parts of the history that was mapped across this very neighborhood through relationship. cafes, clubs, theaters, bars, corners, bus-stops, trams, shops all had a tangible memory overlay. poignant, as memory can often be about what has been lost. direct, as the triggers of place are very much real. silent, internal. Mukul called me after I had returned the device to Antony in the Kiasma Cafe, saying that it was a nice performance, the best one they got. He and David were on the island, actually neighbors in one of the nifca residency flats, they were monitoring reception of the ‘wander’ in real-time.

interesting experience. it was a measure of my ability to push through a technological interface, enabling some kind of flow-through. drawing focus, projecting energy, emotive force.


Monday morning. radio today? burning man, KGB, salsa, insect infestations, terrorism in Moscow, and so it goes. ready to deal with. where am I? questions of presence and other states. on the raydeeoh with Steven and Alexander. they have a program “dictaphon” every Monday evening on the NTNU student radio station. trying to reconfigure things there to do a RealAudio remix from the net into their program, technically, things are too much of a mess, so, we give up and just improv the show. after, over beer, the discussion dances around pre-tensions, spontaneity, and action. pre-tense, pretense, pretension, all seem to be forms of barrier to spontaneous movement of creative energies.

sustained teaching

yet another workshop over. surprising, it crept up on me. done for this school year. ending with not a bang but a whimper. okay, I can deal. well, not a whimper, no need to be negative about it. actually it went okay, in the sense that my energy level is not diminished. I seem to have found, for the moment, a means. a mechanism to sustain teaching indefinitely through a careful cultivation of collaborative energies in the classroom situation. and the balanced positioning of my own ego-system within the milieu that evolves within the group. activating students to creative expression has the goal of nurturing the collective energies. thoughts keep racing forward to Linz and the performance on Wednesday evening, and the subsequent thing in Budapest which is even more unplanned. spontaneity is so bloody dangerous that I can’t even begin to express the stress it sets up in my head, although at this point, I have learned to deal with the physical effects by activating my own physical movement when things get underway. I know how to grab energies in the air, push ideas, concepts and other parameters around, physically. this, I have noted in previous events, has a lot of power on the Others involved. connection in Frankfurt. a throng of Japanese tourists sweep by heading for a flight to Rome. my neck tenses up, and it threatens to head toward a migraine. brain is not functioning in true travel-style. and this will continue for the next year again. I have committed to the movement, and two other schools have responded to my ad for workshops. so far Eindhoven, Arhus, Trondheim, Kiel, Tornio, Lahti will be part of the tour, and I suppose Reykjavík and Akureyri if I have the time. maybe next year I will have to do the same thing in the USA just to see what will happen. plans to deal with next summer with Loki in Europe are next on the agenda. trying to figure things out. clearly, however, texts like this are not worth writing here. already the beginning of this work is waiting for re-writing. into something better retrospecting on the surface of things. shaking meaning from the continuous stream of events that impinge on my body. or not even that, just ensuring that the future becomes what it is planned to be. stupid plan — to try and ensure what cannot be controlled. why try? avoiding the spontaneous negative, the spontaneous positive is destroyed simultaneously. energy. how to bind energy in to the text. to be released in TIME. to the proper receiver. no idea for the performance tomorrow evening. F.E. Rakushan is the partner in the evening, along with Maggi and Christa. What will this bring? (I need to have a recording of this event forwarded (and real-audio-ed). oh, and the lecture at Kiel tape copied, and… now here. exhausting day of travel, thankfully, Christa meets me at the small Linz airport. it is HOT, at least as measured by my recent experience, and the whole long winter.