self-portrait & noise

self-portrait, teacher's flat, Imatra, Etelä-Karjala, Finland, October 1998

drone of trucks coming from and going to Russia on the highway near the house. combined with a very high-pitched almost-but-not-quite continuous whine of the hot water pipes makes for a very bizarre environment in the flat/room. I can work with the whine, although it is quite loud, sleeping I do not even try, just start with ear-plugs. sensitive hearing and loudness. noise. how is it that I can trace, identify, and enjoy the well-flowing energies/works of others, yet cannot make such works myself? I have an instinct for Others whose energies flow less turbulently (more laminar flows, cogent, read-able, absorb-able?) than mine (I think!?), meeting them, speaking with them, enjoying their presences and their products. and engaging in energizing dialogues.


it is clear that many people live in a world of mechanical or Newtonian causality, that there has been little popular progress beyond that model of thinking about the world. material substances are just that, objects rule.

These considerations force upon us the impression that the law of causality as a principle of natural science is one incapable of formulation in a few words, and is not a self-contained exact law. Its content can in fact only be made clear in connection with a complete phenomenological description of how reality constitutes itself from the immediate data of consciousness. — Hermann Weyl

the week flew by, two nights in Oslo, stayed at Hilde’s place, and so many things happened in that short time, thoughts can barely touch on half of them. a good, sincere seminar at the Academy of Fine Arts, with Kenneth, and hours spent talking with him. saw Janine (along with her daughter Anna) for the first time in 11 years. she had a couple works in the Fall Exhibition, so we met there for lunch before I tried one last attempt at shopping for something for Sanna met with the (kunstnett) people, Erik, who Atle introduced me to, and Jøran, the Director. when first meeting Hilde — after the two delayed flights and the train in from the airport — I also met Cecelia, the Director of the Granum Kunstskøle where Hilde works. we were talking, she was in a hurry to get somewhere, and the conversation went on for some time about bi-cultural living, she having been raised partly in the US. finally she had to leave, and rushed out the door. a few moments later, the door buzzer rang, Hilde answered it and said ‘there’s been an accident.” so I followed her downstairs, and there was Cecelia lying on the sidewalk having seriously injured her ankle. there were a few people milling around, unable to act, it seemed, I knelt behind her to hold her up, she was in shock already, and in a lot of pain. it turned out to be multiple fractures and probably ligament damage, unfortunately. I got a bit angry with the people standing around. the fellows from the music store on the ground floor were just standing there, I yelled at them to call an ambulance, but they just stood there. another chap, just off the street, was trying to help, but it ended that Hilde had to go upstairs to call an ambulance. I didn’t have my mobile with me or I would have. the shock energy was too much for people, I guess. true, the ankle looked terrible, and I got a bit queasy when the paramedics arrives and started checking it out, but I didn’t understand why people were so helpless. shock is a weird thing, though. she was shaking, and trying to assemble things in her mind, and panicky. weird energy flow, to be sure. Hilde and I were both a little shocked by this intersection of energies.

laundry memories

equinox energies abound. perfect balance at one moment today. can you guess the exact moment? not sleeping well, think I have an abscessed wisdom tooth. had two removed about five years ago — two on one side, and was SUPPOSED to go back the following week to get the other two out, but between the pain of getting the first ones out, and the question why should I have two perfectly good chewing devices pulled out, I never went back to the dentist. so, now, dental things creep into awareness. several migraine-like symptoms all on that same side of my head are pointing red arrows direct at that tooth, though I can’t specifically feel pain radiating from there. have to find a dentist in Helsinki when I get back on Friday. and then, the laundry problem to be solved. the building I live in has a laundry room, but one needs a key to get in. the janitor speaks no English at all — my first attempt to get a key went something like, find his flat, the door was cracked open, I ring once, twice, and finally this geezer comes to the door looking like the recently fired (for over-consumption of vodka) footman for the Czar. at his heel a growling chihuahua. I ask politely, “do you understand any English” and am met with a stone-glazed look and some words which I was sure weren’t Finnish, and the chihuahua growling all the time. I motion and say to him that I will have a friend call instead, he shrugs and turns away with a suspicious look, the chihuahua poised for attack like a Doberman. sometimes I really don’t like living in a foreign country. how come I have been doing just that for a DECADE now? what quirk of fate brought that along? shit. now here in another place, networking. again. meeting people met before, and people never met yet. until now, slinging emails and SMS messages and phone calls across fiber optic cables and stuff like that. never ending. remote presence. and tomorrow morning, I have to leave to Oslo. now I go to call Kenneth, and Hilde, and so on.


Monday morning. radio today? burning man, KGB, salsa, insect infestations, terrorism in Moscow, and so it goes. ready to deal with. where am I? questions of presence and other states. on the raydeeoh with Steven and Alexander. they have a program “dictaphon” every Monday evening on the NTNU student radio station. trying to reconfigure things there to do a RealAudio remix from the net into their program, technically, things are too much of a mess, so, we give up and just improv the show. after, over beer, the discussion dances around pre-tensions, spontaneity, and action. pre-tense, pretense, pretension, all seem to be forms of barrier to spontaneous movement of creative energies.


morning. about the start teaching. it is Fall. there are those teaching feelings and Fall feelings. something about to happen. potential energies, stored from the summer Sun. to carry into the Winter. (oh, don’t use that word yet, wait until it is in-your-face, blasting the face, eyes to tears) later that same day. later. later. dinner in the flat with a crowd of folks. I escape to get some work done, but there is no real space or time for concentration. before, earlier in the evening, I wander around Trondheim, soaking up the energy of the Cathedral, in its silent presence. and try to figure out what course of action to take. stuck at a totally diverging point. with the progress of life so far. for the first time seeing the reverberations of past mistakes big and small coming back to shake in my ears and inject a plethora of negative and positive options that only confuses me. clear small voices are not so much heard. and there is no end to this.


Bob Marley, Confrontation

Flows of energy cannot be categorized, only experienced. this is clear, though when you see them, feel them running the wrong way, like some minuscule route becomes a high-voltage river that rearranges all physical forms in its way, the energy sparking and running last night, my hand aching far into the night, gripping Sanna’s tightly for the duration of one of the most heart-clenching-peeling conversations I have ever had, suomen/englanti kielellä.

On the verge, and it is killing me. if I do not slay the dragon that is running me into the nothingness of insensibility, St. George’s dragon, like Loki’s favorite CD cover — “Confrontation” with a stylized and dreads-akimbo-barefoot Bob Marley astride a white horse (that’s Night-Shining-White, I tell him, the name of an obscure Chinese minister’s horse in an electric drawing at the Met, my favorite). there Bob sits, astride Night-Shining-White rearing, and the Dragon already impaled on the spear that the Rasta Mon wields. killing the dragon. brings my spirit up!

Night Shining White, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York

I temporarily stopped this travelog somehow partly because the manic energy which has driven my erratic and hectic movement during the last 5 or 20 years is dying. but not dying graciously or painlessly. it dies like a snake, no smart dog to whip it from the tail to zero being. just slow removal, slow in time, but time is moving fast, an inverse relativity. it has shed its skin a hundred times, and shape-shifted a million times, once for every moment that it was to be handled, grabbed, or even examined from a distance. another million times as it entered each other place, each of them, each millisecond, each micrometer of difference in viewpoint recreated it again. but it HAS to die, I HAVE to kill it, quickly. retrospect comes (with age?) or just with point of view? and retrospect says that I have made mistakes that now dog me. sinner paying. nah, like, it just has to be re-routed. re-formed, redistributed. (fat half-moon rising over the city horizon). eighth floor, on Mannerheimintie, with a view over Ruskeasuo, the “Brown Swamp,” a rather wild chunk of land that stretches north out of the city center to meet something of real Finnish forest — if there is such a thing in a place where all revel in endless rows of copy machines making copies of all things copyable and even some of those holy things that are not. endless trees turning into sheaves of toilet paper and laser copy feed-stock to take the words of one million and turn them into the collated and stapled tomes of twenty, a hundred million. nah.

medium: rare

On the above note, couldn’t any longer project energies into this space, but days have pulled me forward through nights as Rilke’s cornet: Reiten, reiten, reiten, durch den Tag, durch die Nacht, durch den Tag. Reiten, reiten, reiten… Threads build into a new fabrics to wear as old ways get worn, pressed between body and outer beings. Too many things happening for me NOT to be noting some of them. In case I forget what happens now, off in some future time, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe when this medium itself is not readable anyway: creating archaeological ruins in the moment, of the moment. Head so full, even eyes can’t see sometimes now, thought-forms dragging along despite outside influence, or just accumulating. (Summer is a time of storing and accumulating, and it is already gone.) Surrounded by successful people. Why is success important? It seems to have a deep evolutionary reading. Having or lacking the tools for survival: strong body, intelligence, creativity, cleverness, adaptability, conserving resources for lean times, positioning the self (security) properly for when the body declines, when success’ only prop is what was, formerly.


This travelog comes to an end here. After a long year of teaching and several emotional highs and lows, burnout factors, energy concentrations, dissolutions, motivations. And nothing has changed. This day begins hopeful and by mid-day is hopeless and though by evening, the fading light brings some hope: the Sanna factor. On the miniature golf course with Loki i happen to run into Visa and Hanna. Strange to see him, at that very place and time. Synchronicity and other ways of being. I had just looked over his name on my phone, in order to give him a call after the events of the last hours. But no more of this or that. This travelog is done for awhile. It is finished. My Self was given and nothing more remains. Throat constricts for a gulp, no oblation to help this life ascend.

Nadja’s birthday

screenshot, Loki at Nadja's party, Tornio, Finland, June 1999

over, and out. expressing various messages across various means. nso2 rumbles on. through the energy that I lost. thankfully, the workshop is not totally dependent on my energy, otherwise it would fail. the students are enthusiastically picking up the lead and carrying things along with zest. it is all I can do to spend four or five hours each afternoon up at school helping mostly with technical problems. not how I had envisioned things running, but I simply did not envision my energy state to be as diffused as it is. Nadja has her birthday party this evening live and online in the dorm basement party room.


closer and closer to the moment of shifting change. energy levels are dispersed and vibrations are not unified. eating too much, not in a rhythm. helping students is fragmentary. walking through states of energy. where there are energy sinks and energy sources. the summer sun, circulating homo-centrically in this place, makes no sound, does nothing but Lights all, even deep recesses are found out. nothing is hidden in summer, and all things sleep and are not revealed in winter.

human objects

rolling through the intense vibrations. long walk around the golf course into Sweden last night with Rasa and Raitis. a deep shift from monitor-dominated living. looking at sundown sky is different than monitor charged-particle blasting. why? is it the difference of form of the two things? I think it is the difference in the way energies are moving within each event. somehow in many human- (thought-) created objects there are mis-alignments, negating flows that, although they carry lessons in their negation, they also are dangerous to be around.


Rasa and Raitis arrived last night, and today is filled with the energy of them starting their two-week workshop in streaming media. plus the busy-ness of continuing my installations of network administrative software around the Macintosh net. Stef calls from Manhattan, and right after, Sanna calls from Helsinki. I was able to fix Annika’s printer, solve a hub relay problem, reformat Bernice’s computer, go swimming and shopping, and make some calls re: Cafe9 plans. many emails. words with others. thoughts. a full day, leaving me tired-eyed and exhausted now, and it is only Monday.


the cafe9 project seems to be coming in to its own condition. there is an inherent flow moving me towards some kind of stability in Helsinki. if I can keep my energies in a state of alignment, this has become the absolute question. keeping surface explosions, well, holding onto the long enough that they dissipate and do not throw bad energy off at other people. heightening the awareness of others’ energy so that the flow and movement of the combined intersection is balanced and positive (when that is the needed condition). helping Harri on his thesis for an hour or so, I am rushed. cycling over to the pool, fast, the attendant is not in the cash cage to take my turquoise-blue 10 FIM coupon that I buy at the college cashier, the normal price is 25 FIM. good deal. but nobody is in the cage, and it is before eight. I wander around and one of the lifeguards comes over to help. I am a little surprised that his English is so good, as I have frequently had some trouble communicating with local people here. he takes care of things, and so I race in to the locker room, change and get into the water, thrashing a quick kilometer before the 2030 closing time. cycling home across the pedestrian bridge, I watch the ice on the river. it is disappearing rapidly. it will be all gone in two days.

the pointproject crew in Trondheim collab with Annie Abrahams to perform the I have only my name? irc event, I act as a facilitator (they have no background with IRC) and participant.

little bits

confusion today amongst the students. confusion reflecting my own state. ALWAYS the struggle to align energies in a direction that carries all of us along, at least a little bit: flowing ensemble towards an unknown future state of being.


well, actually, things ended up alright. the entire week has been filled with high-energy dialogues covering critical issues. from a bewildering variety of viewpoints. but all energizing. pump-it-up. a relief after last week’s doldrums where I had to suspend lectures in the face of impossible lack of continuity. okay, so I flexed enough, though it always takes such an effort to alter expectations. cooler outside, prepping me for the north-lands in a few days. complications with the housing here forces me to relocate for two nights before leaving for Amsterdam on Sunday. probably head to Hannes’ place, he has been so generous, loaning me his bike for the whole time. makes a total difference in living styles — wheels versus hooves.


NATO waits to bomb. WW III? why not. alignment of powers. Russia growls. teevee blathers. moon waxes after, at one-third full, nearly occults one star when I happen to glance out last night. workshop continues. construction of spaces. connection of energies. smoothing pathways. and for what? the educational system needs to be re-born. how come nobody else wants this to happen?


long day, a short stop at NIFCA to check on a few things, then on to Media Lab to have lunch with Samu. bloody cold in the wind. walking to the ferry, I have to fumble with my hood for all of 20 seconds, and my fingers are burning cold by the time I get my gloves back on and into my coat pockets. two pairs of long underwear keep my legs from freezing. over lunch Samu and I speak on the contingencies of the body and measures of corporeal and intellectual linkage and disconnection. after lunch, things progress into mappings of cognitive energy-transmission, and measuring a stance on oppositional politics — against the apparent hegemony of pan-global capitalism. I propose that resistance — a direct oppositional energy is counter-productive — that the best resistance is to either create a new way of going at the personal level, or at least effect a passive side-stepping to allow the energy of the beast itself to roll, to orbit the self, imparting its energy of angular momentum to the centered chi of self. and rather, as a strategy, to deal humanely with the absolute least common denominator of the beast — individual humans. discussion of the characteristics and strategies of resistance and opposition need not occupy the same scale that the term pan-global capitalism implies. keeping the discussion at the level of formalized discourse reinforces a key aspect of the system — that part of it rooted in institutionalized relationships between people as controlled by the inherent hierarchy of linguistic operation. another positive strategy is the conscious praxis of maintaining a human scale on the resistance — this alone has a radical effect on the entity resisted! at the core of my belief is the essential nature of human-to-human interactions, and the absolute risk one takes when one leaves that sphere of action in the stead of language/cultural-based interventions.

Café Ursula

cut. Spanish music, underground passage from rail station to the grocery store. cut. in Finnish. whispering, sitting on the edge of the bed. turned head, he understands only the energy of the situation and a few fragments. cut, breakfast table, garlic pasta omelet, belch. cut sitting in bed watching “Husbands and Wives” by Woody Allen. dialogue characters. spontaneous combustion, conflagration of words. energetic transmission of sentiment. cut. dolly shot, moving by a table in Café Ursula, below Kaivopuisto, they are sitting at the table, side-by-side, facing the low winter noontime sun which is coming and going behind fast-moving clouds over the coast and islands. the camera does not pause until it slowly comes to rest on the brilliant sunlit water out the window several tables away. cut.

wood-fired sauna

before the sauna, Selkä-Sarvi, Finland, October 1998

Sanna goes on to Tornio to pick up the video camera and the car, while I hang out at the Kemi library and read magazines. we did not have a good night. I never sleep well on the train, though I prefer to take the night train to or from the north — the day train is paralyzingly boring and tedious. I end up in the bar on the train writing manically through much of the night, and finally crawling back into bed, exhausted.

I recall Riikka’s dream from Grenada. How the aliens abducted her and flew her out to a place in the desert (recalling the outlines of the mountains). And then began to tell/show her about the rods embedded in the earth there. Sticking a meters out of the ground, they were semi-metallic – (semi-conductors) – that went several kilometers deep into the earth. Through the natural high-intensity of the earth’s magnetic fields there … and so on … Electromagnetism.

While I lie here almost naked in a small moving room on a train, the Santa Claus Express. I should be screaming with laughter. Train #69, The Santa Claus Express. Heading north. A woman-girl fast asleep in the other narrow bunk. She sleeps, and my hair still falls out along with the dandruff.

Gotta piss. Maybe head for the bar. Do so.

Here, I’m from a different planet. Fuckin’ heading north to the fuckin’ unknown. Coasting into the fuckin’ winter of my life on the Santa Claus Express. Sober (a shot of Tequila?). Hardly moving. Hanging at the bar. The train has stopped, but nobody has noticed. (Has somebody pulled the brakes?) No fuckin’ way. So it goes. The Others sharing the space here continue to paw their way through life. Unable to sleep, I come here. Just to write as I have so many times before. These thin contrasty lines that keep only part of the self alive.

Approaching a station. Jarkkala or so, couldn’t understand the announcement, an automated woman in Finnish, Swedish, and English. She tells us where we are. The train moving slow. The moving only a shaking back and forth. Nothing else. Blackness outside. Black clothes on. Suddenly I think we have changed direction. While the drunken Finnish fellows sing English (Amurikan) songs. (We have come to Parkano, or somewhere). Another place name. In between coming and going. (I am lost again!) The fellows get louder and louder. And it all goes on (hyvää, hyvää, one says, trying to break in and tell something. joka paiva ja joka ikinen yo.) Military guys, well, still wearing fatigues. hair stringy and dirty. sticking straight out around the neck like the bearers slept with head dropped straight back, slack-jawed, mouth wide-open gulping air like a gaffed cod. eyes glazed under crusted lids. (Can I remember another life, other from this one, here, now?) doubtful. Buried in the detritus of present saturated busy-ness. The boys singing “rollin’ on the river.” And counter voices lifting up — so all conversation eventually stops, is subsumed: they either sing or sit in drunken silence.

I wobble back to that small moving room and squeeze into her bunk. There’s no room. She sleeps. and I think about sleep and movement, and what comes at the last stop. Kemi finds me still awake and wired at high latitudes.

she picks me up from the library and we head to the harbor at Aljo, where we meet Eero, the ship captain and park ranger who will take us to the islands for the night. the boat is a ten-ton speed-boat used for patrolling the area of the national park and conducting research. I study the charts and instruments carefully. We visit two islands first, Sanna making several shots. The main reason she wanted to come and shoot was to capture some scenes of bad weather for her video, which was shot so far under mostly ideal weather circumstances. This is the last weekend Eero will have the boat in the water until next year. The sea here, not being very saline, with the temperatures in winter well below zero degrees Centigrade, freezes with up to a meter of ice. The islands are accessible by ski and snow-mobile by Christmas, although people seldom visit them. As we sprawl intertwined in the sauna, we are talking about how the entire scene is a perfect script. Our long running conversation of the day which has traversed so many levels of emotion and situation; the abrupt shifts of sensuality and language whenever Eero enters the scene; the powerful physical setting; the drama of the weather which eventually threatens to strand us on the island for an indefinite period, the traditional wood-fired sauna — something which is always special to me, as well as to every Finn, and so on. bodies steaming in the night airs.


there is enough presence to write the day down but hardly to add anything to this place here. hundreds of new images are being scanned in to retro-fit this project with images, and the new interface plan will be more directed to that end result of this thing. and lacking the energy for new entries, I dredge into the past. and find:

Reality was the dragon that must be killed by the lover each time anew. — Anais Nin

and from a book called “The Taxi,” by Violet LeDuc

I am you in my movements
Turn your face into the hurricane
A lunatic sky shines on your shoulder
I hear the caves of the wind

dixon ticonderoga

Makeham’s Law: The mortality risk of a person at any age over 20 is equal to a constant plus a simple exponential function of the age.

Dixon Ticonderoga

sotto voce: Dixon Ticonderoga. Pencil wrote the Bill of Rights a million scrawling times. Dixon Ticonderoga Pencil: the standard was Number Two. the factory is two blocks away can’t remember when the first time was. notes taken (Dixon Ticonderoga fantasy). connections with. who average. what deviance of standard obedience. Dixon Ticonderoga Pencil (I chewed you to death, was told I died of lead poisoning along with the chipped ocher enamel, and the splinters and the power clinched, growling through fat-lined and pictured tests. like living. and realizing that it’s all over. over). — notebook excerpt, 1984

a spider crossing the floor aims its head at just the right angle so an eye-facet reflects a pin-point of green Light in to my eye. this is something that catches my eye. why is the eye not caught so often? like when drinking in the reflections from the skin of the body, eye racing around those shapes, but the Light carrying such energy that it is left with no thing to imagine, no need to imagine, with the power of presence, it is the eye that tells and shares the energy of the Other.

Food was no longer anything but shapes and colors. The eyes were devouring a choice of red, white, green, orange… — J-M. G. LeClezio


no sleep again. the full moon, the arriving solstice, and the stresses of movement. last night was a curious experience. in an arena where energies were so mis-spent, mis-directed, and un-perceived. experienced, but un-commented upon, imposed and not resisted, and on into the morning. missed train connection, so I will arrived later in Budapest than scheduled which will impinge on my abilities to prepare for tonight’s lecture at the Center for Creative Communications. I am so tired in the morning that I actually get on the wrong train, and head for Salzburg rather than Vienna. this shocks me a lot, and is totally unlike me, it reflects the state I am in. fortunately I am able to get off the train in Wels, only fifteen minutes from Linz, and board another train heading for Vienna. which should happen with considerable more grace than last night. there would have been… is the beginning of a retrospective on the event. or there could have been… energy and power was simply lost in the space that was NOT created. no intertwinedness happening. talk about the oppressive power of language. but it doesn’t really matter, what each individual experienced is simply that. an experience that they walk away with. no gleaming successes, but just a quiet continuation of the voice that is hard to hear in the crowd. no phantasm of world domination follows me.

sustained teaching

yet another workshop over. surprising, it crept up on me. done for this school year. ending with not a bang but a whimper. okay, I can deal. well, not a whimper, no need to be negative about it. actually it went okay, in the sense that my energy level is not diminished. I seem to have found, for the moment, a means. a mechanism to sustain teaching indefinitely through a careful cultivation of collaborative energies in the classroom situation. and the balanced positioning of my own ego-system within the milieu that evolves within the group. activating students to creative expression has the goal of nurturing the collective energies. thoughts keep racing forward to Linz and the performance on Wednesday evening, and the subsequent thing in Budapest which is even more unplanned. spontaneity is so bloody dangerous that I can’t even begin to express the stress it sets up in my head, although at this point, I have learned to deal with the physical effects by activating my own physical movement when things get underway. I know how to grab energies in the air, push ideas, concepts and other parameters around, physically. this, I have noted in previous events, has a lot of power on the Others involved. connection in Frankfurt. a throng of Japanese tourists sweep by heading for a flight to Rome. my neck tenses up, and it threatens to head toward a migraine. brain is not functioning in true travel-style. and this will continue for the next year again. I have committed to the movement, and two other schools have responded to my ad for workshops. so far Eindhoven, Arhus, Trondheim, Kiel, Tornio, Lahti will be part of the tour, and I suppose Reykjavík and Akureyri if I have the time. maybe next year I will have to do the same thing in the USA just to see what will happen. plans to deal with next summer with Loki in Europe are next on the agenda. trying to figure things out. clearly, however, texts like this are not worth writing here. already the beginning of this work is waiting for re-writing. into something better retrospecting on the surface of things. shaking meaning from the continuous stream of events that impinge on my body. or not even that, just ensuring that the future becomes what it is planned to be. stupid plan — to try and ensure what cannot be controlled. why try? avoiding the spontaneous negative, the spontaneous positive is destroyed simultaneously. energy. how to bind energy in to the text. to be released in TIME. to the proper receiver. no idea for the performance tomorrow evening. F.E. Rakushan is the partner in the evening, along with Maggi and Christa. What will this bring? (I need to have a recording of this event forwarded (and real-audio-ed). oh, and the lecture at Kiel tape copied, and… now here. exhausting day of travel, thankfully, Christa meets me at the small Linz airport. it is HOT, at least as measured by my recent experience, and the whole long winter.

ice trains

Another early morning train, to München on to Frankfurt, then to Offenbach for the afternoon visiting the Hochschule für Gestaltung there, then on through Siegen to Rösrath to visit with Volker for a day. This movement. Last night vibrating inwardly, feelings electric again (there was a window there that opened regarding mortality versus immortality — walking behind Tom and Christa out in a village near Linz, heading for the country, I suddenly recalled that I had not been aware of my own being, I had forgotten to be, and then came a flooding roar that something could have happened in that state of not being within my own life, I could have had an accident!) But I did not. No use describing it. Salzburg. Another fragment of intensity, of energy, happened after the lecture yesterday, riding the strassenbahn back into town, I see the mountains far away, through the opposite window of the tram, they are small and though covered with snow, are pink from the industrial haze.

The vision leaps out at me. Recalling the instance that I have often recounted in class. Walking up to the bus stop one morning in Iceland, I have not really woken up, I am moving, but only the body is on motion, the mind is off, still, dull. Standing at the bus stop, it is at the top of a hill, there are some buildings around, but there is a rather unobstructed view plus-or-minus of the entire horizon which spans a long ridge of mountains on the Reykjanes peninsula, Mt. Esja sitting somberly to the north, and other low ranges and peaks scattered to the east and north, a few fragments of ocean are also visible. I am turning slowly, gaze traversing the critical intersection of these two rough half-spaces. The energy starts somewhere in the belly, at least that is where I first notice it, in the belly, maybe the solar plexus, it is rising in the body, and at the same time, the mind begins to fire. There is the immediate realization that the seeing, the apprehension, and absorption of Light energy through the eyes is charging my body with strong forces, fields of power. I become aware of living, being alive, being. As Rilke termed it, superabundant life began to trace each edge, each separation, while at the same time all things were fused into a unitary essence that circulated freely through all parts of my body. Yep. München. Snow here. Bright outside the windows of this ICE train. Moving again at high speeds.

Café Engel

meeting with Samu after maybe two years we had been attempting to cross paths in Helsinki. sitting at the next table I perceive that I recognize one of my former students from Iceland. she picks up a piece of cake and feeds it to her friend sitting across the table. she does not see me, and I cannot recall her name immediately, or even now, so I do not seek contact, but as she is sitting quite close, I can’t believe that she does not recognize me, or turn and look, my voice, speaking English in the crowded café, she must hear it. but my energy is focused on what Samu is saying. his mind is highly disciplined and perceptive. it is these types of dialogues which are extremely important to me. later in the day I take a bus to Espoo, in the edge of that spread-out suburb of Helsinki, where Juhani lives with his wife and three kids. I pass along the ticket for the bag he will carry north to Tornio for me. we take a short walk to the bus stop, past an old water-powered factory building, along a royal Swedish post road or so, for military transport.


Perttu, the curator of Media at the Museum of Contemporary Art (KIASMA) here graciously meets me today and I get a tour of the fabulous new facility that is about to open in the center of Helsinki, across from the Parliament building. The building, designed by the American architect Steven Holl, is, well, overwhelming. It is so wired one can feel the movement of energy through the walls and floors. constantly vibrating. Is my open-ness in meeting new Others merely a state of artifice, or is it a natural state of sincerity, where the Other is greeted in a spirit of synergistic sympathy? Meeting, there are always the instantaneous developments, the chemistry. I have been traveling and meeting people for years now, a trail passing out behind me scattered with the forgotten ones, the ones with whom is sustained the cryptic line of connection in the long-ness of our Cartesian moments. Swirling wet snow today made the city streets a mess. it is here now, that which is needed.

A change of mind? When Gladys Stourfelt, at 21, inherited her grandfather’s modest fortune, several suitors proposed. She got as far as the altar on three occasions, but always changed her mind at the last minute. Gladys postponed her decision year after year, until finally, flat broke at 40, she agreed to marry her last and most devoted admirer. He had waited almost twenty years to marry his impoverished heiress, and died soon thereafter. We suspect you’ll find a mere 3-minute wait for Caffrey’s far less frustrating and far more rewarding… –from a Caffrey’s Irish Ale ad

naked meaning

there are some social circles where leaving hairs stuck to the bar of soap in the shower is a serious infraction against the prevailing system of decorum. I have lost sight of my dreams for the moment. can’t remember how long it has been since there were real ones that guided both internal and external events. head down to concentrate on the slick sidewalk which turns out not to be so treacherous as it appears what with sharp pea-sized fragments of shattered granite scattered almost everywhere. a first sign of spring comes to sight — small melted rivulets cut into the ice that covers the walkways — where the drains from the roofs lead — the sun is heating the roof and that slightly-warmed water is making its way down to street-level where, wrapped in shadow, it retains enough energy to cut canyons through the ice before spreading out and forming frozen deltas of ice with no gravel. these are the most dangerous areas to avoid or at least walk with that stiff-legged demeanor meant to stave off the possibility of complete imbalance and potential disaster. all on a walk out to the lake, and it IS frozen, somehow this is surprising, is it safe to walk on? there are ski tracks and footprints, though not too many of them. aiming towards the harbor breakwater (why a breakwater in a small inland lake?) I walk through the stretched-out moon-shadow of a factory smokestack cast far into the white darkness by the almost full moon. past the breakwater. to some center which is defined only by an absence of Lights. it is too bright for celestial mystery, only a fraction of terrestrial silence, but with the brightness there is sound or at least the impression of sound. noise, culture-noise. what about going to a cabin in the woods? deep in snow-covered trees and the muffling shapes of inverted nothing. no sauna even yet. no hot water bath. shopping at the Euromarket barely 50 meters from the front door of the College. having to scrutinize each package, all except the ones that I already know from these previous lives here in this land, anything new requires self-conscious label-reading, hoping for a bit of Swedish that I can decode, the Finnish still largely a mystery — vocabulary expanding though, to say, 200 words. like a catalog to draw from. nothing like what language is, at least mother-tongue. a poor substitute that carries little if anything but bare naked meaning. who cares about that except for those cases where that is the only role — a priest reading the last rites, hail Mary mother of god, our father who art, in the beginning, I am the Alpha and the Omega. so sick of the teevee in the foyer of the two-bedroom guest suite, downstairs there is a decent tape deck in the lecture hall, Miles/Coltrane, yes, something to hear and to live by. I struggle to face the fact that once again, this locus for my text-based musings has no direction, no energy, and, worst of all, no spirit. Given my activities for the past five months (can it be only that short a time that I have been into this newest wave of teaching/employment?), perhaps I should not be expecting a flood of creative impulses and action to be sustained, energies have been aimed elsewhere.

tedium of time

Spending all the day languishing with a bit of a cold. Feeling a bit caged here, but otherwise the situation is quite good. I find that my teaching work goes very well this spring, as was the case overall last fall. Actually my energy level is much higher even, as I don’t have the burden of the back pain that dogged me all of last year. It appears that the approach of unmediated space of dialectic to pedagogy, something along the lines of Paolo Friere (though I do need to re-read his works), provides a dynamic and plentiful energy source for both the student and myself. The computer and network is the ultimate desiring device. Any system, including the Market, falls because of the unlimited and ignorant confidence it is held in by the masses of people who blindly believe in its efficacy. There are too many null points in human nature that drive a theoretical system to destruction. For example, the market depends on perfect information to be held by all. When has this EVER been the case? And when is the FULL price of production ever acknowledged by a manufacturer? That is, the price of future toxic-waste Superfund clean-ups, for example … Blind allegiance to a system is the primary means for that system to run amok and bring disaster to both those in power controlling the system and those under its power … Blah blah blah. A clear critical distance to a system, regardless of its apparent glories and blah blah blah… A bad Tony Curtis movie that ends with his house in Malibu sliding down a muddy hillside to the beach. Afterward, the news comes on with the same images from Northern California. captured between the walls, the weather, and a bad sinus cold, somewhere south of Karelia, a long two days walk to Russia, and only the far-off Equinox to break the tedium of time.


Lahti is the sister city of Akureyri in Iceland, although it is several times larger in population. It sits on a lake (as do most (all?) cities, towns, and villages in Finland), and claims to be a Business Center in the country. It is also known for its ski jumping towers. The morning and evening are spent taking care of paperwork, correspondance, and some planning for the course here, as well as settling into my room which is actually in the school building itself, right across from the main office. I will be here for four weeks — almost the entire month of February — not counting weekend forays into Helsinki to visit friends, network, and shop (hah!). I write to Kate in Ann Arbor:

sotto voce: Much has gone down, much goes down, and much will be going down, until all is down, dirty, and done, then all will rise, not for the judge, but for the Judgment of what has gone down before the time arrives for it to be judged. like, something strikes the FAN. and other things are simply passed over. the good, the bad, and that which is neither — the contents of time-bound life and living.

When I arrive in Lahti last night, I am met by two Spanish exchange students who find a cab to take me to the school. They were waiting for a compatriot to arrive, but he is apparently delayed at the airport and was not on the same bus as I. All this reminds me of the incredible opportunities young people who are studying have in Europe at the moment. One wonders where the constant exchanging of these intelligent adventurers will lead in a Europe that has seen few decades of peace in its entire history. Most of the art academies have a transient population that is steady at 15-20 percent of the student body, and a majority of students will take studies for at least a half-year at another institution before graduating. The ERASMUS and NORDPlus consortium exchange programs include students all across greater Europe, and frequently institutions have multiple contacts on every continent. This mixing forms strong and intimate bonds across cultural borders — something I have been a proponent of for years. In my class I will have four Spaniards, a Belgian, and six Finns. Nice. I have a theory that email and these exchange programs will have a fundamental effect on the cultural life of Europe. Not only do the students have the opportunity to make contacts, but they have the tool to maintain dynamic collaborative situations. This also has the effect of leveling regional cultural differences, but allows for new forms and identities to arise. It turns out that my old friend Terhi is actually attending school at the Institute, and she is here when I arrive — it is a very pleasant surprise, as I had not heard from her for a few months since we worked together on net.sauna at Ars Electronica last September. She is working towards a continuing education BA diploma after some years of not studying. In the frigid temperatures, after a quick tour of the whole school, we head to the closest bar that serves Guinness. Back in, Finland! This time in winter. Full winter, though not as dark at all as expected, guess that was lived out between Arizona and Iceland. During the last few days I have had several instants where I will shift into a state of concentration and observations begin to flow. I am hoping to harness these energies in the next days to begin, well, to continue work on something of substance here.

hubris of chrome

Listening to Kulu se Mama by Coltrane this morning over a bowl of Cheerios, the phrase the hubris of chrome materializes in my head. It is an expression of the pride that humans have in the creating of machines in their own image. A false god-hood. Seeing themselves as the driving source within the heart of the machine. Production of technology, extension of body, prosthesis, being at root only a reflection of the creative energies of Life. And, somehow, a reflection is, by definition, only a corrupt materialization of the source. It is not, in itself, a source. It is an energy sink, that which absorbs energy, alters it, and re-radiates it. I make lunch for myself, and in the process eat some bad ham which has the effect of, about an hour later, the hearing in one ear goes, throwing me off balance, I am in the middle of a discussion with some students, I last another half-hour, then break, and end up dashing home in the car, hardly able to stand up or walk. I fall onto the bathroom floor and end up having to stick a finger down my throat in order to vomit. Amazing what organic poisons can do to the body.

volunteer actions

There buried in the rushing blare of thoughts that are happening even at this instant when I pull a string of words from head to fingertips, buried in it all, not as another character speaking, but the self-sound, comes the flicker (I MUST change!) or (Give energy to the sounds of the heart, give to others, give up the self!) or (rush, LOOK, see that, no need to reduce anything to material consideration, leave!) or (cold that eats, cold that eats, feeds on waning darkness) or (out of sight out of mind is lie, pure lie — within sight of mind is all that mind knows and has known, sight is insight, foresight, hindsight, far-sight, near-sight) or (fear) or (saying) or (be) and the body under it all. Trains of words move so many directions, desire to be loved and to love drowns in the desire of the ego to be filled with attention, and all writing is mediation (why state the obviously occurring thought). Actions cluster in certain areas: i.e., volunteer actions are the deviation for the self… they should be the standard, the norm, the average. Time to recalculate.


House-sitting. for Rick and Sally. They are in Costa Rica for awhile with the kids. Loki is with me now. Sleeping upstairs as I try to stay awake in pain, but needing to write and feel some progress with things that I need to work on. Snow comes down tonight. Hot-tub pump whines away. Hard-drive spins. Meet with Gene for lunch a couple days ago. MB is come and gone, on to my family’s place in Arizona, sorta. Life has taken such a hectic dimension that I catch myself anticipating free time on the road that is looming up ahead in January. Needing to work with Mark, Rebecca, Jim, and others, things to be done, people to be visited. Well, at least, when I am not teaching. But that is minimal worry. The worry is about the solidity of the spine (spine-less, broken back, lame) to endure the intensity of things. Construction of word-lines that sustain. I find life-line mixed into threads. the thoughts that I am completely wasting my life, compared to much of what I have been taught (conflict), so-called knowledge, the thoughts that I am blessed with friends, a beautiful boy, job offers, the thoughts that the world might very well continue on the way it has to the moment, or it might end at any moment, the thoughts that there is not a day to be wasted, it must always be full, full of life, and that life must grow, thoughts of divine internals that might operate outside the skin wall and bring energy to others, thoughts of transcen-dances, thoughts of quietness and being, thoughts of nothing.


home-coming football game yesterday made sense only after leaving it and going to the Ace with Erica and Max, then Sally, Rick, Karen and the kids show up. Nothing like the Ace Hi Tavern in downtown Golden, Colorado. A certain type of energy vortex and situation that is an unbounded whole. I make some cultural video footage as I go along. Thinking of the future, but suddenly I realize that the archivist in me has bloody well documented all but a wipe of the ass (well, I guess that, too) of friends for 20 years long about now. I scan in negatives from around 1982 to 1986, there are many, why I scan them I do not know. Just to have them digital, have copies for posterity, whatever, but I have so little connection to things that I have aggressive sensibilities to just burn it all. go for the Taoist solution, the unruffled path, and the unwobbling pivot. bull shit! that’s what it all is, just a crock of shit. any kind of mediated action. like this here, dammit. Being immersed in a historical context, and seeing faces brought into juxtaposition in former ways, age vanishes, or becomes relative. I sit with a friend for an hour on a park bench in the sun, the waning sun. energy wanes, boredom sets in, I faced the consequences later. I am not ready for entanglements, I suppose confusion is the key factor to set alarms going. confusion. what the hell is happening. those whom I know, their lives are plateaus of flux, burning to varying degrees, slipping, engaged, floating, whatever metaphor of being one could want. the spectrum that spans from unsaturated living to saturated being, the range, the range floats. And I can hardly care anymore, did I ever? chant chant chant, come we go Chant Down Babylon one more time. if only.

static chill

measured sentences today marked the passing of time, I quit writing real sentences because. now frequently I see reflections of other frames of reference (deja vu — such a weak word, unable to pull itself into English, and yet these instances dog me daily now). meta-verse, meta-contact. always mediation always the insurgency (no rapt attention) injecting. only little hopes (we shall overcome). shouting at cloud riots straddling a bicycle seat talking to the wind and wishing I had watched the sunrise without sound background of house news noise. silence would have been the direction to flow into. words built up the day, words scattering across the way, words and looking at what there could have been behind them. in a position of leading life and following life, there is always the element of confusion that greets each successive moment. to be able to have possibility and nothing more than the fullness of it. Dar-es-Saalam comes up in conversation today, so does John Coltrane and Thelonius Monk (his birthday), and Guattari, the Thousand Plateaus, more “static chill”


The air has an inversion smell about it. Like early morning driving along the Pacific Coast Highway before the Santa Ana winds begin to blow. Still and full of mobile vapors of steel-and-plastic in motion. Last night there was an exchange of energies. Actually much of yesterday there were energies moving and moving and moving between hearts and voices, ears and minds. Spinning lives into a fall that comes in the night, chill nights where the sounds of the earth reach only slightly above the treetops, and above is the silence of the mountains washing the air clean of warmth and sound. Wakefulness is complete in every moment. Sleep is a detail of each day, almost lost in the fullness of being. The sun at this moment carries the hinted whiteness of winter, but still holds the yellow of summer. There is no threat of Arctic wild darkness anywhere. Maybe this is too far south for the sun to allow that extremity of being. How touch and all forms of human contact remains core, key, a crux, a necessity for transfer, recharging, sharing energy. Without this function, there can be no growth. I continue construction of the student web site. Sitting at the computer almost all the day. This late Indian Summer day, snow threatening above 9000 feet. and I find myself unable to write as freely as in the past for the simple reason of being part of a closed system here in this State of place-being-mind. For to explore the actuality of what is happening would be to reveal far too much than should be revealed in such a public forum as this.

the traveler

Met with Mark this afternoon. After my Friday afternoon Critical Thinking class. One of the significant reverberations of Open-X was his presence and our meeting and subsequent dialogues which developed, are developing. He is an artist who has made transitions from medium-to-medium, and has come away with a depth of experiential insight that is among the most principled-understanding data-sets I have run across in my networking experience. Our sentiments seem to align in similar directions, probably because of my leanings to the written word, and his to networking and Web-based possibilities. An over-simplification. How energies align is rather something of a mystery for me. How last week at ARS, there was a massive alignment of human essences, bipolar networking molecules, magnetic bio-phage dipoles, whatever. In rare dis-position against the cult of the object that still dominates the cultural industry sector. Definitely the unit for alignment is the individual. Networking. The minimum unit of human interaction is…

Somehow, I feel like I am still traveling, though I can root here in Colorado for three more months. There came a realization last week that I am a member of a sub-group of artist-educator-networkers who are mobile (by choice and by force in recombinant measure), transient, and have this in common. But this common thread is far more powerful than would be immediately evident. As buried in each of these folks is an essential open-ness to the Other. Travelers almost always have this trait. A natural curiosity about the Others met on the road. Combined with a creative spirit, these people can be fiery teachers, not beholden to local institutions, allegiances, or structures. Speaking a tongue unwarped by local political dialects and desires, expressing what is beyond the seen (what is over the horizon), moving, constantly in paced motion, blurring edges and leaping barriers with presence of will.

The ignorant are tied to their native land, the mediocre consider themselves citizens of the world, but only the wise realize that they are a stranger everywhere. — Motto of Los Straniero journal


Classes begin tomorrow at this Institution of Higher Learning. What drives it? The desire to learn, the quest for knowledge, or simply the will to accede to the power base that stands ascendant in this Nation-state. Recalling the skies here is a pleasure of deep memory and mindfulness that brings my eyes some great energy, although I still am in the state of feeling that the outdoors is hostile. A left-over from life exposed in Iceland. Yet, as though from far away, my skin luxuriates in the sensations, drawing me, a topological being, forwards into the landscape. Driving, windows up, virtual, assures safe passage through it all, but I see many things to stop for, to be imaged, to be absorbed to be touched.

soon come

Kati and Harri make vihta birch bundles out of fresh green birch twigs, wrapped tightly together for the sauna tonight. This is one part of the Finnish sauna tradition that is very special, whipping the body with these vihta that have soaked in water a bit. The smell is electric, the same smell that invades and clears the head on a walk outside at this time of year. Birch life-essence exploding everywhere along with the mosquitoes that, though not yet exploding quite like the birch, are, as the Jamaicans say, soon come. The energy of the Solstice is building (it seems like there will be a full moon as well, which is just what we need to heighten the astronomically measured crux).

stupid bowl

Juggling mental images, virtual being-ness, weather impressions, family, others, water, body, rain. I saw a coyote loping along the road this morning on the way over to Jim and Janet’s for breakfast. Angelique made biscuits and gravy. Jim was out waiting for a javelina to show up at a friends house — I guess you could call it vermit huntin’ — inside the town limits, and a big javelina it was rumored to be.

The Stupid Bowel, as I named it, was today. I was pleased that during that spectacle of spectacles, the internet was FAST! Like, Blazing! Wish it was always that way … Alexandra and I finally touched base with an IRC test this evening for something over an hour. I am having difficulty putting some kind of deconstructive take on this whole eight dialogues project. It is carrying energy, of that I am certain. The energy is real time, but the effect of the text mediation, the time lapse, the technical interface, and the perception/manifestation of physical presence. I have been having trouble typing all day, too, inverting letter order. Don’t understand that. I wouldn’t mind a better keyboard and working situation here at the house. I work standing up for my back and then my feet and legs just go crazy. I have never been so conscious of my body and its limits as I have these past weeks here in Arizona.

ideological structures

Staying at Scott’s place for the last days here at Florida State University. He’s doing tech management for the Art Department, having just finished his MFA up at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Yesterday was heavily involved in discussions with students and faculty about my performance last Thursday. Passionate discussions to be sure. Because of a small glitch in communication between Paul and I, (and, the onerous ideological relationships that accompanied the performance space itself — the Art History lecture room) the dialogue which is the third component of the performance stopped after about ten minutes. The intensive hours of discussion that ensued in the days following amply illustrated to me a number of factors influencing the dialogue. The first was the power of the ideological structure enclosing the audience and space. (This would include the unfulfilled expectations, based in preconceptions and comfortable same-ness)… Anyway, the continuing discussion has been very stimulating and has opened up new areas of consideration for me. I have very mixed feelings about the performance, but the flux of energy that has enveloped it in the four times it has happened — once in Köln, once in Helsinki, once in Tampere, and now, in Tallahassee — has carried my thinking on a productive tour of my own pathway as well as providing deep insights into others’ attitudes, dreams, and beliefs.

Manifestations of Networking

self-portrait at Selatangar on the Summer Solstice, Árnessýsla, Iceland, June 1995
Published in Valokuva: Contemporary Imagery Review/Journal of Finnish Photography, vol. 46 number 5, Helsinki, Finland, October 1996

As a basic tenet of existence, I intentionally seek to inhabit all spaces that I encounter as personal spaces of genuine dialogue and interaction — humane intervention based in a mutual recognition and engagement of the Other.

I have always approached technology from a passively critical point-of-view. As the son of a technology analyst and forecaster, technology was introduced into my life from the very beginning of awareness. Machines were not only a means of control and extension of control but also of remote sensing — an extension of the sensual capabilities of the organic body. more “Manifestations of Networking”


Thankfully, this morning, Martin decided to drive me all the way to the Silja terminal, about 30 minutes away from Järfälla in Stockholm proper. It was raining heavily, and that would have been an added hassle to make the two train connections and a 500 meter walk to the terminal. At this moment, I am on the Silja Lines MS EUROPA, heading east across the Baltic which can barely be seen out the windows in a brilliant dense fog. I am happy that the boat has a few electric plugs available for me to use with this machine, as my battery only lasts about twenty minutes these days. (Somewhere in the background the World Cup in hockey, between the Czech Republic and Canada is playing itself into a frenzy). Strange energy running on the ship. Finns all around, of course, along with a real variety of folks. A tribe of freaks from the UK with dreads a meter long and jack boots taped together. Not a band, just a tribe heading god knows where. In the huge cocktail bar trimmed in granite, with laser Lights and all, a Finnish honky-tonk/tango band just started up, people are dancing! It’s early in the afternoon. The ship is moving through dense fog, and I have a bit of a feeling that I am in a TwiLight Zone. Downstairs is a shopping mall and, among other consumptive enticements, a MickieDees at which, to be truthful, I will probably have a Big Mac at later. The tango dancing is getting more frenzied, lemme outta here! The traveler, in this age, at least when moving by the techno means of the day, often must surrender him/herself completely to technology. Boarding a boat, a plane, a train, bus, u-bahn, subway, tram, and so on, at that moment, biological life is given over to an Other that is usually faceless and who, him/herself, navigates the space-time of movement in a way that is more or less mediated by technology. What of traveling with the old ways. Walking? I did have that walk from the Barkaby train station back to Martin and Selma’s place two nights ago, as the last train arrives after the last bus. Seven kilometers or so. Puts the reality of sore feet into the technological equation. (fog horn blows). After arriving at the port of Turku I make a quick transfer to the train to Tampere. The train ride puts me into a state of floating awareness. Perhaps this is because when on a train, either one sits so that all things are falling away or so that all things converge. Or, floating because I was on a boat for ten hours. Whatever, I suddenly was aware that I had re-entered the Arctic Realm again. Not sure where/when the dividing line was passed over, but it had been crossed. Perhaps it was the visual experience of watching the twiLight come to the land. I write:

Darkness is blooming from deep under the earth. There is not yet much of it to be seen, but it is there. Driven deep by the reversal of energies that comes each year. It starts at the base of the biggest fir trees, waiting for the right moment when no one, no thing is watching. Creeping upward at the instant one turns away from meditating on the possibility that it may get dark — at some distant future moment which might be an eternity or no time at all. There are times when any thought of darkness becomes impossible. Absolutely beyond the sensual capacity of a human be-ing (and only other things are left to know what will eventually happen, not humans). But, now, darkness is entering the houses, slipping up the trunks of the trees, and spreading through the loam of needles that receives in silence below the green canopy darkening above.
Changing trains:
Darkness has consumed the railroad tracks, but the sky has not lost its Light. The Darkness will eventually consume, devour all things touching the earth — phone poles, even the high-strung wires will be turned to total blackness. But the sky will not succumb. Here in this Place. (I feel that I am in a place, a place new to me. A foreign place. A strange place. But a comfortable place.) I am a traveler. I travel. The artificial Lights outside the train window are being sucked into the Darkness. Man produces Light, or, perhaps, only concentrates it in one place or another. But the Darkness consumes it. (Still the sky is Light).
My eyes are so tired that I cannot see what I write when the train is moving. My eyes start to jitter and shake. But now we slow to the station at Karkku. In this place, Darkness has almost won. The trunk Light of a car Lights hands and torsos loading luggage, but then all Light is consumed. The sky is now at risk. At 10:45 in the evening, five degrees south of the Arctic Circle.
Perhaps the conductor of the train and I are the only ones in existence now, except the others who wait. The conductors wife, she waits. Perhaps watching teevee. Programs played by people who no longer exist or maybe never existed. She watches and waits. His children are already asleep, they have entered the Darkness of Night.

Pori, finally, Kaisu there at the station. Kauniita unia (Sweet dreams…)!

April Fools

I missed some days of entries for the usual reasons — to busy to get to the machine, although I was able to upload the first travel log pages down at the Slade Media Lab. And right after that, met with Susan Collins, the Head of the Slade’s Electronic Media program. We had a few rounds up in the Housman Room where the bartender, Eladio, is known for his generosity — whatever one buys ends up costing only 4 pounds sterling. A bargain, more or less, depending on what you decide to stock up on, a coupla’ pints o’stout, and a few bags of crisps, a fruit bowl, Snickers, whatever…
more “April Fools”


Is work a vehicle for the transmission of energy, a vessel. or is it an absolute end in itself? (What is the form of the energy?) or so. Should it be concerned in both form and content to carry energy? How does a photograph carry (conduit) energy? How does anything carry energy? — by substance that holds energy. Black & White relates to intensity (power), not wavelength. Energy is modulated by tone. And in Content? How is energy modulated (or controlled)? The materials may be made to conduct energy in form. (Dancing around what is to be done). What energy? Creative energy, destructive energy, sexual, electric, (waveform), invisible: visible. And so on. What is the form of my energy? What way is it saved or spent? Communication is merely the transmission of energy. Information is the form of the energy. or so. But not energy itself. Words without action… How to communicate through action and not words.