gaismaspils / castle of Light / telejam 04

screenshot: live neoscenes stream using VDMX, online, Boulder, Colorado & Riga, Latvia, 20 November ©2002 hopkins/neoscenes.
screenshot: live neoscenes stream using VDMX, online, Boulder, Colorado & Riga, Latvia, 20 November ©2002 hopkins/neoscenes.

A long ago and far away project at the cutting edge of collaborative international streaming between Boulder, CO, and Riga, Latvia, and points in between.

18-24 November 2002, Arhivs Gallery, Riga, Latvia

A real-time video-installation followed by series of live audiovisual data exchange performances in search of access to the repository of higher knowledge.

Video/sound artists and broadcasters (streaming media/icecast) are invited to salvage the Light from obscurity and participate in search process by joining telejamming sessions during the exhibition.

To participate and find out more, please contact for any questions.

The installation concept is built around an ancient myth found in Latvian pagan culture, but its symbolic meaning can be found in many other cultures—be it the Golden Age, The Lost World, the Garden of Eden in ancient times and Christian belief, or The Lost Tree of Knowledge in Eastern Cultures.

In the Latvian mythology there is a widely known story about the Palace of Light — a repository of higher knowledge and wisdom, freedom and power of spirit and mind, which was drowned by darkness in depths of the Lake Burtnieki a long time ago.

By transforming the pagan mythology and industrial societies notion of the Palace of Light into the images of information society we arrive at the symbol which finds similarities with twenty-first century cultural icons like cyberspace, hyperspace, unlimited information space, dimension of thought, ideas, and information reality.

In the Latvian folklore we can find precise information about the way the drowned palace can be accessed: its name (or call it password) needs to be guessed, identified and separated from the rest of the information. Basically if we don’t question the convictions of Hellenistic thinkers about reality as the imperfect projection of the Idea, where new phenomenon and conceptions appear only when they are thought of (identified), it is necessary to find/capture this idea of the Palace of Light, which will serve as a universal key to the gate of the world of idea.

Today the information technologies have developed to such a level that it should be possible to find the ‘word’ (access code) of the Palace of Light. Even more, the search can be conducted in three basic levels of information: visual, sound, and text. In this case the access code search software will work like information processing virtuoso hackers, finding the right code from the hundreds of possible combinations.

About Telejam

A real-time audiovisual data performance (concert), simultaneously in real and virtual space. Many audio/visual streams are created and transmitted simultaneously by the artists in different geographical locations, and presented live via mix aesthetics. Since the summer of 2001 (London) and RIGASOUND (Riga) has conducted a series of real and virtual space situations within the Telejam lab. Telejam is real-time data sculpture in the information space.

Technically: in the exchange of data the internet and streaming media software (Realmedia, Icecast) are used as well as huge arsenal of digital, virtual, and analogue sound and video signal equipment, video/ audio mixers, effect processors, image processing software, etc.

The format of the situation and its experimental aesthetics allow artists to use and experiment with the net effects and techniques such as delay, loop, feedback, lo-rez, and signal distortion to create reflexive and summarizing audio-visual loop infinities.


[November 2002]

Damn Voldemars — I just sent this to the lev list, sorry — I hate when that happens! ;-)

I would love to join you folks with a video/audio live jam streamed from here in Colorado — what do I need to know? I have a phat Real Server to use for my stream, so I need no technical support. I can do a stream live mixed from VDMX VJ software with a separate audio stream…
