The 4 runs showed a slowdown to 506 Ft/sec at 38 K! This is too slow.
Reran at 20˚ & 25˚ with δ+ = 1.0 sec rather than 0.1 sec and 250 sec total time.
Put a data deck in the 5 PM run with 20˚, 01. sec, β = 400 and δ = 20˚, 0.1 sec, β = 400 and thrust to 5500 from 700; V at 300 K, 36,281; high.
Drove the Willys.
Went in to Tuner’s Supply for some more tools & a pound of Nr. 18-1/2 wire.
Passed a boy (Roger?) on most of his First Class tests except the signalling. We meet at 0545 tomorrow at the Capt. Isaac home to start the march to Concord to commemorate the Battle of Concord April 19, 1775.