Went into office for half a day. JLV gave me the map they brought back from Patrick. JV is going ahead with the coord. comb., he has found a program, several years old, that converts x-y-z to spherical polar. It is new at MITRE.
Reported to First Aid Room for some cold pills, and that I expect to undergo corrective surgery on my jaw. Also mentioned this to WLZ.
Larry Globus in to say that Dr. Wells spoke yesterday of a reorg. of the PA work into 8 areas.
Rec’d another check from Liberty Mutual/Industrial Accident Department, this for $132.86.
Clear +20°F
Called Dr. Thoma’s office to report my cold (LO6-3324). He was busy with surgery at 11:30 AM. His secretary called later at home to say that I am not to go to the hospital under any circumstances with a cold.
Went home at 1:30 PM. Tried to get a Toro engine short block at Mill Dam, but he didn’t have one. Bought a two-tube used fluorescent fixture @ $5; will put it in the shop.
LCH took DCH to a high school rifle team meet at the Concord Armory.