Checked the corrected tracings for the seven Admin sections & gave them to Joanna for reproduction.
JLV found he has an appointment with Senator Monroney on Saturday at 10:30 AM, so he left to drive to Washington after we went over the two problems (technical) that I believe are basic. They are a) provide means to enable the pilot to know where he is at all times, and b) provide 3-D a/c position information on all a/c to the ground control system. If these two problems were taken care of, separation would be much easier.
We also discussed names of people who could make a contribution: Bill Weber; Prof. Jay W. Forrester (MIT Industrial Management); Jay Palmer, Deitchmann & Co.; Jack Grewell, and those at Franklin Inst.; Warren Taylor should also be added.
Joe H. and I worked out more details of our presentation; I will take it through Phase I Rpt. Sect III C3, he the rest.
The cracks near the front door seem to be getting worse, and indicate a progressive deterioration of the alignment of the front door post. The post near the front door under the overhang is not parallel to the front of the house, nor is it plumb. Made appointment with Mr. Hussey to discuss will on Monday at 2 PM; told him about the front door problem on same call; he said he would get in touch with Harry Hoffman, Cahill’s attorney at once.
LCH took DCH to the dentist. I worked on the girl’s closet door, the piano action, and wrote to Jack Johnson.