Uh. The day starts early (earlier than even I expected). I forgot to set my alarm clock one hour back when coming from Köln to London. I woke up ten minutes before the alarm went off at seven. Out of bed, shower, breakfast (quietly as to not wake Joanna up — she’s been working long hours at her new job as webmaster (or so) at New Music Express). Catch the Tube to Waterloo Station where I am a bit dismayed to discover it is only 0700 rather than 0800. But I am up and awake so there is no turning back. The train to Winchester takes just oven an hour, and it is a short walk down to the College of Art where I have tea and toast waiting for David to show up. I am not really here to teach, rather just to see how the graduating students are doing and so on. Ian, the Director of the College is leaving in June, and the College is being absorbed by the administration of the University of Southampton about ten miles away, so there are changes in view in the near future.