Friday, 01 June, 1962

Had some discussion with WZL, who mentioned two work areas — a) the Data Flow working group, and b) the development of a document to the physical basis of the STV tests. Apparently I was being offered a chance to shift to the other (data) work. It seems important to me to “develop the physical basis of the tests in the STV program,” as I mentioned to WW & WZL before. WZL expects to be at BSD next week and will endeavor o obtain their approval to do this since it involves going to the various Aerospace contractors.

Listened to a mtg. in Lee Murray’s office on the STV Data problem.

Mailed another letter to FAA Admin N. E. Halaby, on a) the addition of a/c identity & remaining fuel to the beacon response, b) the development of the safety and separation volumes around each moving a/c for computer up-dating, and c) suggested HJM as a good man to operate BRD.


There was too much mud in the back yard to pour concrete in the AM, so I went to the office.