Remote Presence: Streaming Life
Welcome to the participant listing & final event info for the Remote Presence workshop at the pixelache 2007 festival and Artists' Association MUU in Helsinki, Finland.
2000 - 2400, Saturday, 31 March 2007, Helsinki (EET) GMT+3 **
1900-2300, Saturday, 31 March 2007, Berlin (CET) GMT+2
1:00-5:00 PM, Saturday, 31 March 2007, NYC (EST) GMT-4
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Saturday, 31 March 2007, Los Angeles (PST) GMT-7
0300 - 0700, Sunday, 01 April 2007, Sydney (EST) GMT+10
at MUU galleria, Lönnrotinkatu 33, 00180 Helsinki, Finland, +358 (0)9-625 972
UP-TO-DATE info HERE! Stay Tuned!
We invite your incoming audio (mp3, ogg) and video (QT) streams for local playing, re-broadcast, and re-mix. Local participants in Finland are also welcome to bring sonic and/or visual set-ups to plug in to the mix and join the party.
** go to http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ for times in other locations
channel #neoscenes
irc clients -- we recommend MIRC for PC and X-chat Aqua for Mac OSX |
rtsp://ws46.fng.fi/pixel.sdp (download Quicktime) |
globalRADIO -- Berlin, DE
Jane Crayton -- Boulder, US
globalRADIO -- Berlin, DE
Jane Crayton -- Boulder, US |
Rod Stasick -- http://rodcast.dyndns.org:8000/listen.m3u
share: Dan Winckler, NYC, US
globalRADIO -- Berlin, DE
Rod Stasick -- http://rodcast.dyndns.org:8000/listen.m3u
share: Dan Winckler, NYC, US |
vädelma, Helsinki, FI
Rod Stasick -- http://rodcast.dyndns.org:8000/listen.m3u |
globalRADIO-- Berlin, DE
Rod Stasick -- http://rodcast.dyndns.org:8000/listen.m3u |
CH / CO crew: _alejood, -MW- medellinwireless (kleper, kalashnikov, sparkid. lucas, ++) |
CH / CO crew: _alejood, -MW- medellinwireless (kleper, kalashnikov, sparkid. lucas, ++) |
Jane Crayton -- Boulder, Colorado, US -- http://janedapain.net |
Rod Stasick -- is a composer in the broad sense of the term. He is interested in the creation of event-systems for various situations. Template scores are often created using a combination of graphic signs and symbols that usually suggests a syncretism of styles and methods of performance. Using these methods, he produces works in diverse disciplines (audio, video, text, mail art, conceptualism, etc.) utilizing assorted influences (Eastern Philosophy, Fluxus, The Internationale Situationniste, Oulipo, Semiotics, Discrete Event-Systems, random numbers to revamp Zen planning and various forms of Information Theory). Worked with: John Cage, Nam June Paik, Alvin Lucier, Jerry Hunt, a.o. Extensive number of performances of experimental works. His recent studies with Karlheinz Stockhausen (2001-2006) have renewed his interest in various aspects of compositional integration. http://stasick.org |
Björn Erikson -- SE -- http://miulew.blogspot.com/ |
Dan Winckler -- NYC, US -- Dan Winckler is a performing artist of the visual, networked and
improvisational varieties. He uses computers, his body, other
people's bodies, toys, live cameras, lights and any junk or crafts
lying around to make dynamic, collaborative visual performances in
collaboration with the audience and fellow audio artists and
visualists. He has performed at SubTonic, { R } A K E, EyeWash, the
virtual world Second Life. In Fall 2006, he performed video on the
Jamarama Live tour, a rock show for kids and families. He is a core
member of SHARE (http://share.dj), a non-profit organization that
hosts collaborative audio/visual jams in New York and other cities
around the world. More information and video can be found at
http://danwinckler.com. |
alejood -- CH / CO -- http://giss.tv:8000/medellinwireless.ogg |
Liam Wells and John Bowers -- Norwich, UK -- |
globalRADIO -- mi_ga & Karsten -- Berlin, DE -- http://www.gradio.org/ |
discos invisibles -- Tiajuana, MX -- http:// www.d-i-net.org |
Riikkaliina Turkki --
Helsinki, FI |
Alex Berry -- Boulder, Colorado, US -- works as a Web designer by day
and a mixed media artist by night. Favorite working methods involve
combining video, film, sound, and the Internet in a collaborative way
with others around the globe. http://blog.eyeinput.net |
Christiaan Cruz -- Yorba Linda, California, US -- is a photographer by trade. This work has taken him across Northern America, Asia and Europe. Other interests are Complex Cinema, which he studied at Cal State University of Fullerton along with modern music. Recent sound, installation, video and computer pieces have focused on connectivity, sounds in relation to space, and appropriate design. SCIARC lectures, Mills College events, the Claremont Colleges Ben Johnston Symposium, and the Cold Storage Series encouraged this. Collaborations have included composer David Kendall, the group Upsilon Acrux, S.A.B.A.W., and artist Lauren Lavitt. He currently resides in Southern California having performed at local galleries, festivals and noise venues.http://zurcnaaitsirhc.blogspot.com and http://spielerstadt.blogspot.com/ |
Andrew Paterson -- Helsinki, FI -- Andrew Paterson -- Helsinki, FI -- is an artist whose practice involves working in the roles of initiator, participant, author and curator, according to different collaborative and transdisciplinary projects. He works inbetween the fields of media and socially-engaged arts, where the process of engagement is often a devised workshop, situation, or performative event. He is currently interested in: notions of Not-Yet-Become, hybrid host-guest relationships, Bohmian dialogue, the bare-bones story model, and peer production/distribution frameworks. As outcomes-and-goings, he has coordinate and faciliated local and international workshops for mixed-disciplinary professionals, students, and young people in UK, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Turkey and Australia. What is left behind as a digital, material and ephemeral risidue of 'being there' is a consisant concern. http://mlab.uiah.fi/~apaterso/ |
Gun Holmström -- Helsinki, FI -- is an independent visual artist working mainly with video,
photography, the web and interactive sound pieces. In her videos,
usually with a documentary background, she claims that truth can be
documented, but that it comes with a chorus of confused emotions and a
constantly shifting perspective. She is fascinated by the complexity and
contradictory nature of human emotions, and situations, and the
concealed norms regulating humans as social beings. Holmström has made
two permanent public art commissions in Helsinki; an everchanging light
mandala consisting of dual color LEDs, and an interactive outdoor sound
sculpture, the Omphalomin, which is equipped with optical sensors.
http://www.gnuh.net & http://www.createyourmindscreen.net |
Sirpa Jokinen -- Helsinki, FI -- is an artist working mainly with sound, video, photography, as well as drawing and making objects. Her artwork deals with ways of experiencing the immediate surrounding space and problematics of location. She is also a writer and member of the Board of Editors for the web magazine http://www.mustekala.info. She received a BFA from the Kuvataideakatemia in Helsinki and an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute. She teaches psychoanalytic theory in terms of the image at the Nordic Art School since the year 2000. There are images of some of her works at http://www.artists.fi Jokinen Sirpa |
Sabrina Harri -- Helsinki, FI -- is a young artist working across different mediums creating performance-like ephemeral and fragile installations that combine video, sculpture, drawing and painting. She travels regularly and her practice evolves through her experiences of different places and cultures. Her work reflects on the conflict between reality and artifice and expresses a sort of aesthetic claustrophobia asking if the world exists for us without representations of it. She is also active as a VJ under cover names in the electronic music scene. http://www.kuvataiteilijamatrikkeli.fi/ |
Petri Kaverma -- Helsinki, FI -- is a visual artist. Since graduation in 1992, he has focused on applied conceptual environmental art. During the last few years, he has expanded the range of his artistic expression: to focus also on virtual/network space type global space, while not forgetting communality on the local level. Visual/contemporary art in its multiple forms can expose current cultural issues that may even influence the society and community as a whole. His particular interests are works that make a social impact in their environment. He examines how and why a given work causes “noise” in people's minds, how and why the noise influences or does not influence the environment and how the noise can be assessed. At the moment, he is studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in the Department of Postgraduate Studies. http://www.kaverma.fi
Michael Glen -- Melbourne, AU / Baden Württemburg, DE -- Michael Glen is a motion graphic/interactive artist using audio/visual material to create environments that play with the ideas of consciousness, feeling, and humanity. Though based in Melbourne, Australia, he is currently undertaking a period of study in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany, producing several interactive exhibitions there. http://www.michaelglen.net |
Eija Makivuoti -- Helsinki, FI -- is a visual artist and photographer based in Helsinki, Finland. Her recent photographic work consists mostly of long-term documentary projects and workshops in co-operation with handicapped youth and documenting heavy metal subculture. She is also working with performance, live acts, and other documentary photography. She works for instance with the Oblivia performance group and several different metal and rock bands.
http://www.eijamakivuoti.net & http://www.mikropaliskunta.net & http://www.oblivia.fi & http://www.rethinking-nordic-colonialism.org & http://www.flickr.com/photos/eijamakivuoti/ |
Tomi Humalisto -- Helsinki, FI -- is a lighting designer and visual artist who has worked in art projects, theatre, and dance performances for more than ten years. His recent installation performance project in Kiasma and the Zodiak Center for New Dance has been studying the corporeal experience of darkness. He is preparing his artistic dissertation on the field of lighting design in the Theatre Academy of Finland as a researcher of ELOMEDIA - the Graduate School of Audiovisual Media in Helsinki |
Mats "Matu" Eriksson -- Helsinki, FI -- is an aspiring graphic designer and a student of multimedia in Arcada Polytechnic. He has also been doing gigs as a DJ for the last 10 years, and has played at many of the electronic music festivals in Finland and Scandinavia (Koneisto, Konemetsä, Sundance Festival in Tallinn). Currently he is studying, doing freelance web-design and playing at parties - trying to enjoy life to it's fullest! |
Mari Keski-Korsu -- Helsinki, FI -- (mkk) is an artist based in Helsinki, Finland. Her interests lie in human communication, coincidences, and moments that befall. She works with mixed media and process art: storytelling, mapping, visual and audio marks, video, photographs, texts, etc. Her works have been shown in Finland and internationally – usually not in galleries or museums, but in live streaming happenings, concerts, networks, and performances in public spaces. http://www.artsufartsu.net and http://www.mikropaliskunta.net |
1030 - 1630: introductions: who's who, logistics, setting goals, preparations, schedule, requirements, etc... 1800 -- Steve Dietz presentation at Kiasma |
1030 - 1630: background: the roots of collaboration, dynamics of human connection, profiling skills, desires, and directions; examining possible sources; |
1030 - 1630: Infrastructural issues, platforms, frameworks, menus, |
1030 - 1630: organizing food, specific infrastructures, |
1030 - 1630: finalizing sub-projects, |
1030 - 1630: testing: configurations; setting venue up; making schedule public; |
1030 - 1630: (participants free to attend Architecture of Participation presentations at Kiasma); VJ jam session; welcomg party 2100 on Suomenlinna... |
1030 - 1630: (participants free to attend Architecture of Participation presentations at Kiasma; mivie by ) |
FINAL PERFORMANCE: performance materials: set-up (4 hours before if in new venue); tables, projectors, video mixers, chat machine w/ webcam; incoming stream machine(s); power--strips; etc etc
2000 - 2400 @ MUU Gallery -- Artists' Association MUU, Lönnrotinkatu 33, Helsinki, Finland