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neoscenes texts:
3rd party texts:
a box of everything, 1992
neoscenes maintains a critical distance on the abstract representative force -- another formal division of concept -- called language within the sometimes onerous structures of social hierarchy: with this knowledge in mind, constructing text becomes a serious undertaking with often indeterminate results given the limitations of abstracted lingustic re-creation and skill. included in this formal collection of neoscenes chicken-scratchings are documents concerning projects and practices undertaken in the neoscene sphere of influence. also included are a collection of third-party texts of interest to the neoscenes agenda which are either copyleft or used by permission. please see individual articles for useage limitations. easy-to-print .pdf files are soon available by following the pdf icon links.
hopkins/neoscenes texts:
Manifestations of Networking
In The Presence of Networks: A Meditation on the Architectures of Participation
Statement of Art and Teaching Philosophy
TOTEM: ný verk
neoscenes occupation
learning and networks
1 + 1 = 3
Review of ISEA 94
net to art
Doctoral Bibliography
net.art things
Niépce Museum catalog essay
third-party texts:
Becker Culture and Technologies of Control :: by Konrad Becker
Benjamin The Cultivation of Idiosyncracy :: by Harold Raymond Wayne Benjamin
Bey Permanent TAZs :: by Hakim Bey
Bey Overcoming Tourism :: by Hakim Bey
Bohm Dialogue - A Proposal :: by David Bohm, Donald Factor, and Peter Garrett
Dan Reality is too komplex 4 oraL kommunikation :: by Gheorghe Dan
Elder State/Intended: Some Reflections Parallel to the Book of All the Dead :: by R. Bruce Elder
Emerson Nature; Addresses, and Lectures :: by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Friedman Forty Years of Fluxus :: by Ken Friedman
Kluitenberg Connection Machines :: by Eric Kluitenberg
Lovink The Importance of Meetspace: A Manual for Temporary Media Labs :: by Geert Lovink
Lucas One Slate Per Child :: by Martin Lucas
Mittendorf Some Aspects Of Meta-Networking :: by Henning Mittendorf
Mittendorf Mail Art - My Dream Of Freedom And Love :: by Henning Mittendorf
Sherman A Finished Work of Art is a Thing of the Past :: by Tom Sherman
Tacitus Annals of Imperial Rome :: by Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Thornton Let Them Eat IT :: by Songok Han Thornton
Virilio Speed and Information: Cyberspace Alarm! :: by Paul Virilio
update: 07-Jun-2016 12:44
©1975-2023 :: hopkins/neoscenes