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Free Association 3

Tornio, Finland, sep.17.1998

Log file opened at: 17.9.1998 09:30:43
#kuva: t314 heka jaceee @Mikko`
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode is +n
*** Channel created at tiistai 17. marraskuu 1998 09:34:26
*** Proton (McLEIN@ has joined channel #kuva
*** sarwi (jhnipounj@ has joined channel #kuva
heka: rok on!!!!
*** Mode change "+o jaceee" on #kuva by Mikko`
*** Mode change "+o heka" on #kuva by jaceee
*** Mode change "+o sarwi" on #kuva by jaceee
*** Mode change "+o Proton" on #kuva by jaceee
*** Mode change "+o t314" on #kuva by jaceee
*** boog (kpoykio@ has joined channel #kuva
*** Mode change "+o boog" on #kuva by jaceee
*** rehna (jsjsjsjsjs@ has joined channel #kuva
*** Mode change "+o rehna" on #kuva by jaceee
*** Mode change "-n" on #kuva by Mikko`
*** rehna has been kicked off channel #kuva by sarwi (sarwi)
*** rehna (jsjsjsjsjs@ has joined channel #kuva
*** Mode change "+o rehna" on #kuva by jaceee
*** Replied (private) CTCP PING 911288105 from jaceee
*** Mode change "+n" on #kuva by heka
*** Mode change "-n" on #kuva by heka
*** ekm (mie@ has joined channel #kuva
*** Replied (channel) CTCP PING 911284173 from boog
rehna: terve terve
*** Mode change "+n" on #kuva by heka
*** Mode change "+o ekm" on #kuva by jaceee
*** Mode change "-n" on #kuva by heka
heka: nomoi
rehna: ai jaa, senkin raavasuu, kayttaa hyvakseen kaikki mahdolliset valineet, entapa jos joku osaakin tunkeutua meidan salaiseen viestimeen...
*** Mode change "+i" on #kuva by jaceee
*** Mode change "-i" on #kuva by jaceee
*** You have been kicked from channel #kuva by heka (heka)
*** topic for #kuva: Testing Talking and other things
*** topic for #kuva set by jaceee on tiistai 17. marraskuu 1998 09:35:43
#kuva: t314 mkk @ekm @rehna @boog @sarwi @Proton @heka @jaceee @Mikko`
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode is +t
*** Channel created at tiistai 17. marraskuu 1998 09:34:26
*** Mode change "+o mkk" on #kuva by ekm
*** Mode change "+o t314" on #kuva by mkk
--> mkk kiitos
--> heka Sina olet lapsellinen, kai tiesit sen ?
mkk: yrittäkö se eija nyt puhua...
*heka* joojoi
ekm: no joo joo
heka: ei puhuta!
*** DCC CHAT request from mkk
Proton: ruski parucski
*** Mode change "+sm" on #kuva by Mikko`
*** Mode change "-sm" on #kuva by Mikko`
mkk: DCC timeout
t314: Mikä hitsi on DCC CHAT ?
*** DCC CHAT request from heka
t314: Edelleenkään en ymmärrä...
heka: aukase DCC chat -ikkuna
jaceee: check out colors
jaceee: enter on ly one word
Mikko`: bold
jaceee: over
heka: goo
Proton: dose
mkk: heinä
*** Replied (channel) CTCP PING 911289500 from rehna
Mikko`: reverse
boog: no
heka: nenonen
Proton: flank
rehna: siili
Mikko`: underline and color
ekm: isku
sarwi: kala
Proton: speed
*** Replied (channel) CTCP PING 911289762 from heka
ekm: world
jaceee: fried
mkk: hybrid
Proton: fiend
ekm: chicken
*** Replied (channel) CTCP VERSION from Mikko`
sarwi: still
jaceee: follow
heka: kuupo
rehna: kolome
boog: cow
jaceee: frantic
heka: aivo
mkk: silence
jaceee: muu
ekm: wind
t314: daktyliomantic
heka: kiitos
jaceee: brightly
sarwi: poro
Proton: atlantic
heka: anteex
rehna: sarvi
sarwi: kiitos
jaceee: mita
boog: look
t314: ekdysiasti
rehna: sorry Sarwi
Proton: bombas
heka: altruisti
mkk: dekuji
ekm: soopeli
heka: tikku
t314: emboliari
sarwi: kilojouli
jaceee: optic
Proton: ese
rehna: oho
jaceee: scoptic
ekm: fury
sarwi: haha
t314: furuncule
heka: love
sarwi: peace
mkk: die
t314: fur
jaceee: heehee
ekm: hate
Proton: WAR
rehna: money
Proton: for
sarwi: nothing
heka: summer
jaceee: keskus
t314: suhtauttelemattomuuttammekaan
heka: light
heka: flower
sarwi: power
Mikko`: RTFMF!
jaceee: danke
heka: kindnes
heka: s
t314: sähkökilowattituntimittari
sarwi: terve
Proton: es
rehna: taas
jaceee: gesamkeit
sarwi: automaattiastianpesukone
mkk: yellow
jaceee: oder
Proton: glaube
rehna: ihanaisia
boog: sienikeitto
heka: auschwitch
ekm: what
sarwi: kiharaisia
jaceee: laughing
rehna: karvaisia
sarwi: yök
t314: luontovalokuvaaja
jaceee: mita?
jaceee: minority
Proton: hasta luego
heka: vamoz
jaceee: madrugada
sarwi: albert
rehna: päivä
Proton: muchos
sarwi: herne
ekm: mysteries
rehna: palko
jaceee: burrito
Proton: servez
sarwi: joulu
sarwi: pukki
mkk: hk
sarwi: tulee
heka: mcdonalds
jaceee: que
heka: shell
rehna: taco
jaceee: meat
heka: findus
Proton: todo
Proton: ambulancia
t314: Shell
jaceee: concentration
sarwi: admiration
jaceee: grease
Proton: oder
jaceee: unter
t314: hinter
sarwi: center
jaceee: mita
Proton: unheimlich
rehna: alter
Proton: kalten
mkk: remote
jaceee: streetwise
sarwi: schweinhund
Proton: und
Proton: so
Proton: vielen
sarwi: heilige
Proton: tieren
jaceee: heiser
rehna: street
t314: fernseher
jaceee: doch
mkk: syz
Proton: wo
sarwi: noli
jaceee: quartet
sarwi: turbare
rehna: korvatulpat
sarwi: circulos
sarwi: meos
jaceee: turbine
jaceee: Zeus
Proton: APOLLO
t314: sachen
jaceee: tiger
rehna: 440
t314: Ogoni
Proton: panzerfaust
jaceee: talk
jaceee: anschluss
t314: unteres
heka: voivoi
jaceee: lurkers
jaceee: united
sarwi: gerbiili
heka: love/hjate
rehna: hiiri
mkk: hippie
heka: iilimado
sarwi: loukussa
Proton: bliz krieg
jaceee: 5dd3othe
t314: ordnung
heka: zoppaa gorfaan
rehna: oli eilen
jaceee: alles
jaceee: ist
jaceee: in
sarwi: daigadallarit
sarwi: rules
Proton: warum
rehna: on mulla
sarwi: jee
t314: this
t314: what
*** SuSSuX ( has joined channel #kuva
*** Replied (channel) CTCP PING 911290206 from heka
jaceee: finding
t314: you
*** Mode change "+o SuSSuX" on #kuva by Mikko`
rehna: dead mouse
t314: want
sarwi: in trap
mkk: red
t314: this
t314: is
jaceee: two?
rehna: yes
t314: what
*** Replied (private) CTCP PING 911290229 from heka
t314: you
jaceee: sliced
Proton: ost und vest
jaceee: head
t314: get
jaceee: off
jaceee: blood
Proton: sofort
jaceee: everywhere
sarwi: psssssss
heka: sod
t314: bias
rehna: häh
Proton: je suiz
jaceee: bane
mkk: more
heka: joojoo
sarwi: (suhnu)
jaceee: calculate
jaceee: less
t314: kari
heka: jeuiit
rehna: Osmonko
sarwi: yes
sarwi: sir
jaceee: cocoa
t314: sufficient
Proton: 5onit
jaceee: porno
t314: 24
jaceee: queen
t314: 7
mkk: jarno
jaceee: 4711
rehna: on Oulussa
jaceee: 1
jaceee: 3
Proton: hennessey seagram
jaceee: 5
mkk: mutta
jaceee: 7
jaceee: 9
t314: once
mkk: all
t314: this
jaceee: 3
jaceee: 6
jaceee: 9
t314: is
jaceee: 1
Proton: hell A
jaceee: 3
jaceee: 7
heka: over?
Proton: dose
jaceee: under
mkk: stop
jaceee: over
jaceee: the
t314: all
jaceee: place
heka: cannot
heka: handle
heka: it
sarwi: believe
jaceee: torture
Proton: or
heka: anymore
sarwi: truth
jaceee: that
heka: true
jaceee: remains
sarwi: out
Proton: on
jaceee: in
sarwi: there
jaceee: over
rehna: here
jaceee: or
t314: equivalent
Proton: not
sarwi: cool
heka: anywhere
rehna: not
mkk: smile
jaceee: focus
heka: definitely
heka: not
jaceee: breath
heka: cool
t314: someday
jaceee: breath
heka: well
heka: just
jaceee: well
heka: kidding
jaceee: just
Proton: die
jaceee: kidding
jaceee: dia
sarwi: promise
heka: i WILL!
t314: send
jaceee: promise
rehna: mitä?
jaceee: la vie
heka: selavii
mkk: rien
t314: a lack sinner
Proton: en million saboteur
jaceee: marriage
Proton: id
sarwi: neighbour
jaceee: tending
t314: ego
jaceee: nachbar
heka: lost
heka: in
heka: irc
jaceee: lego
heka: WATER!
t314: jetzt
jaceee: echo
*** Signoff: Mikko` (Ping timeout for Mikko`[])
jaceee: echo
jaceee: echo
Proton: zuerst
jaceee: vesi
Proton: einmahl
jaceee: wurst
t314: wasser
Proton: di da
Proton: di da
Proton: di da
mkk: mountain
jaceee: pass
jaceee: passing
rehna: heaven
heka: ruipa
jaceee: do
jaceee: re
t314: könte
jaceee: me
jaceee: fa
Proton: sie ist weg !
sarwi: het
jaceee: so
sarwi: potatis
jaceee: la
jaceee: ti
rehna: koht
Proton: immer
jaceee: do
Proton: noch
Proton: und
t314: nachmal
Proton: doch
Proton: allein
rehna: viännä viännä
Proton: sie
Proton: ist
jaceee: breath
Proton: weg
sarwi: kokkeillaan
Proton: weg!
sarwi: mittee?
t314: ich
t314: bin
jaceee: gesundheit
t314: da
rehna: no duodaduoda
jaceee: willing
jaceee: dada
sarwi: kiäpiö
sarwi: haae
Proton: defcon 1
sarwi: tuolta
jaceee: doodah
sarwi: jiäkuapin
sarwi: piältä
jaceee: defcon 2
rehna: kualikyäryleitä
sarwi: kualkiäryleitä
Proton: defcon 3
sarwi: jee
jaceee: WAR
t314: red october
jaceee: until
heka: only after defcon 5
sarwi: that
jaceee: the
sarwi: was
sarwi: fun
jaceee: philosophy
Proton: of
Proton: war
jaceee: where
jaceee: one
Proton: remains
sarwi: can
Proton: others
jaceee: man
jaceee: is
t314: cynical
Proton: however
sarwi: will
jaceee: superior
jaceee: and
heka: chemical
Proton: power
jaceee: another
sarwi: mighty
heka: duck
jaceee: inferior
jaceee: is
Proton: emperor
jaceee: finally
t314: pessimistic
jaceee: and
Proton: everyone
heka: loveable
Proton: will
jaceee: permanently
Proton: die
heka: love
Proton: no
jaceee: discredited
jaceee: everywhere
heka: prime
ekm: end
jaceee: is
heka: directive
t314: equinox
heka: exterminate
sarwi: majority
jaceee: WAR
heka: whatever
heka: stands
heka: left
Proton: execute
Proton: him
*** Signoff: SuSSuX (Ping timeout for SuSSuX[])
mkk: evil
jaceee: terminated
Proton: silent
t314: redeem
Proton: kill
jaceee: and
jaceee: maime
mkk: joy
Proton: under
jaceee: after
jaceee: that
jaceee: finding
jaceee: real
Proton: is
t314: redemption
sarwi: monster
jaceee: FREEDOM
t314: godzilla
jaceee: Tokyo
Proton: death
ekm: false
jaceee: is
jaceee: burning
jaceee: breath
mkk: kivi
heka: darkness
heka: falling
jaceee: gravity
Proton: flames
heka: earth
jaceee: pulling
heka: wind
Proton: off
jaceee: downward
heka: fire
t314: understatement
jaceee: AUrora
*** SuSSuX ( has joined channel #kuva
heka: spiral
jaceee: borealis
Proton: seek
Proton: �n
Proton: destroy
mkk: purple
heka: jorma
t314: it`s
t314: only
Proton: in
t314: words SuSSuX: lame network
mkk: test
*** Signoff: SuSSuX (local-kill by Mikko)
Proton: is
jaceee: phantom
heka: lamers die
heka: dies irae
t314: not nice
heka: iraq
Proton: only
Proton: will
Proton: survive
jaceee: while
t314: rex
t314: me
heka: nice
t314: fecit
heka: people
jaceee: pulling
heka: live
heka: longer?
mkk: sand
jaceee: upward
jaceee: caput
t314: immortal
Proton: kaputt
heka: alright
jaceee: murem
heka: fine
heka: thanks
Proton: meinen
jaceee: maus
ekm: muerte
Proton: auspuff
Proton: ist
mkk: smooth
Proton: kaputt
t314: machen
sarwi: puella
heka: onko?
rehna: kavaspa joku heikki joka tapettiin(localkill by Mikko), voi raasua
Proton: ich
sarwi: fennica
Proton: will
sarwi: ego
Proton: ihre
sarwi: sum
Proton: alle
jaceee: ars
Proton: umgebringen
t314: weak
jaceee: uber
heka: arse
jaceee: alles
t314: zum
jaceee: karst
mkk: ?
jaceee: mit?
Proton: ja
t314: wurst
Proton: wohl
jaceee: mita?
heka: en mit'n kuule
jaceee: mein
Proton: ubermeister
t314: bröchen
ekm: joo!
Proton: haupt general
jaceee: scheisser
heka: scheise
mkk: omenapallo
*** _Mikko` ( has joined channel #kuva
jaceee: filling
t314: engländer
jaceee: time
*** _Mikko` has been kicked off channel #kuva by heka (heka)
jaceee: and
jaceee: other
Proton: destructin
jaceee: fragments
t314: childish
ekm: strangers
Proton: will
mkk: body
jaceee: flowing
Proton: take
Proton: a
jaceee: fluids
ekm: art
Proton: is
jaceee: way
Proton: how
jaceee: out
t314: liquid
jaceee: pulls
Proton: out
jaceee: and
jaceee: draws
jaceee: in
Proton: veins
mkk: lines
t314: tremble
jaceee: treading
t314: footsteps
Proton: vibration
jaceee: like
jaceee: a
jaceee: boot
t314: virgin ?
jaceee: stamping
jaceee: on
Proton: ground
jaceee: my
Proton: fever
jaceee: face
t314: futile
Proton: flavour
jaceee: taste
mkk: pork
t314: forecast
jaceee: salty
ekm: waters
jaceee: freak
Proton: nuclear holocaust
mkk: lake
jaceee: me
jaceee: out
jaceee: clock
ekm: answers
mkk: game
jaceee: breath
ekm: out
jaceee: forget
jaceee: to
ekm: me
t314: game of you
jaceee: breath
ekm: in
Proton: judgement
t314: cathedral
jaceee: of
mkk: doom
jaceee: others
ekm: can
jaceee: and
jaceee: will
mkk: lay
jaceee: you
ekm: out
jaceee: down
t314: wile
Proton: gabriels horn
t314: e
sarwi: roses
t314: coyote
jaceee: blows
ekm: burn
t314: supergenius
Proton: rider
jaceee: be
t314: sky
mkk: part
jaceee: here
jaceee: now
Proton: pale
t314: fearmachine
mkk: slavery
Proton: knowns
*** _Mikko` ( has joined channel #kuva
Proton: as
jaceee: sadistic
Proton: death
jaceee: as
jaceee: possible
t314: name
jaceee: yawn
ekm: feel
t314: your
jaceee: belch
Proton: it
Proton: all
t314: weapon
Proton: ends
Proton: in
Proton: flames
jaceee: farts
mkk: production
jaceee: of
jaceee: gas
rehna: niinnno
t314: curriculum
Proton: poo
Proton: gas
t314: vitae
jaceee: more
mkk: C
Proton: H2O
Proton: no
jaceee: than
Proton: more
t314: subculture
mkk: air
Proton: energy
Proton: drain
jaceee: H4C8
t314: fire
jaceee: gasp
jaceee: where
t314: reach
Proton: Carbon
jaceee: reverse
t314: hydrogen
Proton: dioxide
jaceee: sulfur
Proton: Nitrogen
mkk: color
jaceee: stench
jaceee: staining
t314: chainsaw
jaceee: teeth
Proton: murderer
jaceee: and
mkk: teatree
jaceee: clothes
ekm: oil
t314: wibbely
t314: wobbely
t314: walk
jaceee: wimbleton
t314: dibberly
jaceee: walkies
t314: dobberly
mkk: green
jaceee: talkies
Proton: leather face
t314: talk
Proton: Jason
mkk: expensive
jaceee: dumb
Proton: army
t314: Vorhiees
Proton: of
Proton: darkness
t314: mother
jaceee: doberman
heka: hunter
ekm: save
jaceee: fire
t314: howard
jaceee: wall
ekm: from
Proton: millenium
jaceee: down
mkk: everything
Proton: must
Proton: sease
t314: go
jaceee: nah
mkk: day
t314: save
jaceee: drink
t314: the
t314: darkness
jaceee: focus
Proton: bottom
t314: and
t314: never
t314: let
mkk: inside
t314: it
t314: fade
t314: away
heka: no
heka: ii
heka: wont
jaceee: ice
heka: cause
heka: i
jaceee: tee
heka: like
t314: thanks man
heka: id
Proton: Gate
heka: welcome
jaceee: ego
jaceee: EGO
heka: son
jaceee: mutha
mkk: super
t314: superego
Proton: 7th
heka: lets
heka: all
heka: prause
heka: bill
Proton: son
heka: gates
jaceee: ubermann
Proton: of
Proton: 7th
Proton: son
jaceee: praying
jaceee: for
Proton: haupt fuhrer
jaceee: release
t314: of
jaceee: skin
ekm: boring
jaceee: grafts
t314: graaf
Proton: new
Proton: generation
heka: barbie
Proton: rose
heka: twins
Proton: from
heka: fromm
Proton: the
jaceee: POLICE
t314: ken
heka: heaven
Proton: nuclear
Proton: ashes
mkk: blond
t314: brunette
jaceee: budokan
Proton: NINJA
heka: bodies
t314: nunchaku
jaceee: hairball
Proton: capoerista
heka: brains
jaceee: coughing
sarwi: twist
jaceee: cats
t314: coffin
Proton: with
mkk: vampire
jaceee: off
jaceee: in
heka: and
t314: out
heka: maggots
jaceee: suck
heka: me
t314: duck
Proton: hunt
jaceee: your
jaceee: mama
Proton: Dragon
t314: reply
jaceee: and
mkk: tell
t314: innocence
Proton: stories
*** Mode change "-t" on #kuva by ekm
sarwi: never
jaceee: goof
sarwi: ending
jaceee: balls
t314: around
mkk: angel
jaceee: focus
jaceee: on
Proton: dis
heka: viruses
heka: flying
jaceee: mita?
heka: intheair
t314: tata
t314: tonight
heka: joositä
jaceee: tatatatatataa
Proton: sumthang
jaceee: and
jaceee: now
t314: for
jaceee: the
Proton: hang man
jaceee: lying
Proton: as
jaceee: on
Proton: dead
Proton: as
jaceee: the
heka: for
jaceee: floor
t314: somethingsomething
jaceee: rises
heka: worth
jaceee: to
jaceee: keep
mkk: field
heka: up
heka: going
Proton: if
Proton: a
Proton: machine
Proton: can
t314: absofragginlutely
heka: write
Proton: learn
jaceee: liver
jaceee: and
jaceee: talk
Proton: to
jaceee: trash
heka: cans
t314: byt
jaceee: bullocks
Proton: never
Proton: mind
t314: bollocks
jaceee: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhHHHHHHhhhhhaaaaa
heka: shite
Proton: smite
heka: 'gasm
jaceee: god
t314: repeating
jaceee: again
heka: who?
Proton: star
jaceee: god
jaceee: save
heka: superstar
jaceee: the
t314: voodoo
heka: priest
mkk: from
Proton: astral
heka: hell
jaceee: queenie
Proton: plane
Proton: my
jaceee: talking
heka: goat
Proton: mind
Proton: is
Proton: free
jaceee: to
heka: swedish
t314: between
jaceee: prediction
Proton: let
Proton: my
*** Signoff: _Mikko` (local-kill by Mikko (Don't use windows))
Proton: mind
Proton: fly
Proton: high
jaceee: to
jaceee: the
t314: nevernever-land
Proton: to
Proton: kiss
Proton: the
Proton: sun
Proton: of
Proton: east
Proton: �n
Proton: west
jaceee: burnt
heka: kiss
heka: will
mkk: badly
heka: rock
heka: u
heka: too
jaceee: lips
Proton: who
Proton: am
jaceee: and
Proton: i
Proton: im
Proton: just
Proton: a
Proton: man
jaceee: saucy
t314: deliverance
jaceee: brightness
heka: ac/ac god
jaceee: over
jaceee: the
Proton: hills
heka: fence
jaceee: rainbow
heka: nope
mkk: lisa
jaceee: okay
jaceee: Debra
heka: dope
jaceee: smooth
Proton: arkiv-x
jaceee: draw
heka: thought
heka: i
heka: was
mkk: symbol
jaceee: culture
heka: prince
jaceee: and
mkk: high
Proton: puff
jaceee: poppers
jaceee: and
heka: 5onit
Proton: notorious
jaceee: angeldust
heka: leo_smalls
jaceee: sprinkled
t314: third
jaceee: between
jaceee: my
Proton: innocent
t314: dis`n dat
Proton: victim
jaceee: toes
mkk: hands
t314: feet
jaceee: binary
t314: code
jaceee: vision
heka: genocide
t314: of
heka: forget
heka: heaven
Proton: goresh 3
jaceee: genes
mkk: keep
t314: epsilon 5
jaceee: for
mkk: going
jaceee: a
mkk: on
Proton: sunhawk
jaceee: moment
jaceee: and
t314: inside
heka: stop
heka: this
heka: man
jaceee: on
jaceee: the
heka: lend
heka: me
heka: book
jaceee: outside
t314: doing
heka: i
heka: need
Proton: starfury
heka: lunch
t314: anniverasry
heka: feed
heka: me
heka: now
jaceee: hardcore
jaceee: and
heka: movies
t314: edge
jaceee: Light-weights
heka: applecore
jaceee: hardcore
jaceee: rules
heka: ok
mkk: fight
Proton: g�guan
t314: smurffi
heka: move
heka: MOVE!
mkk: tone
jaceee: tunnel
t314: level
jaceee: greets
jaceee: ears
heka: xp
heka: earned
t314: xciting
mkk: enough
jaceee: branches
jaceee: of
Proton: za-ha-dum
t314: leafs
jaceee: life
heka: 7lvl_irc_god
heka: kill_u_all
heka: :)
t314: :-)
heka: beg_to_serv
heka: e
jaceee: begin
jaceee: to be
heka: nice
t314: xtacy
heka: bold
jaceee: I
t314: and
jaceee: 2
jaceee: 3
t314: 4
Proton: B5
mkk: bible
jaceee: r7
t314: space1999
jaceee: booboo
jaceee: combinations
Proton: ion
t314: t2
jaceee: dervishes
t314: dancing
mkk: rain
Proton: blaster
t314: master
jaceee: spinning
Proton: disaster
t314: earthquake
jaceee: dancers
jaceee: in
mkk: mud
t314: relax
jaceee: any
mkk: movement
jaceee: time
t314: after
Proton: lost
t314: found
mkk: way
jaceee: dances
jaceee: of
t314: wolwes
Proton: in
Proton: space
jaceee: recognition
jaceee: and
Proton: notorius
t314: vacuum
sarwi: pain
Proton: is
Proton: my
Proton: game
jaceee: blather
t314: bladder
heka: pee
jaceee: oh
jaceee: yeah?
t314: so ?
jaceee: drink
Proton: panther
t314: leopard
mkk: spots
Proton: no
t314: pink
jaceee: derive
Proton: stripes
jaceee: and
jaceee: bananas
mkk: milk
t314: stars
Proton: �n
jaceee: surge
Proton: honey
jaceee: through
jaceee: my
jaceee: veins
t314: contract
Proton: full
jaceee: play
Proton: contact
jaceee: and
jaceee: be
Proton: mortal
mkk: metal
t314: zuerst
Proton: martial
jaceee: with
Proton: law
t314: kombat
mkk: remember
jaceee: member
t314: tide
Proton: rayden =
Proton: god of thunder
jaceee: collective
jaceee: party
Proton: shito =
Proton: knife
sarwi: tonight
jaceee: shit-o
t314: ren
Proton: Wakizazi? =
jaceee: mang��
mkk: inkarnaatio
sarwi: Ai missä?
Proton: short katana
t314: hentai
jaceee: maithnells
jaceee: between
jaceee: aim
t314: and
Proton: baccus =
sarwi: ground
t314: wizardy
sarwi: absolutely
Proton: god of wine
sarwi: fabulous
jaceee: and
t314: furry
jaceee: roses
jaceee: strings
Proton: jawa
jaceee: of
jaceee: energy
sarwi: hole
Proton: in
jaceee: grounded
Proton: sun
jaceee: by
t314: worm
jaceee: lack
Proton: space
sarwi: apple
jaceee: of
Proton: invaders
t314: rotten
jaceee: eyelids
Proton: of
sarwi: pond
heka: kool
t314: lake
Proton: toad
mkk: boat
jaceee: and
jaceee: take
t314: frog
sarwi: prince
jaceee: squeeze
Proton: martial ARTS!!
t314: suck
sarwi: ace
jaceee: juices
sarwi: flow
t314: spade
jaceee: jello
mkk: more
t314: of
heka: fluids
sarwi: give
heka: nose
heka: flu
t314: hose
sarwi: ache
heka: tired
jaceee: brain
sarwi: hair
t314: acme
sarwi: cartoon
Proton: tomahawk
mkk: enviroment
jaceee: peak
t314: twin
sarwi: liar
jaceee: of
jaceee: fire
t314: walk
sarwi: consume
jaceee: breath
Proton: Predators
heka: fellow
jaceee: to
t314: foodchain
jaceee: the
heka: hungerstrike
jaceee: center
sarwi: cloud
Proton: is
jaceee: MEAT
sarwi: black
t314: baret
heka: murder
sarwi: knife
jaceee: bananas
mkk: vegetables
t314: going
Proton: civilian
heka: dull
jaceee: limes
heka: top
heka: of
t314: soldier
Proton: dung
heka: foodchain
sarwi: persistent
jaceee: radishes
t314: dimes
jaceee: slime
sarwi: diamond
t314: crime
jaceee: deaf
mkk: drag
heka: grasseaters
sarwi: queen
Proton: nunchaku
jaceee: doorknob
sarwi: key
heka: mars
t314: humberdinck
jaceee: Leonids
heka: maple
t314: iridiums
jaceee: tonite
sarwi: unknown
heka: horse
t314: 2100
jaceee: talk
t314: the
Proton: kenpo
Proton: master
jaceee: talk
heka: 2001
heka: was
sarwi: kangaroo
heka: the
heka: year
jaceee: sensei
heka: alright
t314: origami
mkk: silence
sarwi: mask
t314: is
Proton: kangol
jaceee: oooooommmmmmmmmm
mkk: alchera
t314: golden
Proton: M-10
jaceee: Aldeberan
sarwi: wave
heka: bye
jaceee: M-16
sarwi: smoke
t314: surf
heka: surf
sarwi: fire
jaceee: surf
Proton: kalashnikov
heka: frei
t314: ak-47
Proton: RK-62
heka: jr23
jaceee: Pretty
Proton: law
sarwi: 007
mkk: makes
t314: order
heka: nice
jaceee: offense
heka: justice
jaceee: tea
mkk: tree
Proton: FN-FAL
jaceee: and
heka: free
sarwi: bie
t314: different
Proton: carl gustav
jaceee: FNLA
heka: babe
mkk: king
jaceee: falafel
t314: Carl Barks
sarwi: hill
jaceee: bark
jaceee: karl
heka: ozzy
sarwi: nails
t314: moon
mkk: sea
*** Mikko` ( has joined channel #kuva
t314: disgruntled
jaceee: sorpa
mkk: found
Proton: T-93
t314: zorbas
jaceee: flak
Proton: T-90
Mikko`: ircII
jaceee: virus
Proton: T-80
Proton: T-72
jaceee: t-cell
sarwi: congratulations
t314: T-1000
jaceee: SIDA
t314: av
mkk: shio
t314: hajime
jaceee: Aids
mkk: open
jaceee: haj
t314: masheti
jaceee: Mecca
Proton: HMMV
mkk: further
t314: HIM
jaceee: GOD?
t314: Band
sarwi: does
jaceee: who'dat?
mkk: story
t314: long
jaceee: text
jaceee: talking
jaceee: yoyo
t314: boyo
sarwi: beneath
jaceee: gurlz
Proton: WHUZ
t314: protecting
jaceee: whizz
mkk: condom
t314: sheepskin
Proton: abbot
t314: costello
jaceee: priest
sarwi: elvis
mkk: monestry
jaceee: pelvis
t314: lives
sarwi: forever
t314: batman
mkk: nobody
*** Mode change "+t" on #kuva by heka
*** Mode change "-t" on #kuva by heka
Proton: light bringer
sarwi: botman
*** Mikko` is now known as Kosh
jaceee: torque
*** Mode change "+o Kosh" on #kuva by mkk
sarwi: torture
t314: mada
heka: potman
jaceee: tickle
Proton: G�KAR
mkk: laugh
jaceee: tongues
*** Kosh is now known as ^Kosh^
sarwi: giggle
t314: funny
jaceee: wiggle
Proton: ion cannon
sarwi: bunny
jaceee: blast
t314: sunny
jaceee: bytes
t314: sites
jaceee: across
mkk: cartoon voice
jaceee: space
sarwi: aargh
t314: dub
Proton: dis
mkk: no
jaceee: grufff
jaceee: dob
t314: idea
jaceee: dabba
jaceee: heydoh
sarwi: jabba
t314: bubba
mkk: lazy
jaceee: whiteline
jaceee: fever
sarwi: high
jaceee: mainliner
Proton: Leonardo
jaceee: winkie
sarwi: titanic
t314: winnie
heka: peewee
mkk: da
sarwi: sink
t314: think
mkk: more
jaceee: wee
jaceee: wee
t314: hee
sarwi: twinkle
t314: star
jaceee: this
jaceee: is
jaceee: the
sarwi: little
jaceee: way
jaceee: the
jaceee: world
jaceee: ends
jaceee: not
jaceee: with
jaceee: bang
jaceee: but
jaceee: with
jaceee: a
jaceee: wimper
t314: can
heka: wimp
Proton: DIS
Proton: ALL
t314: somebody
t314: stop
Proton: ENDS
Proton: IN
t314: it?
heka: we
t314: I
Proton: FLAMES
heka: need
t314: want
t314: to
jaceee: code
heka: bigger
t314: get
heka: guns
t314: out!
jaceee: ends
jaceee: frame
mkk: care
jaceee: counter
jaceee: stuck
sarwi: sweetie
t314: tweetie
jaceee: meatie
jaceee: beatie
jaceee: big
jaceee: and
jaceee: bouncie
Proton: D.I.S.C.O
t314: world
mkk: race
sarwi: tech
jaceee: Travolta
Proton: ja
jaceee: revolta
Proton: mosse
sarwi: dancing
sarwi: queen
t314: Jasso
*** ^Kosh^ has set the topic on channel #kuva to 2.0.36 is out
Proton: laamanen
mkk: more
t314: and
Proton: dalai llama
sarwi: I
sarwi: survive
mkk: little
mkk: boy
t314: bit
jaceee: 11:11:11
mkk: set
sarwi: alarm
t314: 11:10:15
Proton: Scorpion
mkk: late
sarwi: time?
jaceee: time
jaceee: is
t314: Capricorn
jaceee: mixed
jaceee: matka?
Proton: LION
t314: farout
mkk: your?
jaceee: Virgin
t314: Sagittarius
sarwi: continue
heka: 05:21:03:11 off
jaceee: starz
jaceee: blank
t314: Cancer
jaceee: frank
jaceee: black
sarwi: sinatra
mkk: goes
jaceee: flack
jaceee: martini
t314: commercial
jaceee: to
sarwi: whisky
mkk: cherry
jaceee: Vegas
heka: stirred
mkk: cherries
t314: not
jaceee: shake
jaceee: it
Proton: vodka 60%
sarwi: sausage
mkk: available
heka: give
jaceee: me
jaceee: a
heka: 69%
sarwi: mustard
mkk: moment
jaceee: double
t314: away
jaceee: awash
jaceee: washed
jaceee: up
mkk: köyhä
Proton: dis program will crash.......
t314: away
sarwi: when
jaceee: away
Proton: download virus 10 %
sarwi: cool
Proton: download virus 25%
t314: chilly
jaceee: sick
sarwi: hrrrrrrr
t314: tick
Proton: down load virus 38 %
sarwi: scary
jaceee: mmmmmmmmmMMMMMmmmmm
mkk: go
sarwi: spice
Proton: download virus 50 %
mkk: hospital
t314: E.R
jaceee: bang!
Proton: download virus 65 %
jaceee: shoot
jaceee: the
sarwi: waiting...
heka: let's go eat i am really hungry and can't stand viruses
jaceee: mutha
Proton: download virus 79 %
t314: Me too!
jaceee: growl
sarwi: wow
Proton: download virus 90 %
t314: now
jaceee: what's
jaceee: food
heka: end is nere
mkk: NOW
Proton: download complete
jaceee: ?
jaceee: you
sarwi: goodbye
jaceee: sick
jaceee: now
heka: run it!!!
ekm: lunch, yee
jaceee: FOOdFight!
sarwi: whats for dinner
Proton: you have 10 seconds to log out
t314: lunch, brunch `n dinner
Proton: 6
Proton: 5
Proton: 4
Proton: 3
Proton: 2
Proton: 1
Proton: 0
Proton: BANG
*** heka has left channel #kuva
jaceee: bang
Log file closed at: 17.9.1998 11:15:47  
log pop-ups:
updated: 21-Jan-2011 18:01
©1975-2023 :: hopkins/neoscenes