Free Association 2
Finland, 0ct.15.1998
Log file opened at: 15.10.98 14:03:16
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode is +
*** Channel created at Thursday, October 15, 1998 13:59:29
*** riku (Darkness@tinpc42.lpt.fi) has joined channel #nso
*** triXscan (bixom@user-kou2-125.dial.inet.fi) has joined channel #nso
triXscan: hei!hi!from south-carelia
riku: hei vaan
triXscan: kuis huiskii
riku: huiskiihuiskii
riku: imatra?
triXscan: kyl
*** risto (ball@tinpc30.lpt.fi) has joined channel #nso
triXscan: riku & lahti, tinpc42-tiedoista päätellen
*** Mode change "+o riku" on #nso by jaceee
*** Mode change "+o risto" on #nso by jaceee
*** man_tz (lala@tinpc41.lpt.fi) has joined channel #nso
riku: varsinainen hakkeri!
*** Mode change "+o triXscan" on #nso by jaceee
*** Mode change "+o man_tz" on #nso by jaceee
triXscan: eikö?
*** ejuale (darkness@tinpc31.lpt.fi) has joined channel #nso
*** Mode change "+t" on #nso by triXscan
*** Mode change "+o ejuale" on #nso by jaceee
*** mattii (kaak@tinpc45.lpt.fi) has joined channel #nso
jaceee: "/msg nick message..."
ejuale: tere
*** Mode change "+o mattii" on #nso by jaceee
triXscan: täytyis tutustua noihin yksinkertaisiinkin komentoihin, jotta onnistuis edes 'normaalit' toiminnot
triXscan: tere ejuale
jaceee: greetings...
jaceee: Outi -- so, you like Tri-x
jaceee: ?
jaceee: there are a few exercises that I'd like to play with... with your approval...
triXscan: yah, i like Tri-x but by accident
riku: ok
jaceee: it can be interesting to do a "free association" word game
jaceee: outi: by accident?
*** Signoff: mattii (Leaving)
triXscan: ok
ejuale: what is that
ejuale: Trixan ! can you use personal ?
*** mattii (kaak@tinpc45.lpt.fi) has joined channel #nso
triXscan: tri from left of my display, scan from right, x is interesting
jaceee: well, we simply start by writing single words, each person, seeing what is written, and continuing until exhausted...
triXscan: jees i can use personal line or what?
jaceee: single words, no phrases -- now of course the question is, which language...?
ejuale: yes so I write you
jaceee: use personal what?
jaceee: outi: what software are you using?
*** risto is now known as paristo
triXscan: Ircle - wait a minute
jaceee: actually I should be calling you triXscan! I have no idea whether you ARE outi!
*** Mode change "+o mattii" on #nso by jaceee
jaceee: shall we use english AND finnish?
riku: yep
paristo: joo
triXscan: i'm using ircle 3.0B..
jaceee: I have maybe 200 words in finnish though I can't spell all of them at all! So it might be messy...
paristo: keksi
jaceee: Okay, so, shall we start? Single words...
riku: tietokone
riku: (a computer)
triXscan: jacee: it is also interesting to be outi without really being outi
jaceee: oh - translations, that;'s nice...
riku: maybe she is not outi
paristo: who starts, are we started
jaceee: so we have an actress playing outi
triXscan: why she?
riku: or he
jaceee: no we are still using more than one word...
jaceee: one
jaceee: two
jaceee: three
jaceee: GO!
triXscan: ten
riku: blastoff
paristo: away
riku: back
jaceee: over
triXscan: from
riku: moon
jaceee: ja
mattii: money
triXscan: owen
paristo: chris
riku: housewife
triXscan: knife
riku: slice
paristo: vacuumcleaner
riku: cheese
paristo: smile
jaceee: life
mattii: lover
riku: good
paristo: battery
jaceee: holes
paristo: black
jaceee: zap!
paristo: erm
riku: bulletw
ejuale: ball
jaceee: through
mattii: empty
ejuale: net
jaceee: fish
riku: full
ejuale: smell
jaceee: stockings
riku: garlic
ejuale: inside
mattii: magig
ejuale: light
riku: lamp
jaceee: darkness
paristo: lightning
ejuale: broke
jaceee: winter
riku: money
paristo: crispy
jaceee: tart
riku: kellogsx
ejuale: she
riku: is
paristo: it
ejuale: you
paristo: me
riku: are
jaceee: are
mattii: low
riku: with
ejuale: not
jaceee: a
riku: me
jaceee: feeling
ejuale: go
paristo: exactly
riku: good
jaceee: of autos
ejuale: drive-in
riku: snack
jaceee: are
ejuale: motor
riku: ups
jaceee: to
jaceee: be
ejuale: desibel
jaceee: eaten
riku: level
ejuale: work
paristo: etage
riku: ?
mattii: you
ejuale: edge
jaceee: that
riku: you
jaceee: signing
ejuale: silve
riku: moon
ejuale: silver
jaceee: walked
paristo: halo
riku: down
ejuale: ster
jaceee: in
riku: lake
jaceee: the
ejuale: vaseline
jaceee: snow
man_tz: rubber
mattii: goes
riku: up
jaceee: freezing
ejuale: king
riku: goess
paristo: crown
jaceee: down
mattii: up
ejuale: willow
jaceee: and
man_tz: defend
paristo: hollow
jaceee: ends
man_tz: space
jaceee: up
ejuale: diamond
jaceee: in
man_tz: rocks
paristo: punch
jaceee: a
riku: forever
jaceee: fresh
ejuale: bracelet
jaceee: on
man_tz: boxer
jaceee: the
paristo: rings
riku: shirts
jaceee: neck
ejuale: gloves
paristo: touch
jaceee: time
ejuale: eyes
man_tz: pain
jaceee: reaches
riku: fury
jaceee: out
man_tz: nail
ejuale: back
jaceee: and
paristo: sticky
jaceee: a
mattii: me
jaceee: dream
man_tz: figers
riku: of
ejuale: sauna
jaceee: brings
paristo: sweat
jaceee: everyone
riku: clean
jaceee: to
jaceee: their
ejuale: soap
jaceee: senses
riku: head
paristo: hips
jaceee: is
jaceee: there
ejuale: wall
riku: hands
jaceee: sense?
*** Signoff: triXscan (newnet.telia.NO hub.dragondata.com)
ejuale: hammer
jaceee: EXCUSE
paristo: hit
jaceee: ME
jaceee: !
ejuale: hands
jaceee: ouch
ejuale: stomach
riku: hurts
jaceee: exercise
riku: it
ejuale: toe
paristo: burst
jaceee: messy
ejuale: belly
riku: things
jaceee: all
*** triXscan (bixom@user-kou2-125.dial.inet.fi) has joined channel #nso
ejuale: celluoid
paristo: untidy
jaceee: over
*** Mode change "+o triXscan" on #nso by irc.para-net.com
riku: and
ejuale: house
paristo: help
riku: me
ejuale: thin
triXscan: hi
triXscan: desk
triXscan: tomorrow
paristo: hi
ejuale: get
triXscan: up
paristo: some
riku: more
triXscan: early
ejuale: ënergy
riku: for
paristo: fasdt
riku: days
ejuale: milkshake
riku: yep
triXscan: dog
riku: eat
paristo: goodie
ejuale: hamburger
riku: cat
triXscan: bar
paristo: cookie
ejuale: chips
triXscan: fat
paristo: milk
paristo: mummy
triXscan: eating
ejuale: moviestar
riku: meatmug
jaceee: where
jaceee: am
paristo: who
ejuale: sport
triXscan: a
jaceee: I
paristo: i
mattii: there
ejuale: ski
paristo: who
triXscan: name
ejuale: jump
triXscan: is
triXscan: hill
mattii: fun
riku: bill
ejuale: rock
paristo: easy
riku: and
triXscan: horse
riku: roll
ejuale: hilly
triXscan: off
riku: billy
triXscan: billy
ejuale: on
mattii: boy
paristo: jimmy
riku: maiden
ejuale: cow
triXscan: off
paristo: iron
triXscan: coat
jaceee: carter
ejuale: on
paristo: flight
jaceee: and
riku: to
jaceee: on
ejuale: gun
jaceee: toe
jaceee: on
ejuale: ticket
riku: to
jaceee: catch
riku: train
jaceee: a
triXscan: a
ejuale: leave
paristo: snap
man_tz: a bus
jaceee: ride
ejuale: token
paristo: to
triXscan: bike
man_tz: GOOD
ejuale: small
jaceee: it
paristo: fast
triXscan: heaven
jaceee: is
paristo: quick
ejuale: grunge
riku: end
jaceee: possible
man_tz: Where ?
riku: it
jaceee: or
triXscan: did
mattii: going
ejuale: smack
jaceee: else
paristo: above
ejuale: bitch
triXscan: bug
man_tz: beat up
triXscan: burn
jaceee: laughing
riku: alive
ejuale: prodigy
jaceee: eaten
triXscan: loud
ejuale: pulp
triXscan: bite
man_tz: riku
jaceee: trembling
triXscan: fiction
riku: man_tz
triXscan: raku
jaceee: this
jaceee: and
paristo: sake
jaceee: that
riku: rikos
ejuale: bloody
riku: crime
triXscan: mary
jaceee: rocky
man_tz: where
triXscan: cross
ejuale: prison
paristo: criminal
jaceee: slip
ejuale: ulf
man_tz: this
man_tz: bike
paristo: banana
jaceee: wolf
man_tz: of
ejuale: wolf
man_tz: mine
riku: gold
triXscan: esso
jaceee: ulvur
riku: blooded
ejuale: snake
triXscan: tiny
ejuale: roses
jaceee: coyote
paristo: pink
man_tz: nail
triXscan: baker
man_tz: this
ejuale: indian
triXscan: blue
riku: jones
man_tz: use
ejuale: freud
triXscan: hammer
riku: way
paristo: sunny
riku: of
triXscan: marx
man_tz: chain
jaceee: desert
ejuale: narsismus
paristo: beaches
jaceee: sage
triXscan: icecream
jaceee: rose
paristo: visage
ejuale: psycko
riku: nivea
jaceee: vantage
triXscan: garden
triXscan: lotion
jaceee: push
ejuale: depressio
jaceee: and
jaceee: pull
riku: greasy
paristo: lotion
ejuale: mud
riku: hair
triXscan: happy
ejuale: black
paristo: motion
jaceee: rock
paristo: e
triXscan: head
ejuale: rainbow
riku: oz
jaceee: drip
paristo: tinman
ejuale: zoo
triXscan: ozone
triXscan: sun
jaceee: Dorothy
riku: scarecrow
ejuale: funk
triXscan: aunt
paristo: path
riku: favourite
ejuale: sissy
paristo: ponytail
triXscan: buziness
riku: sensitive
jaceee: cut
ejuale: money
jaceee: cash
ejuale: card
triXscan: honey
paristo: price
ejuale: paper
jaceee: sweet
paristo: rent
man_tz: destroy
man_tz: all
ejuale: shell
triXscan: bag
jaceee: swine
man_tz: the
paristo: bank
jaceee: swill
man_tz: white
triXscan: robber
jaceee: swagger
man_tz: people
triXscan: lily
ejuale: circulation
riku: why?
jaceee: are
ejuale: post
triXscan: me
paristo: that
man_tz: kill
jaceee: trash
paristo: is
man_tz: warez
ejuale: never
jaceee: why
ejuale: ever
jaceee: do
mattii: end
triXscan: ever
jaceee: they
triXscan: thin
man_tz: sucks
ejuale: try
jaceee: mad
triXscan: again
man_tz: bad
ejuale: man
riku: again
jaceee: thistle
triXscan: hat
riku: again
man_tz: useless
jaceee: over
ejuale: lemon
jaceee: and
triXscan: whistle
riku: again
man_tz: corrupted
jaceee: over
triXscan: juice
paristo: pop
jaceee: and
riku: and
triXscan: glyserin
man_tz: death
ejuale: apple
riku: out
jaceee: over
ejuale: sunmaid
man_tz: drugs
triXscan: off
jaceee: and
triXscan: all
jaceee: over
paristo: raisin
ejuale: good
jaceee: and
riku: out
man_tz: rock'n'roll
jaceee: over
triXscan: evil
ejuale: fruity
man_tz: sex
jaceee: fear
triXscan: machine
paristo: heavy
ejuale: bed
triXscan: in
jaceee: sheets
ejuale: wc
paristo: hair
triXscan: cut
jaceee: silence
man_tz: use
ejuale: curly
triXscan: off
triXscan: my
paristo: room
triXscan: back
man_tz: complete
jaceee: you
jaceee: too
riku: like
paristo: mine
ejuale: beutiful
triXscan: blackout
riku: hair
jaceee: after
ejuale: ear
riku: i
mattii: know
triXscan: evening
man_tz: cut
paristo: words
ejuale: flu
triXscan: how
riku: they
man_tz: your
jaceee: sex
triXscan: bites
ejuale: nouse
riku: 'flies
ejuale: sexx
jaceee: mouse
jaceee: sexxx
riku: click
mattii: eat
man_tz: head
triXscan: free
riku: away
ejuale: excuse
jaceee: fire
riku: me
man_tz: bomb
paristo: tie
ejuale: war
triXscan: air
jaceee: blast
man_tz: terrorist
paristo: sexy
ejuale: terrorist
triXscan: peace
jaceee: sexxxx
triXscan: kiss
ejuale: bird
riku: hu
triXscan: hug
ejuale: ex
riku: hug
jaceee: wings
ejuale: finger
jaceee: angel
riku: in
triXscan: wired
man_tz: shoot
paristo: toe
riku: nose
jaceee: silence
ejuale: cinger
jaceee: silver
paristo: ear
riku: ring
triXscan: chain
jaceee: bite
riku: me
paristo: nipple
ejuale: radio
triXscan: apple
riku: is
jaceee: pierce
riku: good
triXscan: coming
man_tz: fuck
triXscan: soon
paristo: indeed
triXscan: all
jaceee: grief
riku: of
riku: you
jaceee: there
triXscan: every
jaceee: and
triXscan: where
jaceee: you
man_tz: where
paristo: maybe
jaceee: have
triXscan: we
jaceee: it
man_tz: here
riku: met
paristo: tolerance
triXscan: used
man_tz: now
jaceee: all
man_tz: then
riku: with
jaceee: over
riku: all
triXscan: kill
jaceee: more
man_tz: and
riku: of
jaceee: and
jaceee: more
man_tz: again
riku: your
jaceee: and
riku: mother
mattii: each
jaceee: more
riku: is
triXscan: nasty
jaceee: and
paristo: yet
man_tz: brother
jaceee: more
riku: bitch
triXscan: out
paristo: is
triXscan: order
jaceee: bite
riku: smokebreak
jaceee: again
man_tz: when
paristo: now?
man_tz: now
triXscan: smokerings
man_tz: sex
jaceee: later
jaceee: that
paristo: habits
man_tz: bad
jaceee: same
jaceee: day
man_tz: and
man_tz: tv
triXscan: time
man_tz: TV
jaceee: bad
triXscan: monitor
jaceee: buzz
triXscan: color
jaceee: eyes
paristo: focus
triXscan: skin
jaceee: whites
mattii: mind
jaceee: heads
triXscan: super
jaceee: skull
mattii: empty
jaceee: search
triXscan: glory
jaceee: and
triXscan: for
jaceee: the
triXscan: cover
jaceee: movement
jaceee: watch
man_tz: KILL
triXscan: space
paristo: fast
jaceee: over
jaceee: there
man_tz: USER
triXscan: sea
jaceee: blitz
triXscan: is
mattii: energy man_tz: FRIENDLY
jaceee: über
triXscan: again
jaceee: alles
man_tz: aarrg
triXscan: alles
triXscan: eh?
man_tz: better
triXscan: be
jaceee: yep
paristo: faster
man_tz: bunny
paristo: tiger
triXscan: bone
man_tz: terror
triXscan: best
triXscan: boys
triXscan: east
man_tz: nine
jaceee: krieg
paristo: was
triXscan: edward
jaceee: barbarossa
man_tz: sucker
paristo: entschuligun
jaceee: ninth
jaceee: bitte?
paristo: base
mattii: heaven
man_tz: october
man_tz: use
triXscan: heaven
jaceee: basimati
triXscan: summer
paristo: winter
triXscan: tent
man_tz: use
jaceee: over
man_tz: use
man_tz: use
man_tz: use
man_tz: use
paristo: ski
man_tz: use
ejuale: battery
paristo: boot
triXscan: me
jaceee: me
ejuale: wool
jaceee: no
jaceee: me!
triXscan: back
jaceee: no
triXscan: linen
man_tz: ok
jaceee: me!
ejuale: home
jaceee: no
paristo: stop
jaceee: me!
man_tz: where
man_tz: great
paristo: ego
jaceee: ace
ejuale: take
triXscan: you
jaceee: of
ejuale: taxi
jaceee: herring
triXscan: flight
man_tz: koulu
ejuale: kansa
paristo: ¨mämmi
triXscan: oulu
jaceee: ja?
triXscan: tapani
triXscan: herkku
ejuale: suora
paristo: kurkku
ejuale: kari
man_tz: patteri
paristo: joo
ejuale: kani
triXscan: vene
triXscan: oli
ejuale: kasi
man_tz: boat
jaceee: kári
ejuale: kusi
man_tz: pää
paristo: mikä
mattii: koppi
triXscan: tahansa
ejuale: sentti
paristo: pesäpallo
triXscan: metri
jaceee: kootchie
triXscan: maila
ejuale: kunnari
man_tz: been
paristo: räpylä
mattii: palo
man_tz: there
ejuale: suutri
paristo: pallo
triXscan: sieppari
man_tz: taste
paristo: kuppari
ejuale: koppari
jaceee: mooring
ejuale: tuomari
triXscan: help
paristo: juoma
triXscan: juomari
jaceee: Malmø
mattii: tsuppari
ejuale: you
triXscan: haisee
paristo: esbo
triXscan: jobari
ejuale: tikkari
paristo: kari
triXscan: mopo
triXscan: kassi
ejuale: mara
triXscan: alma
jaceee: mater
ejuale: nakkaa
paristo: kahvi
triXscan: mora
paristo: eli
ejuale: kura
triXscan: swdish
jaceee: e
paristo: presidentti
jaceee: pluribus
triXscan: swedish
paristo: bill
jaceee: unum
triXscan: tax
man_tz: Bill
ejuale: mjölk
triXscan: munu
man_tz: Monica
triXscan: björk
ejuale: manu
jaceee: bléss
man_tz: loves
triXscan: hanu
ejuale: cd
triXscan: pääsiäinen
jaceee: eg
man_tz: eachother
jaceee: er
ejuale: olf
jaceee: bara
triXscan: dj
paristo: toisto
ejuale: sundqvist
man_tz: secret
triXscan: poisto
jaceee: toimisto
ejuale: palaut
paristo: haisu
triXscan: garden
jaceee: haku
ejuale: e
ejuale: tietokanta
man_tz: white
triXscan: te
triXscan: käsi
jaceee: poison
ejuale: nail
paristo: scorpions
triXscan: file
triXscan: house
man_tz: whole
jaceee: ravintola
ejuale: white
man_tz: x
ejuale: snake
jaceee: kissa
paristo: chinese
jaceee: o
man_tz: dallas
ejuale: europe
jaceee: o
man_tz: HELL
jaceee: o
ejuale: no
paristo: hole
jaceee: o
ejuale: ass
jaceee: oo
triXscan: ash
ejuale: pieru
man_tz: ooo
jaceee: ooo
man_tz: oooo
man_tz: oooooo
jaceee: oooooooooooo
triXscan: iik
ejuale: lisä
man_tz: -o
jaceee: 1
paristo: zero
triXscan: etu
ejuale: ke
man_tz: ooooo
jaceee: 99
man_tz: oooooo
ejuale: taka
triXscan: egg
jaceee: cfredw
paristo: hoopo
triXscan: listo
jaceee: moityidm
ejuale: kulho
triXscan: goofy
ejuale: kuppi
man_tz: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
riku: hoopy
jaceee: )))))))));
triXscan: pytty
jaceee: hig
jaceee: cte
man_tz: WINNER
jaceee: uyfguy
jaceee: otdyft
man_tz: !!!!!!!
jaceee: esue
triXscan: takes
jaceee: 46ed6y
ejuale: fast
triXscan: tissue
jaceee: formative
ejuale: race
jaceee: genetic
triXscan: family
ejuale: formula
jaceee: beans
triXscan: parents
paristo: race
ejuale: soap
triXscan: mister
paristo: dove
ejuale: mr
paristo: finland
man_tz: look
jaceee: xy
man_tz: at
jaceee: xx
riku: henry
jaceee: yy
paristo: at
man_tz: that
riku: saari
jaceee: yx
paristo: him
triXscan: leg
riku: poika
ejuale: millimeter
jaceee: guanine
paristo: mies
paristo: poikamies
ejuale: jukola
paristo: boyman
triXscan: hormoni
triXscan: viesti
ejuale: härkä
triXscan: trick
riku: tuli
triXscan: elukka
ejuale: tricky
triXscan: vesi
triXscan: ilma
ejuale: koni
jaceee: cytosine
paristo: maa
riku: heliumi
ejuale: vesi
jaceee: klukkan
paristo: maailma
triXscan: maa
ejuale: veri
triXscan: oxygene
jaceee: er
triXscan: kukka
ejuale: hammas
paristo: machine
ejuale: tooth
paristo: mäkinen
triXscan: lääkäri
ejuale: ache
riku: lääkäri
ejuale: all
riku: on
ejuale: medi
riku: for
jaceee: broken
riku: one
triXscan: we
ejuale: nobe
jaceee: bodies
triXscan: center
ejuale: nobel
paristo: peat
riku: prize
ejuale: silvia
riku: crystal
jaceee: noblisse
triXscan: queen
ejuale: victoria
riku: of
riku: desert
triXscan: age
jaceee: obligé
triXscan: bonjour
paristo: fabergé
riku: madame
ejuale: butter
triXscan: madame
jaceee: Hapsbergs
riku: fly
ejuale: flu
riku: goes
triXscan: grease
ejuale: inside
jaceee: Marie
riku: flying
triXscan: grashopper
jaceee: Curie
jaceee: ate
riku: butterflying
triXscan: virgin
triXscan: oil
ejuale: she
jaceee: Radium
paristo: wise
triXscan: active
ejuale: boat
triXscan: guy
paristo: beaty
jaceee: what
ejuale: horror
jaceee: else
triXscan: water
jaceee: to
jaceee: clean
riku: wherer
triXscan: show
paristo: do
ejuale: of
jaceee: your
triXscan: up
riku: to
jaceee: clothes
triXscan: tidy
riku: kick
paristo: if
riku: it
paristo: someone
jaceee: lion
ejuale: man
triXscan: knee
riku: ate
triXscan: liar
jaceee: and
riku: is
jaceee: then
paristo: bruce
triXscan: second
triXscan: willis
riku: burnig
jaceee: kung-fu
paristo: spring
triXscan: but
riku: zing-zong
ejuale: honkong
riku: taiwan
triXscan: singapore
ejuale: zen
triXscan: japan
ejuale: jing
paristo: taiwan
riku: buddha
jaceee: zazen
triXscan: budda
paristo: way
jaceee: dharma
ejuale: give
triXscan: karate
jaceee: me
riku: parma
ejuale: mountain
jaceee: some
riku: thai-KICK
triXscan: sugar
ejuale: travel
jaceee: and
paristo: contrast
riku: face
jaceee: thigh
triXscan: off
riku: broke
paristo: lift
riku: nose
jaceee: ankle
triXscan: toe
paristo: surgery
jaceee: soft
riku: ball
riku: is
triXscan: ware
jaceee: whipped
ejuale: skin
riku: nicwe
triXscan: now
paristo: throw
jaceee: into
ejuale: shaker
jaceee: shape
triXscan: fragile
paristo: kula
jaceee: like
riku: kula
triXscan: ball
ejuale: yes
jaceee: pulla
riku: pala
triXscan: box
ejuale: bite
riku: palalei
riku: maksaa
riku: viis
triXscan: leima
jaceee: wool
riku: markkaa
triXscan: emmental
ejuale: harmony
paristo: post
jaceee: pika
riku: juusto
triXscan: silver
ejuale: plate
triXscan: paikka
jaceee: kabuki
paristo: sit
ejuale: plase
riku: in
triXscan: emmental
paristo: sit!
ejuale: plasepo
jaceee: parasite
paristo: fetch!
triXscan: entertain
ejuale: tv
riku: you
jaceee: fart
ejuale: no
jaceee: okay
riku: yök
paristo: fart!
triXscan: refugee
ejuale: take
ejuale: camp
riku: cake
paristo: tent
triXscan: tree
riku: huggers
paristo: four
ejuale: tea
*** redo (ll@tinpc47.lpt.fi) has joined channel #nso
triXscan: shore
ejuale: so
jaceee: boogers
triXscan: hacker
paristo: doch
ejuale: so
jaceee: slacker
paristo: does
ejuale: too
paristo: he
triXscan: on
paristo: know
paristo: what
ejuale: well
riku: ride
triXscan: me
paristo: to
*** Mode change "+o redo" on #nso by jaceee
paristo: do
triXscan: better
ejuale: lucky
paristo: here
jaceee: done
jaceee: again
redo: Ich bin jetz auch hier
riku: with
jaceee: and
paristo: ONE
ejuale: alsoo
jaceee: again
paristo: WORD
riku: word
ejuale: key
triXscan: sword
paristo: AT
paristo: THE
riku: cord
triXscan: work
riku: turd
jaceee: get
ejuale: pike
paristo: time
jaceee: pissed
ejuale: is
triXscan: hike
riku: bush
triXscan: off
paristo: beer
ejuale: on
jaceee: sliding
triXscan: kate
ejuale: stout
jaceee: off
riku: the
ejuale: lager
triXscan: III
jaceee: cats
jaceee: 2
ejuale: kinnesy
jaceee: @
ejuale: irish
riku: guines
paristo: funny
triXscan: record
ejuale: you
jaceee: guiness
jaceee: is
riku: tummy
jaceee: good
ejuale: smart
jaceee: for
jaceee: you
riku: smarts
triXscan: boy
ejuale: pint
riku: is
triXscan: and
triXscan: me
jaceee: treats
ejuale: bar
paristo: who
riku: is
riku: nice
triXscan: going
jaceee: pays?
riku: out
ejuale: field
riku: there
triXscan: palace
paristo: lends
man_tz: STILL
ejuale: pocket
paristo: money
redo: is
riku: to
triXscan: hire
jaceee: jolaglugg
redo: not
riku: with
triXscan: airport
paristo: lassi
riku: and
triXscan: jugurtti
ejuale: terrorist
riku: leevi
jaceee: takk
man_tz: leevi
triXscan: human
ejuale: pani
riku: brai
jaceee: bean
paristo: india
riku: brain
triXscan: behavior
jaceee: bra
riku: is
paristo: rintaliivit
jaceee: bra-bra
riku: starnge
ejuale: born
triXscan: great
triXscan: to
triXscan: be
triXscan: alive
ejuale: have
riku: and
jaceee: carnage
riku: dead
jaceee: console
triXscan: car
riku: in
ejuale: cross
riku: garden
jaceee: Thai
triXscan: display
triXscan: users
ejuale: fire
triXscan: boxer
jaceee: Valium
riku: is
triXscan: stick
riku: for
riku: american
jaceee: party
riku: old
riku: ladies
triXscan: rhythm
triXscan: wordl
paristo: marilyn
jaceee: my
riku: fast
jaceee: love
riku: typo
triXscan: gentleman
triXscan: grafi
triXscan: liini
riku: tti
ejuale: 60
jaceee: she's
riku: a
ejuale: 70
triXscan: mine
jaceee: warm
ejuale: 80
triXscan: years
jaceee: imagine
riku: monstrous
ejuale: 90
jaceee: that
paristo: soft
triXscan: delicatessen
riku: tits
ejuale: kitten
jaceee: yours?
triXscan: beauty
ejuale: yes
paristo: no
jaceee: uh-huh
triXscan: mine!
ejuale: more
jaceee: 2
jaceee: ?
ejuale: 3
paristo: eh
jaceee: oh
riku: five
jaceee: ohoh
paristo: huu
ejuale: group
jaceee: many
riku: hihii
paristo: uhu
paristo: glue
triXscan: hahaa
ejuale: enough
jaceee: ubu
triXscan: blue
ejuale: sado
riku: of
paristo: king
triXscan: still
riku: this
jaceee: parade
triXscan: maso
riku: of
jaceee: naked
paristo: law
riku: man
jaceee: lunches
riku: between
triXscan: street
triXscan: order
ejuale: taxes
paristo: nunchbox
riku: high
triXscan: dinner
paristo: lunch
riku: is
triXscan: lander
riku: tasteful
jaceee: float
paristo: movie
jaceee: in
jaceee: your
ejuale: kansa
jaceee: own
riku: dive
jaceee: space
paristo: tapani
triXscan: ring
riku: kansa
ejuale: rakas
triXscan: craft
jaceee: decode
riku: kulta
triXscan: otti
ejuale: mur
paristo: ihana
triXscan: mussu
riku: murmur
jaceee: lapin
ejuale: kans
paristo: kaljaa
riku: jätkä
triXscan: koira
jaceee: kansas
paristo: pilli
ejuale: kairo
riku: citi
jaceee: Dorothy
paristo: ciy
triXscan: city
jaceee: again
ejuale: olli
paristo: city
triXscan: villi
jaceee: sin
riku: billi
triXscan: mcClean
riku: mcmurphy
ejuale: surrive
triXscan: rocka
riku: billy
paristo: donald
ejuale: bang
jaceee: billy
triXscan: law
riku: mcdonald
paristo: bang
riku: ronald
ejuale: levels
triXscan: burger
jaceee: burp
ejuale: first
riku: then
triXscan: status
jaceee: out
ejuale: go
riku: goes
jaceee: the
paristo: quo
ejuale: ego
jaceee: ass
ejuale: filter
paristo: latin
triXscan: dance
paristo: lover
riku: old
jaceee: elephantus
ejuale: thin
jaceee: non
jaceee: caput
ejuale: tale
riku: cover
triXscan: bottle
jaceee: murem
triXscan: me
riku: te
ejuale: size
riku: he
triXscan: remu
paristo: idiot
ejuale: mm
riku: sw
jaceee: blazing
riku: ssse
ejuale: cm
ejuale: dm
triXscan: dostojevski
paristo: m
jaceee: glory
ejuale: M
jaceee: red
triXscan: cd
paristo: ruusia
jaceee: white
triXscan: yellow
ejuale: MILLION
jaceee: blue
triXscan: snow
riku: of
riku: roses
triXscan: flakes
paristo: vain
ejuale: falke
jaceee: blood
triXscan: pain
jaceee: paranoia
triXscan: killer
paristo: silk
ejuale: injection
riku: in
jaceee: road
paristo: movie
triXscan: road
jaceee: vein
riku: body
ejuale: influence
jaceee: bag
ejuale: on
triXscan: language
ejuale: in
riku: a cage
paristo: oh
ejuale: with
triXscan: arm
ejuale: around
riku: you
jaceee: waist
triXscan: nail
ejuale: off
riku: this
paristo: i
jaceee: scratch
ejuale: out
riku: to
triXscan: weight
paristo: see
riku: my
triXscan: in
riku: weight
ejuale: watchers
triXscan: you
paristo: loss
jaceee: to
riku: off
jaceee: find
riku: your
ejuale: calories
paristo: strictly
jaceee: bugger
riku: to
triXscan: curtain
riku: sleeves
triXscan: energy
jaceee: shade
ejuale: personality
jaceee: and
ejuale: soul
jaceee: frolic
triXscan: ego
riku: intelligent
ejuale: frog
ejuale: kiss
triXscan: brain
paristo: agent
riku: with
jaceee: and spouses
riku: russia
triXscan: good
triXscan: night
paristo: gun
jaceee: oops
ejuale: managment
riku: from
jaceee: trigger
triXscan: flow
jaceee: and
ejuale: reddish
riku: air
paristo: powder
jaceee: blow
ejuale: airoflot
riku: nuclear
triXscan: irish
jaceee: you
riku: band
jaceee: AWAY
ejuale: football
triXscan: weapon
triXscan: shoe
triXscan: sucker
jaceee: !!!!!!!!
ejuale: goal
riku: fin-tur3-1
jaceee: :o
triXscan: yoga
ejuale: yesterday
riku: :)
paristo: ..................
jaceee: turkey
ejuale: best
jaceee: breast
jaceee: bread
triXscan: youg
ejuale: taliban
triXscan: butter
paristo: sissi
triXscan: sissi
redo: terrry
ejuale: sussu
triXscan: missi
riku: tussu
paristo: itävalta
riku: austria
triXscan: unkari
ejuale: next
paristo: austria
triXscan: door
riku: vunkari
paristo: open
ejuale: helmut
paristo: the
paristo: kohl
ejuale: eu
redo: helmut
riku: is
ejuale: no
triXscan: star
jaceee: bloat
redo: edju
ejuale: more
jaceee: whale
riku: pig
ejuale: bill
triXscan: pink
riku: billy
jaceee: willy
paristo: nose
triXscan: true
riku: hilly
ejuale: free
triXscan: goes
riku: all
paristo: thinking
triXscan: kapakka
ejuale: ocean
paristo: art
redo: blue
ejuale: snooker
triXscan: blue
riku: imatra
jaceee: kekkonen
triXscan: bart
paristo: koski
triXscan: simpson
triXscan: kekkonen
ejuale: vähälä
redo: hof
jaceee: railing
triXscan: poski
paristo: kekkonen
riku: kukkannen
jaceee: thor
paristo: kekkonen
jaceee: Loki
riku: kökkönen
redo: hetkonen
paristo: kekkonen
triXscan: hayerdahl
ejuale: bill
triXscan: kirja
ejuale: six
triXscan: please
paristo: gekkonen
jaceee: el jéfé
redo: hold
triXscan: on
paristo: bandit
riku: blind
ejuale: elnando
jaceee: kauppa
redo: the
triXscan: bandidos
paristo: olivs
ejuale: taco
triXscan: green
paristo: olives
jaceee: lobos
ejuale: hd
riku: euro/market
triXscan: mexico
paristo: k-kauppa
paristo: suomi
ejuale: t
triXscan: los
ejuale: s
triXscan: paita
jaceee: ku
redo: snow
paristo: valintatalo
ejuale: valinta
jaceee: klux
jaceee: klan
redo: whit
riku: köks
paristo: ostoskärry
ejuale: brothers
jaceee: aukadrif
ejuale: sää
paristo: blues
riku: merisää
riku: talvisää
jaceee: sari
ejuale: etelä
triXscan: kotkarankki
paristo: merenkurkku
ejuale: saari
*** PING delay for
mattii: 0 seconds
triXscan: ohutta
triXscan: yläpilveä
ejuale: ilma
riku: yläpilvee
triXscan: baari
*** PING delay for
man_tz: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
mattii: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
ejuale: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
riku: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
paristo: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
jaceee: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
redo: 0 seconds
triXscan: joint
ejuale: ala
riku: cumulus
*** PING delay for
triXscan: 1 seconds
ejuale: hoint
paristo: hotelli
jaceee: smooookin'
riku: point
ejuale: chic
redo: is
paristo: yeah
ejuale: dead
riku: now
ejuale: chiken
redo: on
paristo: kauppahotelli
ejuale: lost
riku: in
riku: time
redo: out
paristo: SPACE
triXscan: columbus
riku: of
ejuale: hotla
triXscan: lala
paristo: tiskijukka
ejuale: thai
paristo: tai
triXscan: why
ejuale: massage
redo: yhw
triXscan: muscle
redo: od
jaceee: butt
paristo: brutal
triXscan: pot
triXscan: tea
jaceee: oddity
ejuale: fat
jaceee: space
redo: slag
triXscan: mad
riku: else
ejuale: honey
jaceee: between
jaceee: your
riku: sugar
triXscan: journey
ejuale: marriage
jaceee: daddies
riku: salt
triXscan: houses
paristo: major
jaceee: legs
ejuale: baby
paristo: tom
triXscan: pepper
ejuale: car
jaceee: come
triXscan: sweet
triXscan: tom
paristo: ground
jaceee: over
jaceee: up
ejuale: again
jaceee: and
riku: club
redo: sour
triXscan: grunge
jaceee: down
riku: for
ejuale: soda
riku: golf
triXscan: mour
paristo: lounge
triXscan: milk
paristo: man
triXscan: lobby
redo: french
riku: is
triXscan: cuisine
paristo: cigarettes
jaceee: talking
ejuale: fire
redo: moods
jaceee: bullshit
ejuale: doors
riku: alrm
triXscan: heads
jaceee: walks
riku: turn
paristo: red
triXscan: clock
ejuale: poem
triXscan: wood
paristo: orange
triXscan: pilgrim
riku: redhot
jaceee: BITE
riku: no
jaceee: on
paristo: auch
triXscan: chili
triXscan: grr
riku: pepper
paristo: con
jaceee: aber
paristo: carne
ejuale: leaf
triXscan: air
redo: das
riku: ich
triXscan: condition
redo: bin
paristo: über
ejuale: haben
riku: nach
jaceee: archway
redo: den
paristo: doch
ejuale: zu
triXscan: luftballons
riku: begeben
triXscan: eine
jaceee: mein
triXscan: kleine
riku: droft
triXscan: nahct
redo: freie
jaceee: heisser
paristo: nicht
triXscan: music
riku: lust
ejuale: bist
paristo: machen
jaceee: scheisser
triXscan: luft
redo: wolle
triXscan: hansa
riku: bitte
triXscan: arnod
jaceee: meister
paristo: mittelpunkt
riku: schön
triXscan: arnold
paristo: vogel
jaceee: kunstler
redo: der
riku: haben
triXscan: das
triXscan: auto
ejuale: funk
paristo: erde
jaceee: graben
ejuale: ikea
redo: jetzt
riku: fahren
triXscan: tuoli
paristo: fuck
triXscan: slaagi
ejuale: more
redo: is
triXscan: celsius
jaceee: sahne
ejuale: no
redo: im
triXscan: sain
jaceee: lover
ejuale: minus
paristo: temperature
jaceee: nest
triXscan: ûber
jaceee: equals
ejuale: humanoid
riku: bist
triXscan: bird
paristo: bird
riku: eine
ejuale: tree
triXscan: du
jaceee: bitter
paristo: spiderfish
triXscan: sister
ejuale: mine
riku: mister
ejuale: yours
jaceee: hänchen
riku: is
paristo: brother
redo: frucht
triXscan: haircut
riku: new
paristo: brötchen
ejuale: short
jaceee: sprudel
redo: od
triXscan: order
riku: period
triXscan: long
jaceee: y
paristo: sally
jaceee: ja
redo: wasser
jaceee: og
ejuale: sand
jaceee: und
riku: wisser
triXscan: bold
jaceee: and
redo: erde
ejuale: karde
triXscan: beautiful
jaceee: more
ejuale: bold
triXscan: roobi
jaceee: than
paristo: germans
redo: pool
triXscan: axel
ejuale: come
jaceee: booby
jaceee: trap
jaceee: door
riku: ghostly
paristo: deodorant
ejuale: trapant
triXscan: rat
jaceee: to
jaceee: my
triXscan: dark
triXscan: east
paristo: east
jaceee: soul
riku: eaters
jaceee: east
jaceee: east
triXscan: plastic
jaceee: east
paristo: body
triXscan: heater
riku: bags
jaceee: east
ejuale: pony
jaceee: echo
riku: to
paristo: rythm
riku: with
triXscan: ecco
redo: a
jaceee: HEAR?
jaceee: hear
riku: heart
ejuale: citar
jaceee: hear
ejuale: gitar
triXscan: voices
paristo: smell
jaceee: hear
jaceee: echo
riku: blood
redo: ear
riku: vomit
redo: fear
jaceee: ear
triXscan: view
ejuale: drunk
jaceee: ear
jaceee: echo
riku: hallway
ejuale: mute
jaceee: vomit
triXscan: hall
riku: sounds
jaceee: grommit
riku: surround
ejuale: load
triXscan: route
paristo: foreseen
redo: tower
riku: is
jaceee: hobbit
triXscan: power
riku: far
ejuale: bell
riku: very
triXscan: small
jaceee: spent
paristo: much
redo: high
riku: heavy
jaceee: words
triXscan: tiny
jaceee: words
riku: brickwalls
triXscan: worms
jaceee: conscious
riku: and
triXscan: anohter
paristo: sorry
jaceee: of
jaceee: themselves
jaceee: they
redo: old
triXscan: flight
jaceee: find
triXscan: these
jaceee: a
redo: are
jaceee: reason
triXscan: forgotten
paristo: answer
jaceee: to
jaceee: live
triXscan: novel
riku: questions
ejuale: finish
paristo: levels
triXscan: marks
ejuale: goal
triXscan: game
jaceee: >>>>>>>>>>
riku: things
jaceee: <<<<<<<<<<<
ejuale: price
triXscan: net
jaceee: ==========>
paristo: eyes
redo: fooo
triXscan: much
paristo: illusion
jaceee: <===========
ejuale: tennis
triXscan: more
paristo: direction
redo: ^
riku: elbow
ejuale: mats
triXscan: skirt
jaceee: o=>
redo: ¤
ejuale: björn
jaceee: o+
triXscan: back
riku: bori
triXscan: annika
jaceee: 3+4=
redo: `´
paristo: 87
riku: 9
triXscan: åke
redo: 7
triXscan: 983635
riku: lindman
ejuale: lindman
paristo: börje
jaceee: one
jaceee: two
redo: 1
riku: tree
ejuale: boris
jaceee: three
triXscan: twelve
jaceee: four
jaceee: more
riku: five
ejuale: matti
jaceee: pi
triXscan: five
triXscan: more
riku: gore
triXscan: 0,034...
jaceee: ain't
paristo: match
ejuale: rough
jaceee: home
triXscan: tex
ejuale: sweat
jaceee: 3.14159287
triXscan: sweet
redo: neclected
triXscan: hot
ejuale: towel
riku: swich
paristo: word
jaceee: molar
triXscan: hotel
ejuale: key
redo: gummi
riku: potel
paristo: control
ejuale: tv
jaceee: velocity
ejuale: out
triXscan: jummi
ejuale: of
triXscan: in
jaceee: pax
riku: audi
jaceee: machina
ejuale: window
triXscan: sisu
riku: volvo
paristo: box
riku: saab..
jaceee: yummi
redo: db
ejuale: audi
triXscan: ford
jaceee: in
triXscan: sierra
jaceee: madre
triXscan: sierain
paristo: mitsubishi
ejuale: saab
jaceee: serotonin
triXscan: aarre
riku: sierainäiti
ejuale: nacho
paristo: oho
jaceee: patch
triXscan: glykoosi
ejuale: älä
riku: punch-o!
triXscan: h2o
ejuale: tarve
triXscan: pinch
riku: fruktoosi
jaceee: gland
paristo: HIKI
ejuale: emulsio
triXscan: intoleranssi
redo: down
triXscan: hifk
paristo: GEELI
ejuale: lakto
jaceee: oozing
triXscan: town
riku: 2in1
ejuale: vege
jaceee: drip
triXscan: karva
paristo: birthcontrol
jaceee: trinity
ejuale: orvas
triXscan: drop
paristo: kesi
redo: up
triXscan: kesi
jaceee: rubber
riku: mallas
triXscan: ebony
triXscan: juoma
ejuale: mustapää
paristo: fetish
jaceee: squeeze
riku: finni
ejuale: murros
triXscan: cement
triXscan: näppy
riku: ikä
ejuale: teenage
triXscan: nipple
redo: citron
triXscan: loppu
riku: trauma
redo: dippel
ejuale: break-out
jaceee: suck
triXscan: 100A
redo: in
paristo: valistus
riku: hippel
triXscan: hoppel
redo: pipel
ejuale: what
paristo: himmel
riku: huppel
jaceee: daring
paristo: himmeli
ejuale: li
triXscan: poppeli
riku: hummeli
triXscan: kummeli
jaceee: uberlassen
triXscan: pipo
riku: lassie!!!!
ejuale: papu
redo: unterlassen
triXscan: alles
triXscan: shön
ejuale: kinnas
redo: weglassenb
jaceee: free?
triXscan: vergessen
triXscan: dom
ejuale: normaali
redo: was
jaceee: ich
redo: bin
riku: bin
triXscan: epu
ejuale: normal
jaceee: bien
riku: ein
triXscan: eine
riku: muinkki
paristo: aushdgischhen
jaceee: bon
ejuale: säkki
triXscan: human
jaceee: nuit
triXscan: täkki
paristo: laiva
redo: ausgeschissen
ejuale: tukki
triXscan: dejeuner
ejuale: jätkä
jaceee: kaunita
triXscan: pukki
riku: pätkä
ejuale: rautavaara
paristo: duras
triXscan: unia
triXscan: baby
jaceee: unia
redo: morsupukuja
ejuale: tango
triXscan: tapsa
riku: driims
ejuale: tahdon
jaceee: django
triXscan: olla
paristo: harms
ejuale: will
jaceee: one
riku: reinon
jaceee: two
jaceee: three
triXscan: bango
riku: is
triXscan: redo
riku: mango
ejuale: promise
paristo: mökki
jaceee: bingo
triXscan: four
redo: hármy
jaceee: bongo
ejuale: hurme
jaceee: pogo
riku: bingo
paristo: bingo
redo: bingo
triXscan: elina
jaceee: yoyo
ejuale: you
triXscan: u2
triXscan: 2
redo: dojo
paristo: me
ejuale: no
jaceee: uhhoooh
ejuale: aah
triXscan: kumite
riku: 2,3,75,,24,34,34,6,,
redo: ahhh
jaceee: again?
ejuale: slip
paristo: gogo
jaceee: please?
ejuale: in
triXscan: shoojiki
riku: bingo
triXscan: gozen
ejuale: shake
triXscan: under
triXscan: my
paristo: what
triXscan: skin
riku: tamagotchi
paristo: how
ejuale: pillow
paristo: long
jaceee: profit
triXscan: little
jaceee: mega
paristo: giga
riku: akira
triXscan: blanket
ejuale: net
triXscan: herz
redo: bit
jaceee: do
ejuale: cold
paristo: huge
jaceee: it
ejuale: feet
paristo: BIG
jaceee: between
ejuale: big
triXscan: bang
redo: sweat
paristo: under
jaceee: BIG
riku: they
triXscan: surface
ejuale: normal
redo: walk
jaceee: FAT
riku: in
redo: sun
triXscan: BANG
paristo: BIGGER
jaceee: hefty
riku: streets
triXscan: olofsen
ejuale: mother
paristo: scale
redo: of
jaceee: Booger
riku: magnus
triXscan: mum
jaceee: BIGGEST
ejuale: young
ejuale: acdc
jaceee: bamg
triXscan: löfgren
riku: little
redo: to
paristo: WHAT
jaceee: bang
paristo: THEN
triXscan: meany
jaceee: glumpfh
ejuale: thunder
redo: is
riku: again
ejuale: flash
redo: a
triXscan: THUNDER
riku: strike
ejuale: rain
riku: and
triXscan: *
ejuale: fire
paristo: ö
redo: no
triXscan: snow
riku: woods
triXscan: yard
paristo: wind
ejuale: cottage
triXscan: pine
redo: klo
riku: everybody
triXscan: apple
paristo: inside
riku: dies
ejuale: place
jaceee: 1:20:25
triXscan: soon
triXscan: er
jaceee: good
triXscan: later
ejuale: the
jaceee: Lord
riku: what
paristo: fun?
redo: now " everybody"
triXscan: angel
riku: gives
triXscan: Los
paristo: no
jaceee: lobos
ejuale: san
riku: lecture
triXscan: meaning
jaceee: sangre
ejuale: franc
triXscan: sin
jaceee: de
triXscan: toro
ejuale: o
triXscan: de
paristo: mañana
jaceee: Christo
redo: el
riku: doomsday
redo: paso
triXscan: soon
ejuale: siesta
jaceee: poco
riku: manana
redo: vino
jaceee: loco
riku: tinto
ejuale: manjana
triXscan: loco
ejuale: mari
paristo: porp
riku: vaca
triXscan: retto
jaceee: marijuana
paristo: poro
triXscan: huana
triXscan: bonda
ejuale: rutto
riku: fuego
redo: paper
paristo: pot
jaceee: cabo
redo: fot
ejuale: hut
riku: vomit
triXscan: gracias
redo: hot
ejuale: again
riku: muchos
triXscan: again
paristo: don
redo: green
jaceee: yawn
paristo: juan
triXscan: dias
ejuale: amigos
riku: hose
triXscan: peron
jaceee: dios
riku: maria
paristo: world
ejuale: santa
riku: claus
ejuale: pukki
paristo: drama
jaceee: aqui?
triXscan: ukki
riku: esta
ejuale: tontn
paristo: bon
riku: noche
triXscan: qui
paristo: bien
redo: las
ejuale: tonmte
triXscan: como
jaceee: donde.
paristo: eh
riku: tomaten
triXscan: estas
ejuale: katto
redo: pizza
paristo: por
ejuale: kato
riku: tonte
ejuale: poro
triXscan: favor
jaceee: gabinetto
paristo: que
riku: esta
triXscan: erottelu
riku: mario
ejuale: osa
jaceee: tal
redo: go
paristo: osajako
triXscan: bien
jaceee: yo
jaceee: soy
ejuale: parake
riku: SVUL
riku: TUL
triXscan: jakorasia
ejuale: nuddle
paristo: urheiluliitto
riku: yep
triXscan: UEFA
ejuale: hole
triXscan: cup
paristo: jakomielitautinen
riku: soccer
triXscan: inone
ejuale: lovee
jaceee: football
riku: topO
paristo: danone
triXscan: lover
ejuale: lit
paristo: lover
jaceee: pop
ejuale: liti
triXscan: pantterit
riku: up
jaceee: pop
triXscan: piiloset
riku: torpan
triXscan: host
paristo: until
triXscan: pojat
riku: pojat
ejuale: upside
jaceee: pop
triXscan: vesa
paristo: you
triXscan: down
riku: vierikko
jaceee: pohjola
paristo: corn
ejuale: vesa
triXscan: kivikko
ejuale: esa
paristo: korni
jaceee: verkko
riku: flakes
triXscan: flakes
paristo: vierikko
ejuale: tiger
riku: vierii
triXscan: pallo
ejuale: vosu
riku: alas
paristo: päin
triXscan: ulos
ejuale: tykki
triXscan: vie
riku: ulos
triXscan: BUM
ejuale: kuula
paristo: päin
jaceee: bump
riku: lentää
triXscan: toivo
triXscan: hope
ejuale: rosvo
paristo: pläsi
triXscan: BOB
riku: päin
jaceee: palatsi
ejuale: young
riku: sortuu
ejuale: aussi
triXscan: pläjähti
paristo: restless
riku: kumoon
jaceee: playa
ejuale: mind
triXscan: kaatoi
paristo: dek
jaceee: typhoon
riku: del sol
paristo: del
triXscan: diamond
ejuale: hall
paristo: vamos
jaceee: dirge
triXscan: taifuun
ejuale: hartwall
jaceee: of
jaceee: being
paristo: donde
triXscan: microsoft
*** mattii (kaak@tinpc45.lpt.fi) has joined channel #nso
triXscan: esta
ejuale: blonde
jaceee: nike
paristo: huba
jaceee: blond
triXscan: nice
riku: haba
triXscan: huh
paristo: swedish
riku: hih
jaceee: honcho
ejuale: kaappi
triXscan: boncho
jaceee: sarajevo
riku: poncho
redo: blonde
ejuale: red
jaceee: pinko
ejuale: pupu
riku: kovaa
paristo: pink
triXscan: dead
jaceee: barbie
triXscan: laukoo
ejuale: rabbit
triXscan: litmanen
jaceee: who
riku: vabbit
paristo: jartsa
jaceee: killed
ejuale: ylä
jaceee: the
redo: gary
triXscan: doll
triXscan: roger
ejuale: nurkka
riku: ala
triXscan: glitter
redo: all
paristo: kansakoulu
triXscan: patriootti
jaceee: canary
riku: oli
paristo: gary
ejuale: kekkonen
triXscan: islands
riku: kukkanen'
paristo: kekkonen
ejuale: kala
triXscan: kekkonen
redo: klitmanen
paristo: kekkonen
triXscan: apaja
jaceee: kiasma
ejuale: maaaali
paristo: 60-luku
triXscan: pulma
jaceee: clinton
riku: goooooooooooul
triXscan: häät
paristo: 60's
ejuale: käpy
riku: selän
paristo: häpy
triXscan: gold
jaceee: 70's
triXscan: alla
redo: 6ts
triXscan: luu
jaceee: 90's
jaceee: already
paristo: 00's
ejuale: net
triXscan: tease
riku: eiffel
ejuale: chaos
triXscan: join
redo: -02
jaceee: dream
ejuale: tornado
triXscan: circle
paristo: mind
jaceee: throwing
triXscan: storm
jaceee: ircle
riku: twister
ejuale: take
redo: stones
paristo: brain
riku: äway
triXscan: wind
triXscan: sister
jaceee: mirc
triXscan: damage
ejuale: crap
jaceee: hurt
redo: window
riku: talk
ejuale: your
paristo: örk
triXscan: miracle
jaceee: dream
jaceee: brother
ejuale: sgift
triXscan: speed
redo: out
triXscan: fingers
paristo: like
redo: wiyht
riku: shift
ejuale: salvation
triXscan: quick
paristo: float
riku: dick
jaceee: substitute
paristo: van
ejuale: duck
triXscan: nick
redo: duck
paristo: dyke
riku: with
triXscan: cave
triXscan: van
ejuale: van
jaceee: dyke
riku: romanov
triXscan: dyke
redo: helden
jaceee: doc
ejuale: mercy
triXscan: suku
jaceee: tick
triXscan: family
ejuale: seed
riku: tack
jaceee: tock
triXscan: tack
redo: sauerbruch
jaceee: toke
ejuale: clock
triXscan: sandwich
riku: bratwurst
paristo: duck
triXscan: ring
jaceee: bratwurst
ejuale: ham
jaceee: hey
riku: mmmm....
paristo: yummy
redo: `´:`´
triXscan: bath
jaceee: ...erp!...
paristo: dead
riku: zing-zong
triXscan: yammy
*** Mode change "+o mattii" on #nso by jaceee
ejuale: king
triXscan: zag
triXscan: kong
paristo: zig
riku: crimson
paristo: king
triXscan: lake
ejuale: lake
triXscan: bond
triXscan: mighty
ejuale: faarao
jaceee: mammy
paristo: god
ejuale: cat
riku: sinuhe
ejuale: head
ejuale: eye
triXscan: jimmy
triXscan: egyptian
triXscan: bead
jaceee: fluster
ejuale: shit
triXscan: brush
jaceee: oh
triXscan: buster
riku: with
paristo: keaton
jaceee: on
redo: (¤)
triXscan: line
jaceee: beat
jaceee: on
paristo: kyllä
triXscan: meat
triXscan: joo
jaceee: (O)
redo: )¤(
ejuale: poison
paristo: harha
riku: tastes
jaceee: )O(
paristo: boing
ejuale: meeting
triXscan: boiling
jaceee: (|)
redo: =O=
ejuale: shoes
triXscan: aroud
triXscan: navy
jaceee: )|(
ejuale: blue
redo: _
paristo: visiting
triXscan: piu
jaceee: --------0*
ejuale: paut
triXscan: parents
redo: 'X2
paristo: smoke
ejuale: sukupolvi
triXscan: x-taasi
ejuale: generation
riku: HTTP://www.pornonlive.dick.com
jaceee: ĐĐĐĐĐĐĐĐĐo
ejuale: when
jaceee: more?
triXscan: luther
redo: +?'
riku: king
triXscan: once
ejuale: minus
triXscan: linus
jaceee: @
riku: ten
paristo: forever
ejuale: babe
riku: lleft
paristo: again
triXscan: glen
riku: him
jaceee: ~
paristo: again
paristo: again
jaceee: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
riku: and
triXscan: å
ejuale: toisto
jaceee: %
triXscan: poisto
ejuale: skall
redo: "<>"
paristo: decoraation
ejuale: du
jaceee: 99%?
triXscan: `´`
ejuale: 0
riku: 1%
paristo: 1%
redo: -1%
triXscan: pattern
triXscan: we
paristo: 2%
triXscan: we
paristo: part
redo: `000000-
triXscan: store
jaceee: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||i||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
paristo: 1998
triXscan: frozen
riku: rgb 00,00,255?
triXscan: rugby
riku: blue!!!!
jaceee: urgeebee
paristo: excists
jaceee: excite
triXscan: cmyk
riku: strange
triXscan: site
redo: ting
jaceee: running
jaceee: out
triXscan: mill
jaceee: of
jaceee: things
jaceee: to
ejuale: time
triXscan: jungle
jaceee: say?
riku: do
ejuale: voodoo
triXscan: so
redo: that
riku: idoidoidoido
paristo: ###################################o* * * *
triXscan: thing
ejuale: ami
triXscan: ga
riku: pami
redo: ="=
triXscan: pamela
ejuale: op
paristo: dada
ejuale: pp
triXscan: ()
redo: dudu
riku: ddt
triXscan: ppp
jaceee: collaborate
ejuale: sur
jaceee: exaggerate
paristo: ok
riku: ?
triXscan: face
jaceee: peepee
redo: exterminate
ejuale: lift
jaceee: terminte
paristo: little
triXscan: collapse
jaceee: termite
ejuale: suck
jaceee: term
triXscan: take
redo: terpentine
paristo: away
ejuale: grease
jaceee: rem
jaceee: remember
triXscan: john
riku: canvas
paristo: elvis
redo: rom
riku: is
man_tz: STILL
jaceee: yup
ejuale: brush
triXscan: uni
triXscan: kuva
jaceee: styling!
riku: dirty
ejuale: form
redo: cost
triXscan: story
riku: mucho
triXscan: horror
jaceee: hyvaa
riku: ja
redo: ÄÄ
ejuale: halpa
triXscan: paivaa
triXscan: osa
riku: tänään
ejuale: päivä
ejuale: yks
paristo: aurinko
riku: häivä
triXscan: kelpas
riku: mulle
redo: laske
jaceee: rolling
ejuale: sulle
riku: luuris
paristo: stone
jaceee: onwards
triXscan: usva
jaceee: into
riku: hiipii
paristo: inwards
ejuale: henry
jaceee: the
jaceee: night
triXscan: dawn
paristo: saari
redo: by
ejuale: rollins
riku: vaari
paristo: bye
ejuale: tattoo
paristo: buy
redo: bui
triXscan: cave
riku: military
paristo: army
triXscan: buick
ejuale: housut
triXscan: tantta
redo: loop
riku: quick
triXscan: pois
paristo: militanttipaskiaiset
ejuale: kärry
redo: WC
triXscan: pyörä
ejuale: kaara
triXscan: wheeler
paristo: natsihomofeministi
riku: juuri
triXscan: fortune
ejuale: troija
redo: kondomi
triXscan: hoito
redo: aids
ejuale: hiv
paristo: take
triXscan: hevonen
paristo: care
ejuale: ota
jaceee: burst
riku: sida
triXscan: positiivi
jaceee: look
paristo: music
jaceee: out!
redo: negativi
triXscan: cool
ejuale: prostitute
jaceee: audio
riku: it´s
jaceee: stimulation
paristo: sex
redo: is
ejuale: street'
triXscan: visual
redo: in
riku: sex
triXscan: machine
jaceee: wise
redo: my
riku: look
jaceee: baby
ejuale: niii
redo: ear
jaceee: legs
riku: in
triXscan: aunt
triXscan: logs
riku: stomach
jaceee: leering
redo: uabiiuabii
triXscan: full
paristo: sick
riku: house
redo: ding
ejuale: family
jaceee: dong
triXscan: yabadabaduu
ejuale: business
riku: going
redo: bong
jaceee: fred
redo: as
triXscan: ping
jaceee: hit
ejuale: freud
paristo: community
ejuale: jung
triXscan: astaire
redo: me
jaceee: jungle
riku: crawl
riku: in
ejuale: femi
riku: deeper...
jaceee: movement
triXscan: tarzan
ejuale: jane
paristo: jane
jaceee: hemi
jaceee: demi
triXscan: backwards
riku: semi
paristo: more
triXscan: more!
paristo: moore
riku: rome
jaceee: semisphere
triXscan: denim
ejuale: 007
jaceee: cruising
jaceee: 747
riku: boat
redo: ____)uabiiuabbii(_____
ejuale: rally
paristo: adventure
riku: space
triXscan: formula
ejuale: aturday
jaceee: breathe
ejuale: s
paristo: spectre
jaceee: deep
triXscan: saturn
riku: sphere
ejuale: torget
triXscan: breath
paristo: lighspeed
redo: target
riku: at
triXscan: aim
ejuale: market
riku: future
redo: highdeep
paristo: nuclear
redo: out
ejuale: active
triXscan: jeep
paristo: bombing
triXscan: massive
ejuale: tommy
jaceee: creep
riku: killings
paristo: innnocent
ejuale: hilfiger
redo: wooming
jaceee: absolute
jaceee: crazy
triXscan: looming
ejuale: moon
redo: beginners
riku: is
triXscan: beginners
ejuale: biked
jaceee: count
triXscan: fine
ejuale: turbo
triXscan: down
redo: FRAU
ejuale: st
triXscan: ahdin
riku: row
ejuale: ahterri
paristo: ko
triXscan: john
triXscan: line
ejuale: suosii
redo: MANN
paristo: valtakunta
jaceee: chant
ejuale: kun
triXscan: nature
triXscan: puoli
ejuale: mer
jaceee: house
riku: pimeä
paristo: chantarelle
jaceee: dance
ejuale: sur
riku: tarantella
redo: dharmaaa
jaceee: pants
ejuale: up
paristo: karma
riku: hiphop
triXscan: thalia
ejuale: koma
jaceee: triphop
paristo: thilia
riku: thilia
redo: down
jaceee: thule
triXscan: kona
jaceee: ultima
ejuale: indo
paristo: tallallallaa
riku: jyrki...
redo: moma
ejuale: thule
triXscan: count
jaceee: tallahassee
paristo: halllooo
ejuale: manna
riku: puuro
triXscan: puuro
riku: on
riku: hyvää
triXscan: on
redo: forign
paristo: k-kauppa
ejuale: shaman
triXscan: tosi
jaceee: peura
paristo: music
ejuale: kassi
triXscan: valkoinen
redo: aghiilaajouylaaaa--
ejuale: muovi
paristo: click
ejuale: paperi
triXscan: elokuva
triXscan: alma
jaceee: double
jaceee: click
triXscan: mouse
riku: trouble
ejuale: move
redo: ou
jaceee: shoot
triXscan: drouble
triXscan: on
ejuale: outside
redo: chocolate
ejuale: danger
riku: bisquits
paristo: pimple
triXscan: brown
redo: franger
ejuale: addiction
jaceee: digeridoo
triXscan: anger
redo: shugar
triXscan: attitude
ejuale: hammer
riku: drunk?
paristo: lolly
jaceee: you
riku: pop
jaceee: bet
triXscan: pop
redo: a
ejuale: pause
triXscan: pet
riku: petition
paristo: impossible
jaceee: pooped
riku: why
ejuale: multi
redo: outo
triXscan: moped
riku: culti
triXscan: talent
ejuale: suomi
man_tz: Täytyy
paristo: but
paristo: if
man_tz: Mennä
paristo: always
triXscan: voi
triXscan: can
ejuale: sinä
man_tz: Moi
triXscan: go
ejuale: sie
redo: but
redo: so
triXscan: ultra
ejuale: mei
riku: moi
paristo: bra
triXscan: mie
man_tz: Huomiseen...
ejuale: liivi
riku: hasta manana
triXscan: ulman
paristo: tracy
ejuale: ei
riku: kö
redo: ding ding
ejuale: show
ejuale: talk
riku: ding dong
paristo: how
*** man_tz has been kicked off channel #nso by man_tz (stupiiid.)
triXscan: normal
redo: how
redo: do
jaceee: dilly
riku: strange
redo: to
paristo: gine
jaceee: willy
triXscan: uou
ejuale: narrow
paristo: gone
triXscan: line
redo: one
riku: in
jaceee: shell
triXscan: fo
jaceee: on
jaceee: stone
triXscan: r
triXscan: ever
redo: wall
triXscan: pearl
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
riku: rose
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
paristo: divided
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
redo: å
jaceee: d
redo: å
redo: å
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
redo: å
redo: å
redo: å
redo: å
jaceee: d
redo: å
redo: å
jaceee: d
redo: å
redo: å
paristo: kjja
jaceee: d
paristo: s
jaceee: d
paristo: s
riku: deer
paristo: s
jaceee: d
triXscan: b
paristo: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
paristo: ckv
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
redo: ä
redo: ä
ejuale: ea
jaceee: d
redo: ä
triXscan: santa
redo: ä
redo: ä
jaceee: d
redo: ä
redo: ä
jaceee: d
redo: ä
redo: ä
redo: ä
jaceee: d
redo: ä
redo: ä
redo: ä
jaceee: d
redo: ä
redo: ä
paristo: bb
redo: ä
jaceee: d
redo: ä
redo: ä
jaceee: d
redo: ä
redo: ä
paristo: b
redo: ä
jaceee: d
redo: ä
jaceee: d
redo: ä
redo: ä
redo: ä
ejuale: ee
jaceee: d
paristo: bb
jaceee: d
paristo: b
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
triXscan: bbbbbbbbbbbbb
jaceee: d
ejuale: ea
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
ejuale: ea
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
paristo: b
triXscan: ups
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
ejuale: ea
jaceee: d
paristo: b
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
paristo: b
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
paristo: b
jaceee: d
paristo: b
riku: ^
jaceee: d
ejuale: ea
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
paristo: b
paristo: b
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
jaceee: d
paristo: b
jaceee: d
ejuale: eaea
paristo: b
paristo: b
jaceee: s
triXscan: ^
triXscan: ^
triXscan: ^
redo: dsfdfsadfsadfsdfhsdjhfksdhkfhsdkhfkhsdlkfhskdhfks
jaceee: okay
paristo: b
paristo: b
paristo: b
paristo: b
paristo: b
jaceee: stretch
paristo: b
triXscan: satisfaction
paristo: b
paristo: b
jaceee: maybe?
paristo: b
paristo: b b b b
paristo: b
triXscan: desibeli
paristo: b
jaceee: smoke a ciggie
riku: $$$$
riku: $$$
paristo: b b b b b b b b b
riku: $$$
riku: $$$
riku: $
riku: $
riku: $
jaceee: cash only
paristo: b b b b b
triXscan: mk
triXscan: mk
triXscan: mk
jaceee: groovin
paristo: bee
paristo: maybee
triXscan: please
triXscan: all
redo: yes nicotine
triXscan: now
paristo: i
jaceee: yeah, well, that was 100 minutes
redo: narcotiine
paristo: start
riku: juu
redo: here
paristo: to
jaceee: faugh!
paristo: smoke
paristo: again
riku: ahh
jaceee: my wrists hurt
triXscan: rings
riku: inhale
riku: in
jaceee: hold it in!
riku: blow
triXscan: insane
riku: out
redo: i have blisters on my fingers
riku: good
triXscan: first
paristo: bill c. didn't do it
redo: not true
jaceee: don't Bogart that joint, my frined
triXscan: two
triXscan: words
paristo: many words
jaceee: sure he did!
paristo: if you are naughty
triXscan: comapany
triXscan: by nature
jaceee: coma?
triXscan: naughty by nature?
triXscan: someone?
paristo: are we all?
paristo: i'm not
triXscan: no
jaceee: triX: you going to be here next week?
paristo: inno-sence
paristo: in no sence
triXscan: i try
jaceee: okay, Tuesday 0900
redo: end?
jaceee: the class will also go until the last week on October
riku: ???
jaceee: two or three days that week
triXscan: jacee: probably I'll come on wednesday, ok?
redo: 28 - 25.10.
jaceee: okay
redo: i will probably show up too
paristo: kkíitos viestitä outi
triXscan: really?
paristo: viestistä
jaceee: I'll post a schedule via email inthe next day or so...
triXscan: welcome
redo: home
riku: back from
*** redo has left channel #nso
triXscan: i can't be in lahti 28 - 25.10.
triXscan: i'm working = teaching
jaceee: there is an online thing happening at
jaceee: just a minute
triXscan: ok
triXscan: yeah
jaceee: from 17-20oo this evening
triXscan: ok
riku: heihei
*** riku has left channel #nso
triXscan: heipähei
triXscan: onko paristolla latausta?
jaceee: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/slade/inconversation/
jaceee: see you all, thanks...
paristo: positiivinen
*** Replied (private) CTCP PING 908455644 from jaceee
*** PING delay for
paristo: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
ejuale: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
mattii: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
jaceee: 0 seconds
*** PING delay for
triXscan: 3 seconds
paristo: dangyou
*** Signoff: paristo (on a trés bien dejeuner, merci)
triXscan: thanks
triXscan: this was fun
jaceee: what about that critique on Fri22nd
*** DCC CHAT request from triXscan
jaceee: what about that critique on Fri22nd
triXscan: huhuu?
*** Replied (private) CTCP FACE from triXscan
*** ejuale has left channel #nso
*** Signoff: triXscan (Ping timeout for triXscan[user-kou2-125.dial.inet.fi])
Log file closed at: 15.10.98 16:33:06