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neoscenes occupation project 1
Jussi leads the Highland Cows on mandolin
neoscenes occupation project 1 took place during the 20-hour period from 0800 (GMT+2) November 27 through 0400 (GMT+2) November 28, 1998 live in Tornio, Finnish Lapland, at the Western Lapland College of Art and Media, and online via IRC, iVisit, and Real Audio/Video.
local node networkers: TORNIO, FINLAND -- Western Lapland College of Art and Media:

Tuomas Mathelein (web-graphics designer), Henri Peltola, Mikko Rönkä, Karri Pöykiö, Sari Winberg, Reeta Parkkinen, Mari Keski-Korsu, Eija Mäkivuoti, Tommi Piirainen, Toni Ylitalo, Johannes Collins, P. Nurmukumpu, Bono Estente, Antti Autio, Jukka Timonen
special thanks to Joona Järvelä, sysadmin, who slaves over the local server network, Coke in hand -- this event could not happen without his dedicated work!
remote contributors/participants:
Todd Marrone
Brad Brace
Helen Thorington
Mindaugas Gapsevicius
Ken Gregory
AND MORE... (this page to be updated soon -- 10.12.98!)
Special thanks to Kiasma
project 1 will be running during the following times (please note the changed ending time):
0800 (GMT+2) November 27 -- 0400 (GMT+2) November 28 (Helsinki)
Which is the same time as the following:
0700 (GMT+1) November 27 -- 0300 (GMT+1) November 28 (Central European Time)
0600 (GMT+0) November 27 -- 0200 (GMT+0) November 28 (London, Reykjavík)
0300 (GMT-5) November 27 -- 2300 (GMT-5) November 27 (EST - NYC)
0000 (GMT-8) November 27 -- 2000 (GMT-8) November 27 (PST - Los Angeles)
2300 (GMT-9) November 26 -- 1900 (GMT-9) November 27 (Anchorage, Alaska)
1500 (GMT+9) November 27 -- 1100 (GMT+9) November 28 (Toyko)
The schedule will be filled out as we go! -- well, you can see there was no time for that, so, basically, you had to be there!
0800 GMT+2 stuff
0900 more stuff
1100 Hafler Trio or so
1200 more stuff
1300 more stuff
1400 more stuff
1500 Live: The Highland Cows
1600 Live: The Highland Cows
1700 more stuff
1800 more stuff
1900 more stuff
2000 more stuff
2100 more stuff
2300 more stuff
2400 more stuff
0100 more stuff
0300 more stuff
November 20 -- Project one, while floundering in the midst of technical difficulties, WILL happen somehow. At the moment, we are only able to broadcast audio, but by Wednesday the 25th, we hope to have a new video card that can handle the streaming video. iVisit is not operating completely properly either, but at least we have email and IRC to rely on -- lo-tech is the BEST! PLEASE STAY TUNED TO THESE PAGES FOR UPDATES DURING THE 24-HOUR BROADCAST!
November 25 -- we have gotten real video to work, though bandwidth will be a problem -- RealVideo eats it up even though we have a very fast network here. iVisit works, but only with a direct IP connection.
November 26 -- no problem, KIASMA, the Finnish National Gallery/Museum of Contemporary Art, has loaned us one of their RealAudio/Video servers which we will use as a back-up...
November 27 -- it is now happening, 12 hours into the project, there are a dozen hard-cores hanging around the studio, the Highland Cows did their live happening several hours ago. Night has fallen like a brick on yer face.
it's over. 0300, and we ran out of material and steam.
updated: 30-Nov-2006 15:02
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30-Nov-2006 23:1930-Nov-2006 23:19